
Ou Chuliang to Ou Chuliang? Gong Hanlin signed the football with the national football team, which was suspected of being a fake signature

Ou Chuliang to Ou Chuliang? Gong Hanlin signed the football with the national football team, which was suspected of being a fake signature

Live bar March 17 news Gong Hanlin recorded a video again today in response to the recent "national football storm". In the video, he posted a football in his collection, indicating that it had the signatures of fan zhiyi, Ma Mingyu, Ou Chuliang, Sun Jihai and other old national football teams.

But then this was questioned by some bloggers, saying that the signature on the ball was fake, and Ou Chuliang's name was also written as "Ou Chuliang", and Gong Hanlin himself also read Ou Chuliang as "Ou Chuliang".

Ou Chuliang to Ou Chuliang? Gong Hanlin signed the football with the national football team, which was suspected of being a fake signature

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