
Contact the obstetrician in the WeChat group and grab the safety of the premature baby in 15 minutes

Yangtze River Daily Wuhan client march 18 (reporter Liu Xuan correspondent Liu Wang) "The baby's current situation is very stable, my body has also recovered, thank you for making our mother and child safe." On the afternoon of March 17, Ms. Li, who had been discharged from the hospital and returned home to recuperate, dialed the WeChat video phone of Liu Liping, director of the obstetrics department of Wuhan Sixth Hospital (Affiliated Hospital of Jianghan University), and "reported" her recent situation to her.

Ms. Li, who lives in Rongke Tiancheng, is 36 years old this year, on the morning of March 5, she was 28 weeks pregnant + 3 days pregnant, she suddenly hemorrhaged with lower abdominal pain, and quickly contacted Liu Liping, director of the obstetrics department of the Sixth Hospital of the city, in the WeChat group. "Come to the hospital now!" Following Liu Liping's advice, Ms. Li rushed to the hospital 20 minutes later in the company of her mother. Liu Liping's examination found that Ms. Li's palace opening had been opened by 2 centimeters.

Contact the obstetrician in the WeChat group and grab the safety of the premature baby in 15 minutes

Director Liu Liping led the team to perform an emergency caesarean section for Ms. Li.

"It's placental abruption!" The child must be cut out as soon as possible, otherwise the mother and child will be in danger of life. "Liu Liping informed Ms. Li and her mother that the situation was critical, and quickly contacted anesthesia, operating room and pediatric specialists to prepare for the operation." Everything is up to you! Ms. Li tearfully said that her pregnancy was extremely difficult, this baby was not easy to come by, and she hoped that the doctor could do her best to save the child.

With the cooperation of the multidisciplinary team, Liu Liping took out a 1170-gram baby boy after 15 minutes. Bruising all over the body, loose limbs, no breathing, intrauterine asphyxia and premature birth, the newborn's condition is very dangerous. The pediatrician on standby in the operating room quickly clears the baby's airway, puts on a ventilator... A loud cry came, the newborn's face gradually turned rosy, breathing, hands and feet muscle strength gradually returned to normal, and then was escorted by the team to the neonatology department of the outer hospital for treatment.

Contact the obstetrician in the WeChat group and grab the safety of the premature baby in 15 minutes

Transport premature babies to the neonatology department in the outer hospital for treatment. Photo by correspondent Liu Wang

"I was lucky enough to choose a pregnancy test at the City No. 6 Hospital." Ms. Li told the Yangtze River Daily reporter that during the pregnancy test, at the invitation of Director Liu Liping, she joined the "Six Doctors BaoMa Group", and if there was discomfort or any question during pregnancy, as long as she asked in the group, she could get a timely reply, which made her very at ease. She said that if it was not for Director Liu's guidance to treat the doctor immediately and arrange surgery quickly, the consequences would be unimaginable.

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in premature babies, especially the increasing number of very low-weight babies under 1500 grams. Liu Liping revealed that most of the preterm birth causes are gestational hypertension syndrome; intrauterine infection during pregnancy; premature rupture of membranes, placental abruption or placenta previa; multiple pregnancies, excessive amniotic fluid, multiple miscarriages or a history of preterm birth. The increase in the number of elderly pregnant women, the increase in IVF and other assisted reproductive technologies, and the increase in the pressure of working and living in pregnant women during pregnancy are all important reasons for the increase in premature babies year by year.

She reminded that the prevention of premature babies should start from before pregnancy, pay attention to pre-pregnancy examinations, and strengthen pregnancy health care. Regular obstetric examinations during pregnancy are particularly important, especially for advanced women, who should see a doctor promptly if prenatal haemorrhage and signs of preterm birth are found.

【Editor: Lina Yu】

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