
Putin began to fight back, Russia directly "withdrew" and also asked for an investigation of the US biological laboratory

author:Sister America

The game of modern warfare is far more than a military contest, and diplomatic cross-cutting, intelligence warfare, economic sanctions and counter-sanctions have all been vividly demonstrated in the War between Russia and Ukraine.

If you are not fully prepared and adjust your strategy in time according to changes in the situation, even if you win tactically, you may lose strategically.

It can be seen that western countries led by the United States have joined forces to strangle the Russian economy, including kicking out the SWIFT mechanism, freezing Russia's gold and foreign exchange reserves, stopping the import of various Russian products, and leaving the Russian market one after another.

On the other hand, the increase in troops in Poland, the holding of military exercises, and the provision of military aid and economic support to Ukraine are all attempts made by the United States to contain Russia and help Ukraine gain a foothold.

Putin began to fight back, Russia directly "withdrew" and also asked for an investigation of the US biological laboratory

It is undeniable that the Russian army has achieved certain advantages in Ukraine, such as capturing the southern important town of Kherson and currently besieging Mariupol, but in general, the war situation is still glued, and Russia and Ukraine have paid a heavy casualty price.

As UN Secretary-General António Guterres has said, there are only losers and no winners in this war. If you continue to fight, the result will only be a lose-lose situation, with thousands of Ukrainians suffering and American arms dealers reaping the benefits.

But it is almost certain that putin will not hastily stop military operations until the strategic purpose is achieved, otherwise Russia will "lose its wife and fold its troops."

Judging from Putin's successive moves, Russia is adjusting its strategy. For Ukraine, Russia has chosen to talk while fighting, for the European Union, Putin is relatively "restrained", and for the United States, Britain and Canada, Moscow has chosen to retaliate with tit-for-tat.

Putin began to fight back, Russia directly "withdrew" and also asked for an investigation of the US biological laboratory

On March 15, Russia put together a list of sanctions, and the 13 people on the list were all heavyweights in the United States, including President Biden, Secretary of State Blinken, Pentagon Chief Austin, and Top Military General Millie... Most notably, Putin's "old rival" Hillary Clinton, and the scandal-ridden son Hunter.

For the United States, Russia's sanctions can be described as "not hurtful, extremely insulting" because the measure is "to ban 13 people from entering Russia", but at the moment, even if Putin invites Biden to Moscow for talks, Biden may not go.

The longer the Russo-Ukrainian war lasted, the more the United States would gain, as long as the shells did not fall into Poland. At a time when Europe is quarreling over the refugee crisis, the energy crisis, and the security crisis, U.S. arms dealers are making a lot of money on the sidelines. In addition, whether it is true or false, under the deterrence of the "armored torrent" of the Russian army, Latvia, Estonia, Finland and other countries must be forced to fall to the United States.

Putin began to fight back, Russia directly "withdrew" and also asked for an investigation of the US biological laboratory

Incidentally, it has also hit the euro and maintained the hegemony of the dollar, how can the United States be considered the biggest winner, so why should the United States mediate the conflict?

Of course, Putin's response goes far beyond that. On the 15th, Russia announced its withdrawal from the European Commission, Russia believes that the European Union and NATO have undermined the European Commission, and the West is trying to replace international law with its own order, and its behavior is unbearable.

The result of intolerable is a direct "withdrawal from the group", in Putin's words, That Russia is unwilling to live a life of humility.

Earlier, Russia also included 48 countries and regions in the list of "unfriendly to Russia" and said that Russian entities and individuals can "temporarily" use rubles to repay the debts of these countries or regions.

Russia has also issued a series of warnings to Western countries, such as the establishment of a "no-fly zone" in Ukraine is equivalent to war against Russia, the cost of providing military assistance to Ukraine, and the fact that it will never show mercy to foreign mercenaries.

Putin began to fight back, Russia directly "withdrew" and also asked for an investigation of the US biological laboratory

If the sanctions against Biden are "thunderous and rainy", allowing rubles to repay the foreign debt of the United States and the European Union and warning Western countries is to hit the "seven inches" of the United States and Europe.

