
Why did Russia launch the "Ukraine" war?

author:Dream dragonfly 109039676

War is the world's most harmful weapon to human beings, but also human beings can not determine the source of happiness in life, so I hope that the world is far away from the fireworks of war, but also a little peace and happiness in the society of human life, and I hope that those human scum who provoke war for no reason can be effectively punished.

Why did Russia launch the "Ukraine" war?

△ Image of the ukrainian state position being hit by missile strikes.

Why did Russia launch the "Ukraine" war?

The above figure is part of the record of the damage of the war market, but there will be more tragic costs in the war, so we also need to know some of the root causes of the war, who is right and who is wrong in the war between Russia and Ukraine? Let's let the German congresswoman in the video show her unique way of looking at the problem, which is the real vision!

The debate forum said that the Ukrainian government, in order to join the "NATO", openly resisted the policies of the Russian government and insisted on acting in pursuit of its own goals and development.

Why did Russia launch the "Ukraine" war?
Why did Russia launch the "Ukraine" war?
Why did Russia launch the "Ukraine" war?
Why did Russia launch the "Ukraine" war?
Why did Russia launch the "Ukraine" war?
Why did Russia launch the "Ukraine" war?

Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a bit wrong, but some things are forced, the ancients have clouds: the son is not the fault of the godfather, and Russia may be the role of the "father" in this dispute, such a thing should understand how much who is right and who is wrong, right? Why, you might ask? Here's a screenshot of my previous review to give you a better understanding of Russia and Ukraine:

Why did Russia launch the "Ukraine" war?

△ Comment on the remarks of the President of Ukraine (screenshot).

Among them, the female parliamentarians said on the "finishing touches":

Why did Russia launch the "Ukraine" war?
Why did Russia launch the "Ukraine" war?
Why did Russia launch the "Ukraine" war?
Why did Russia launch the "Ukraine" war?
Why did Russia launch the "Ukraine" war?

In the absence of war, the Russian government gave the Ukrainian government a "neutral" status, but the Ukrainian government did not adopt it at all:

Why did Russia launch the "Ukraine" war?
Why did Russia launch the "Ukraine" war?

It is not an exaggeration to mention that Russia was forced to embark on the road to war, and "this statement also means that Russian politics is to sacrifice a little price now to save the future disaster" (below):

Why did Russia launch the "Ukraine" war?

Just the losses of war to the country and the people are very large (below):

Why did Russia launch the "Ukraine" war?

The Ukrainian government believes that "Federal Defense" really harms itself ...

Why did Russia launch the "Ukraine" war?
Why did Russia launch the "Ukraine" war?

Facts tell us that everything is really imagined and has to rely on its own thinking to distinguish between good and bad, such as the current United States to provide weapons, is the Ukrainian government well-intentioned? Who persuaded the rack to provide knives and weapons?

Why did Russia launch the "Ukraine" war?

Comments on Ukrainian mercenaries (screenshot).

The above-mentioned Ukrainian mercenaries are clearly chaos elements, and the leaders of the Ukrainian government have no intention of knowing what is wrong and can change it, or they want to rely on pro-American organizations to win, and the result is to kill the Ukrainian people as funerary goods.

I predict that if the "NATO" organization dares to continue to expand into the war between Russia and Ukraine, some of the countries that disintegrated the former "Soviet Union" will certainly continue to unite against foreign invasion, and the war will be even bigger...

However, I believe that it is possible for the US government to make small moves, and if it openly sends troops to unite with other countries to surround and kill Russia, because there may not be a country that dares to send troops to join other countries, so the War in Ukraine may end early, and it may continue to end the results of the talks.

I hope for world peace and development, and I hope that the people will live a safe and happy life.

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