
Time, filled with memories of the past

Time is filled with memories of the past; years have condensed eternal friendship; greetings have narrowed the distance of the heart; the heart, let the worries always be in the heart!

Time, filled with memories of the past

Based on today, we polish our eyes, walk through the years that passed yesterday, ignite new hopes, let go of new dreams, and shuttle through the tunnels of days. Today, another starting point, another round of sunrise, please open the window of your heart and embrace the sunshine! Embrace today!

Time, filled with memories of the past

Nanshan's heartbeat is still continuing, our footsteps have not stopped, the dream is ahead, the future is also ahead. Don't linger, don't hesitate, let your dreams fly! Look to the future!

Time, filled with memories of the past

Life is like this four-season cycle. Spring, is an innocent childhood, happy and beautiful; Xia, is a sweaty young man, hard but full; Autumn is to look back on the past old age, loneliness and joy; Winter, the end of a lifetime, is buried by thick snow. What I fear most is not the death of winter, but the desolation of autumn.

Time, filled with memories of the past

Once, I thought about it over and over again, complained in my heart over and over again, and held my self-esteem over and over again, trying to seal off all the past. In this love, no one has been right, no one is wrong, so there will be today's pain. In this love, they have loved each other, they have hated each other, they have missed bitterly and desperately fled. In this love, they all flee again and again, find the same way again and again, hurt each other again and again, and then sleep with each other in the long night.

Time, filled with memories of the past

Everyone has a past that can't be looked back on, and every past has a sad story. Each story carries an ageless legend. In this legend I play my sorrow alone.

(Zhang Yaozhong)

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