
315 Anti-Counterfeiting Topic: How Deep Can Mobile Marketing Routines Be

Nowadays, mobile phones have become a necessity for almost every user, there are needs for receiving phone calls and WeChat communication when going out, and you can watch dramas and play mobile games at any time when you rest at home, and how to use the most favorable price to start a cost-effective mobile phone has also become a very highly discussed topic.

315 Anti-Counterfeiting Topic: How Deep Can Mobile Marketing Routines Be

Having said that, not every user understands the parameters of the mobile phone so thoroughly, and there are not a few consumers who are "fooled" by the octa-core processor and AI intelligent face recognition claimed by the merchant. Just as the annual 315 party is about to start, the author will summarize the "routines" that often appear in the mobile phone leaflets to help users polish their eyes.

01 Extreme Speed Octa-Core Processor Smooth Gaming? Ann Rabbit 60,000 points

If the user's budget is not enough to consider starting a low-end mobile phone, the performance must be the most important. An excellent mobile phone chip can greatly enhance the performance of the mobile phone, extend the service life, and further increase the cost performance. Some merchants will make a fuss about the processor and use similar words like "octa-core processor" to confuse users to buy.

315 Anti-Counterfeiting Topic: How Deep Can Mobile Marketing Routines Be

ZOL in order to help users buy mobile phones correctly, once used the price of 3, 400 yuan to buy a copycat machine advertised as an "eight-core processor" and tested and disassembled, and finally found that it has a built-in MT6763 processor, including 16nm octa-core ARM@Cortex-A53, and the 2016 "cost-effective god U" Snapdragon 625 performance is relatively close, almost AnTu Rabbit 60,000 points, "Glory of the King" barely moved, smooth game can not think.

315 Anti-Counterfeiting Topic: How Deep Can Mobile Marketing Routines Be

HTC has released entry-level machines equipped with this chip abroad

As an entry-level chip, MT6763 although it does have built-in octa-core, but the mobile phone industry processor iteration is very fast, the same is the price of the hundred yuan machine can definitely buy some chips stronger mobile phones, before buying a new machine, please look for detailed information in the detail page, parameter table and other tables, do not be confused by the "eight cores" and other numbers.

02 Rear five-camera hyper-perception lens? Just one can be used

Now many copycat machines on the market in order to maintain the beauty of the fuselage, and flagship mobile phones use multi-camera modules, but in fact, only one can be used to take pictures, and the others are the so-called "exterior decorative pieces". The following poster leaflet is an example, which says super-perception lens, attached with a star ring type rear shooting rendering picture with a high value, and the small words below say "one of the main cameras", so honest is also making people cry and laugh.

315 Anti-Counterfeiting Topic: How Deep Can Mobile Marketing Routines Be

Not only these cottage machines, but also some big manufacturers will also make a fuss about the lens parameters on cheap models. The most typical is the pixel of the mobile phone, many thousand yuan machines are advertised to be equipped with 48 million, 64 million or even 100 million pixels HD main camera, but the actual imaging effect still depends largely on the CMOS photosensitive element, as well as the manufacturer's built-in algorithms. The stronger the processor performance, the more detailed and powerful the post-processing of the photo, which is also the reason why many high-pixel low-end mobile phones take blurry photos.

Of course, this is not to say that pixels have little impact on the finished film, many large bottom high pixel main cameras can still shoot comparable to SLR films, but the price of these mobile phones is generally higher, has been separated from the ranks of low-end mobile phones, the number of users increases, the evaluation of the machine is more detailed. Consumers still need to shop around when buying mobile phones, and look for local evaluations online in advance to avoid stepping on the pit.

031700nit brightness? Local excitation is up to and included for reference only

Screen is also a major focus of the user when buying a mobile phone, manufacturers generally use "nit value" to indicate brightness, it is a common way to express the brightness of the device in the industry, the higher the value of the higher the brightness, the higher the screen of the nit value means that the user can get a better viewing experience when watching HDR video under strong sunlight.

315 Anti-Counterfeiting Topic: How Deep Can Mobile Marketing Routines Be

After turning on the HDR mode, the light and shade of the picture are more restored and look more comfortable

At the press conference, some manufacturers may use similar words such as "the peak brightness of our mobile phone's screen can reach up to 1700nits, and the iPhone 13 only has 1200nits" to show how good their screens are when releasing new machines. However, the brightness of the 1700nits of this machine is only "local excitation brightness", which can only appear briefly in part of the screen, and the maximum brightness (typical brightness) that can be adjusted manually is 5, 600nit, and the iPhone 13 can reach 800nit, and the daily experience is "completely exploded".

315 Anti-Counterfeiting Topic: How Deep Can Mobile Marketing Routines Be

Screen nit value of this parameter, manufacturers now when the vast majority of publicity will only mention more than 1000 "stimulation brightness", the number is indeed very good-looking, but with daily use is relatively detached, after all, more than 90% of the use of time is not involved in such a high local stimulation brightness, can only be used as a parameter of reference screen technology, is not the decisive reason for buying a mobile phone.

04AI face recognition, off-screen fingerprint recognition? One click to enter!

Finally, I would like to mention a promotional routine commonly found in low-cost mobile phones: AI face recognition & fingerprint unlocking. As we all know, the recent generations of iPhone series can quickly 3D scan the face through the sensors and dot matrix projectors built into the front camera module, which is the top level of face recognition in the current mobile phone field, and the so-called "AI face recognition" claimed by most copycat machines is basically pure 2D scanning after testing, and the photos are swept away.

315 Anti-Counterfeiting Topic: How Deep Can Mobile Marketing Routines Be
315 Anti-Counterfeiting Topic: How Deep Can Mobile Marketing Routines Be

We can see that the second poster in the picture above advertises that the machine has "AI infrared face unlock", and its built-in "octa-core processor" has not enough performance processing, learning the user's facial features We do not mention for the time being, how does a front camera in the propaganda map do infrared scanning? It can only be said that this wave of slogans and posters "do not work well".

As for the fingerprint recognition under the screen, it is even more evil, these mobile phones are basically not pressed at once, and they are unlocked by pressing hard twice, which is actually a complete decoration. Screen fingerprint unlock is a patent for OLED screens, 90% of these cottage machines have adopted cheaper LCD screens, the current mainstream mobile phones must have under-screen fingerprints, and even the future may become the mainstream of the under-screen camera is completely unpadd, contrast, screen response time and other aspects have also been OLED explosion.

315 Anti-Counterfeiting Topic: How Deep Can Mobile Marketing Routines Be

Comparison of LCD and OLED screen structures

05 Summary

In recent years, in order to make a differentiated advantage with the same category of mobile phones, mobile phone manufacturers continue to work the track of performance, screen, charging, etc., more and more new terms make users dazzled, and users who usually do not pay attention to the mobile phone industry see that those English letters are really big, which gives some businesses the opportunity to use the multi-core processor to touch the water.

Nowadays, when users buy mobile phones, when they shop around, they must not only pay attention to the price, the knowledge in the specification parameters can be great. If you do not have a thorough understanding of mobile phones, the author recommends that you still buy mobile phone products of mobile phone manufacturers such as Xiaomi, OPPO, vivo, etc. In order to develop user groups, these manufacturers have launched too many series of mobile phones for users to choose in different price segments, and it is more reassuring to buy mobile phones from large factories.


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