For Russia, there are three main priorities.

1, early victory, force Ukraine to sign the alliance under the city, and then withdraw its troops.

2, break the Western sanctions, to avoid a sharp decline in the Russian economy.

3, to create a better international image, and strive to make friends more, and make enemies less.

So there was such a scene: in order to expand oil exports, Russia chose to give India and Turkey preferential prices in exchange for the two countries bypassing the dollar and importing Russian oil.

Putin began to fight back, Russia directly "withdrew" and also asked for an investigation of the US biological laboratory

Erdogan and Modi have chosen to help Russia ease their immediate needs, with Turkey saying it can be settled in gold and rubles, and India saying it can be settled in rupees and rubles.

Russia's economic pillar is oil and gas exports, the biggest buyer is the European Union, but at the moment, Germany and the European Union are making preparations to "get rid of Russia's energy dependence", the EUROPEAN Union has targeted Iran, and the United States has chosen to turn to Venezuela for help.

Therefore, preventing Iran from "defecting" to the United States and Europe is particularly important for Russia. When the United States is about to sign an agreement with Iran, Russia has asked the United States to "guarantee that it will not undermine economic and military cooperation between Russia and Iran", to put it bluntly, Russia wants to break Western sanctions through Iran.

Putin began to fight back, Russia directly "withdrew" and also asked for an investigation of the US biological laboratory

On March 15, the Russian and Iranian foreign ministers held talks, and Lavrov stressed that thanks to Iran's position on the Ukraine issue, Russia will strengthen cooperation with Iran.

On the 13th, when the Russian-Ukrainian conflict was raging, Iran attacked the US consulate and military base with missiles, although it was wrong, and Iran's rhetoric was to retaliate against Israel, but clear-eyed people knew that Iran was deliberately looking for trouble for the United States.

In fact, Iran is in a dilemma. Because of the unoptimistic economy, Iran urgently needs to get rid of US sanctions and resume oil exports to the EU india, and the United States has also released the signal that "as long as the Iranian nuclear agreement is signed, Iran will export oil to the world". The question is that Iran does not know whether the United States will "rebel", 3 years later, if Trump comes back and tears up the Iranian nuclear agreement again, how will Iran be good?

Another thing is that the reason why the United States has been slow to act on Iran is largely because There is Russia standing behind Iran, and if Iran seizes the oil and gas market that belongs to Russia, it will more or less hurt Russia-Iran relations.

Putin began to fight back, Russia directly "withdrew" and also asked for an investigation of the US biological laboratory

On the one hand, Iran's national interests, on the other hand, the friendship with Russia, no matter how to choose, Iran will lose something and gain.

For Russia, it may be more difficult to gain a foothold internationally than to revive its economy. Although Russia emphasizes that it is launching a special military operation in Ukraine, in the eyes of the Western countries led by the United States, Russia is "invading" Ukraine, and the United Nations has repeatedly asked Putin to withdraw troops from Ukraine. India and Pakistan, which refuse to take sides and remain neutral, have been under pressure from the West.

At this time, Russia seized the handle of the United States, that is, "the United States developed biological weapons in Ukraine."

In short, Russia says it has evidence of the U.S. biology lab in Ukraine, which has conducted experiments, including bat coronavirus samples, to study biological weapons.

Putin began to fight back, Russia directly "withdrew" and also asked for an investigation of the US biological laboratory

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on March 15 that the U.S. behavior threatened people's lives by calling for an investigation into the U.S. establishment of a biological laboratory in Ukraine.

Earlier, at the United Nations Security Council, the United States and Russia representatives had debated the matter endlessly, and Russia vowed to emphasize that the United States had conducted biological weapons experiments in Ukraine, and the United States condemned Russia as "nonsense".

So far, the United States has not come up with convincing evidence, nor has it allowed representatives of the United Nations, THE World Health Organization and other countries to go to bases such as Fort Detrick to see what is going on, which is clearly a thief's heart.

If it has a clear conscience, the United States may wish to come up with evidence instead of hiding it.

On the question of whether there is a biological weapon to be developed, it is time for the United States to give an account to the world.

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