
No wonder no one dares to participate in the banquet, you see how much momentum the banquet has

No wonder no one dares to participate in the banquet, you see how much momentum the banquet has

(Snail Watch Journey to the West No. 6240)


The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother should be the most popular gods in the Three Realms to hold banquets, their banquets are almost full, and it is Rulai who likes to hold banquets, on the contrary, Rulai's banquet momentum is too great, so big that everyone does not want to experience the second time.

The banquet of the Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor was popular because the gods were profitable.

The peach party held by the Queen Mother is a banquet that the gods and immortals like to see, because the gods can eat the peach here, and the peach can help the immortals to live forever.

The banquet held by the Jade Emperor is the Antian Assembly, its alias is the Celebration Banquet, the immortals only need to go to the scene, they do not need to bear any expenses, nor do they need to pay anything, the key moment claps their hands to activate the atmosphere, in addition, they can also get connections from here, because the Jade Emperor only distributes invitations to the high-grade immortals.

The banquets held in the future are different, this banquet is the Longhua Festival and the Obon Meeting.

One of the members who participated in the Dragon Society was Vilampa Bodhisattva.

After tang monks were poisoned by the centipede essence of the Hundred Eyes Demon King, Sun Wukong and this monster PK, the results proved that Brother Monkey was overwhelmed by this demon, so he had to find helpers, at the critical moment, the old mother of Lishan appeared next to Wukong as an old woman, and recommended Vilambo Bodhisattva for Brother Monkey, and before leaving, she also explained that she must not betray her.

No wonder no one dares to participate in the banquet, you see how much momentum the banquet has

Following these words, Sun Wukong found Vilambhava Bodhisattva.

Vilambhava told Brother Monkey, "I just came back from the Longhua Meeting, and when I saw that your master was in trouble, I pretended to be a filial wife and borrowed the name of my husband's funeral to save him from death." Go and ask him. ”

The Longhua Society was a banquet held in Rulai, at which Vilambhava received the task, and after returning from the banquet, she went straight to the retreat, waiting for the arrival of the Tang monks and disciples before she could appear, and then only needed to come out to help subdue the youkai.

In addition, Rulai held another banquet, the Obon Meeting.

Zhen Yuanzi gave an order to his employees before leaving Wuzhuangguan and left, the task is to prepare two ginseng fruits for Tang Monk, remember to avoid Sun Wukong.

When Qingfeng Mingyue asked the reason, Zhen Yuanzi finally explained that in the Obon Meeting five hundred years ago, the golden cicada handed him a cup of tea, which was his return gift. Because of this secret mission, Qingfeng Mingyue provoked a series of stories of Sun Wukong.

No wonder no one dares to participate in the banquet, you see how much momentum the banquet has

Therefore, the immortals prefer to attend the banquet of the Heavenly Garden, and they get the state here, but rulai is different, rulai will arrange tasks for them, which is a unilateral effort. The immortals are all profitable people, who can make them more profitable, who they are more inclined to. The popularity of the Jade Emperor and Rulai is clear at a glance.

Go to the "Snail To See the Journey to the West" public number, you can see the related article "Who is the only immortal who is invited by the Peach Society but does not come every year?" 》

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