
100,000 Netizens Watched The Russian Embassy in China "killed crazy" on Weibo: Angrily rebuking nato from the United States

author:The global melon eating bureau

Take a look at the picture below to see that the Russian Embassy in China is completely "shark crazy" on Weibo!

100,000 Netizens Watched The Russian Embassy in China "killed crazy" on Weibo: Angrily rebuking nato from the United States

21 hours ago, the Russian Embassy in Beijing posted a picture on Chinese social media account and typed these words:

Look at the ugly face of a famous European and American media.

The United States attacked a country at a distance of ten thousand kilometers

The Economist: Come on!

Russia disarms and controls foreign forces used against the people of Donbass

The Economist: Unprovoked Invasion!

The subtext of the Russian Embassy is: Too faceless!

100,000 Netizens Watched The Russian Embassy in China "killed crazy" on Weibo: Angrily rebuking nato from the United States
100,000 Netizens Watched The Russian Embassy in China "killed crazy" on Weibo: Angrily rebuking nato from the United States

In this set of pictures posted by the Russian Embassy in China, it can be seen that The Economist magazine has reported on the US attack on Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and other countries.

Just look at the headlines of this famous magazine to see how funny and double-labeled:

100,000 Netizens Watched The Russian Embassy in China "killed crazy" on Weibo: Angrily rebuking nato from the United States

Invasion of Iraq, The Economist Title: Why Is It Just to Wage the War in Iraq?

100,000 Netizens Watched The Russian Embassy in China "killed crazy" on Weibo: Angrily rebuking nato from the United States

Invasion of Syria, the title of The Economist: We must set Syria free!

100,000 Netizens Watched The Russian Embassy in China "killed crazy" on Weibo: Angrily rebuking nato from the United States

Invasion of Afghanistan, the title of The Economist: a heartbreaking but necessary war.

100,000 Netizens Watched The Russian Embassy in China "killed crazy" on Weibo: Angrily rebuking nato from the United States

Invasion of Libya, the title of The Economist: A lesson must be taught to the tyrants!

However, when the Ukrainian flag appeared on the cover of The Economist magazine, the magazine used a creative design full of blood.

100,000 Netizens Watched The Russian Embassy in China "killed crazy" on Weibo: Angrily rebuking nato from the United States

The following domestic netizens are even more god to make up the knife, put on the screenshot of the interview of former President Trump.

100,000 Netizens Watched The Russian Embassy in China "killed crazy" on Weibo: Angrily rebuking nato from the United States

At that time, the reporter asked Trump: These tyrannical people have caused deep disasters to the people, just like a killer, what kind of punishment do you think should be punished?

Trump directly asked: Do you think the United States is innocent?

Some netizens directly threw out a cartoon:

100,000 Netizens Watched The Russian Embassy in China "killed crazy" on Weibo: Angrily rebuking nato from the United States

The image above shows a bear appearing to be bullying a man named "Ukraine."

The picture below shows the "Ukrainian" man holding a spear and threatening several cubs in the arms of the big bear.

Behind them are the United States, NATO and Britain, who are sneaking around and even booing.

The Russian Embassy in China has been completely "killing all sides" on the social platform of Chinese in the past few days:

The first climax was the direct forwarding of a message that angered the official Chinese social accounts of the US Embassy in China.

100,000 Netizens Watched The Russian Embassy in China "killed crazy" on Weibo: Angrily rebuking nato from the United States

At that time, the US Embassy in China accused Russia of blocking European and American media in Russia.

The Russian Embassy in China not only directly forwarded it, but also directly punched it in the face:

"From Twitter, Facebook, Youtube to Google, Ins, these European and American social platforms have directly deleted Russian accounts, which is what you call respecting the right to speech?"

Subsequently, the Russian Embassy in China directly played the video of the president's shouting to the people of Western countries, in order to denounce the hostility and blockade of Russia by NATO and other national teams:

100,000 Netizens Watched The Russian Embassy in China "killed crazy" on Weibo: Angrily rebuking nato from the United States

"The mistakes and difficulties of the Western countries are all caused by your ruling elites themselves. It is the result of their mistakes, short-sightedness and ambition. These elites are not thinking about how to improve the lives of their own citizens, but are obsessed with their own vested interests and excess profits. ”

Not only that, the Russian Embassy in China directly issued a celebration article of "Crimea's Return" and did not hesitate to put it on top to show its attitude.

100,000 Netizens Watched The Russian Embassy in China "killed crazy" on Weibo: Angrily rebuking nato from the United States

In the past few days, when the Russian Embassy in China launched a fierce "attack" on the US Embassy in China, more than 100,000 domestic netizens also watched the whole process, and some even directly joined the fierce battle.

Some netizens directly dumped various memes under the US Embassy in China.

The most famous is the "washing powder" meme that Powell presented at the United Nations with evidence of the so-called Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.

100,000 Netizens Watched The Russian Embassy in China "killed crazy" on Weibo: Angrily rebuking nato from the United States

Some netizens left messages below every message at the U.S. Embassy in China. Even netizens sighed: The Russian Embassy in China is completely "sharking" on the Chinese social platform!

"The intensity of this external propaganda is simply too strong!"

"I haven't seen any country's embassies abroad directly anger the United States for a long time!"

"It's the rhythm of going straight to war on Weibo."

One detail is that in just one week, due to the Russian Embassy in China in Chinese social platform "anger the United States, behead NATO", the number of social account fans has risen from the previous 300,000 to 500,000, an increase of more than 200,000.

100,000 Netizens Watched The Russian Embassy in China "killed crazy" on Weibo: Angrily rebuking nato from the United States

This is also one of the results of this "Weibo war".

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