
The latest research by the American research team found that women losing weight is not good for pregnancy

The latest research by the American research team found that women losing weight is not good for pregnancy


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If a woman is too obese before pregnancy, it is not only detrimental to her own health, but also may cause the development of the fetus after pregnancy to be affected.

Doctors often recommend weight loss for obese and difficult pregnancy, but a recent study found that losing weight is not good for fertility.

The latest research by the American research team found that women losing weight is not good for pregnancy

A randomized study of 379 women with obesity and unexplained infertility found that weight-reducing lifestyle changes were not helpful for conceiving a baby and giving birth to a healthy birth compared to simply increasing physical activity without losing weight.

Dr. Daniel J. Haisenleder, a researcher at the Center for Reproductive Research at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, said: "For decades, we have known that obese women often have difficulty getting pregnant. However, few studies have compared whether or not to lose weight with the odds of pregnancy.

For this reason, coupled with the desire to give their babies a healthy nurturing environment, many women will accept the advice of their doctors and lose weight before trying to conceive.

The center then conducted a study in which 379 participants were divided into two groups: the first group of women dieted vigorously using meal replacements, medications and increased physical activity, and the second group increased their physical activity without trying to lose weight. Both groups received three rounds of standard infertility treatment.

Women in the (first group) weight loss program ended up losing an average of 7% of their weight, while participants in the exercise group (the second group) only maintained their original weight. Ultimately, there was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of the frequency of healthy deliveries:

Group 1: Of the 188 women who completed a 16-week intensive weight loss program, a total of 23 eventually gave birth;

Group II: Of the 191 people who completed the pure exercise program, 29 gave birth.

While weight loss was not significantly helpful in healthy childbirth, intensive dieting programs provided health benefits for the first group of women. In addition to weight loss, they also found a significant reduction in the incidence of metabolic syndrome, reducing the risk of serious health problems such as diabetes, stroke and heart disease.

The latest research by the American research team found that women losing weight is not good for pregnancy

So, compared to simple physical exercise, weight loss didn't allow women to increase fertility or improve childbirth outcomes. Even though losing weight can bring benefits to a woman's physical health, this change does not improve fertility.


Weight loss improved the subjects' metabolic health, but unfortunately did not increase their chances of pregnancy.

Whether you are fat or thin, whether you have children or not, is up to the woman. But in order to better mental outlook and physical condition, female compatriots please maintain a healthy weight.

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The latest research by the American research team found that women losing weight is not good for pregnancy

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