
Fuel vehicles can only run 500km when they are full of fuel, so why are they still reluctant to choose electric vehicles with a range of 500km

There are snail friends in the background asking: Fuel vehicles are full of fuel to run 500km, why are they still reluctant to choose electric vehicles with a range of 500km?

Fuel vehicles can only run 500km when they are full of fuel, so why are they still reluctant to choose electric vehicles with a range of 500km

Good question. In recent years, everyone has often heard a word called "mileage anxiety", right? This term actually became popular with the popularity of electric vehicles. In the era of traditional fuel vehicles, car owners are most concerned about whether the fuel consumption is high or not, because this is really related to their wallets. However, how long a tank of fuel can run, mileage or whatever, in fact, do not care at all. I'm sure many car owners don't even know how many litres of fuel tanks are in their cars.

Fuel vehicles can only run 500km when they are full of fuel, so why are they still reluctant to choose electric vehicles with a range of 500km

Why? Because of the maturity and density of the domestic refueling network. You just don't go to too remote and deserted areas, basically wait until you drive to the gas meter alarm light on and then go to find the gas station; more importantly, the gas station does not have different service providers, different app compatibility, no equipment failure or offline, closed and other problems, no matter where the gas station, you just need to park the car next to the gas dispenser, and then everything is handed over to the gas workers to solve, and finally pay to leave.

Electric vehicles are not like this at all, I can simply share the experience of being a professional car reviewer or even a car owner, these old people test and daily use of a large number of electric vehicles:

In the previous years when the general mileage was less than 500 kilometers and the urban charging network facilities were not perfect, the "mileage anxiety" of driving electric vehicles was really everywhere. Even if you're in the city for everyday use, and you're not half of the electricity, you start to worry, "What if you run another run without power?" Usually, with a little spare time, you will also think: "Do you want to charge the car for a while?" ”

In short, the car is full of electricity, you will have a sense of satisfaction and achievement, the mood is very cool; insufficient power or can not be charged, you will be anxious and unhappy.

Charging has basically become an important keyword in your daily life.

Fuel vehicles can only run 500km when they are full of fuel, so why are they still reluctant to choose electric vehicles with a range of 500km

As for cross-city travel, at that time, you don't even think about it, I ran several intercity cruises that were not far away, all of which were less than 300 kilometers away, and experienced quite a lot of pain.

Of course, in recent years, whether it is the development of electric vehicle technology or the popularization of charging facilities, and the previous years are completely different, recently, even we [Snail Car] have bought two electric vehicles as work cars: a zero-run C11, the official endurance of 600 kilometers.

Fuel vehicles can only run 500km when they are full of fuel, so why are they still reluctant to choose electric vehicles with a range of 500km

The other Polar Fox Alpha S, even more powerful, broke through 700 kilometers.

Fuel vehicles can only run 500km when they are full of fuel, so why are they still reluctant to choose electric vehicles with a range of 500km

That from the perspective of our real experience of use during this time. In areas with perfect charging facilities like first-tier cities, daily urban cars basically solve the anxiety of mileage and the problem of charging. You think, more than 500 kilometers of endurance, you almost half a month to charge a power is almost, really not a toss; if like our company's basement, there are already a lot of public slow charging piles, every day when parking, you are used to plugging in slow charging, then you don't even have to pay attention to the problems of charging and power.

Fuel vehicles can only run 500km when they are full of fuel, so why are they still reluctant to choose electric vehicles with a range of 500km

However, when we plan to travel across the city, there will still be all kinds of entanglements and hesitations. For example, will the distance be too far? Do I need to recharge halfway? Where to charge after arriving in the destination city? Do I want to download the APP in advance? If the charging pile is broken, where is the alternative charging station? Wait a minute. Your entire trip, how many times you plan to charge, when to charge, you must have a plan in advance. Still can't do like the fuel car, regardless of the north of the sky, a foot on the throttle to go away, so simple and direct worry-free.

In addition, electric vehicles have two unique small troubles: First, the actual mileage is too affected by the environment, such as low temperatures in winter, full air conditioning in summer, and even high-power driving over long distances on the highway, which will cause a sharp reduction in mileage and disrupt your original ether plan.

Fuel vehicles can only run 500km when they are full of fuel, so why are they still reluctant to choose electric vehicles with a range of 500km

Second, in case of misfortune, the car runs out of power and is lying on the road. The fuel car is simple, go to the nearby gas station to load a bottle of gasoline back, add it and drive away. If you have a suction pipe and a little oil from a passing car, you're out of trouble; but if it's an electric car, it's trouble. Either contact the trailer or ask for a professional charging truck, there is no other way

So, in summary, I think: with the continuous breakthrough of the mileage. The "range anxiety" of electric vehicles will gradually reduce, but it is not yet possible to solve it completely; what to do? Either you have two cars at home, an electric car for daily urban use, and a fuel car for long-distance travel backup; or you can consider buying a PHEV plug-in hybrid model, taking into account the advantages of both cars.

Fuel vehicles can only run 500km when they are full of fuel, so why are they still reluctant to choose electric vehicles with a range of 500km

Of course, in the end, I want to emphasize that what I am talking about today is really not pouring cold water on electric vehicles! The advantages of electric cars are still many, and I have talked a lot about them in the show before, at least a little:

At the moment when the price of oil has risen into this ghost, even The No. 92 oil has broken through the 8 yuan mark, driving an electric car is really too much to save money!

Fuel vehicles can only run 500km when they are full of fuel, so why are they still reluctant to choose electric vehicles with a range of 500km

March 10 gasoline price list of all provinces and cities in the country

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