
Is IVF reliable? Is it credible?

Presumably friends who have learned about IVF know that in general, those infertile couples who cannot conceive naturally due to their own reasons are basically through IVF to get pregnant with a baby. Although infertile people need to get pregnant through this technology, but because it does not guarantee an absolute success rate, and the cost is still relatively expensive for the average family, so many people are looking forward to it, they feel that if they fail, it is not in vain, then, Thai IVF is not reliable? Let's analyze it together with Hengjian Overseas!

Is IVF reliable? Is it credible?

Analyze Thai test tubes from three perspectives

1. Analyze from a technical point of view

The third generation of IVF technology, known as preimplantation genetic diagnosis/screening, refers to a test for successfully developed embryos, or blastocysts, that removes abnormal chromosomes and transfers only high-quality, healthy embryos into the maternal uterine cavity. This greatly improves the success rate, reduces the risk of early miscarriage, and achieves the dual goals of eugenics and eugenics, and reducing the incidence of birth defects.

3. Analyze from the perspective of the medical system

Thailand's medical system is relatively complete, providing a guarantee for patients. Because the Thai government and government attach great importance to the medical cause, in recent years, a large number of human, material and financial resources have been invested in the development of the medical field. After 41 years of development, Thailand's medical system has gradually improved and perfected, Thai test tube doctors, from the patient's point of view, combined with the actual physical condition of patients, very personalized to develop a scientific treatment plan.

Is IVF reliable? Is it credible?

3. Analyze from the cost

Compared with European and American countries, Thailand is not so far, the price level is also much lower, Thailand belongs to neighboring countries, comprehensive comparison, or more people are willing to go to Thailand, the cost performance is very high.

4. IVF service agency in Thailand

This is also a very critical point, in many institutions, the selection of reliable, high degree of trust, in order to help patients improve the success rate, so to choose a professional and experienced service company, it is best to visit the site.

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