
In her later years, Soong Ching Ling: The adopted daughter became her "foot", why did she refuse to be buried with Sun Yat-sen?


As we all know, the Republic of China has Four Major Families of Jiang, Song, Kong, and Chen, and the economic lifeblood of the Nationalist period is basically in the hands of these four families, and the Song family is undoubtedly the strongest of these four families. At its peak, the Song family was also awarded the title of "Song Family Dynasty", which had a huge impact on the entire course of Chinese history, and most importantly, there were many representative figures in the Song family.

When it comes to the two sisters of the Song family in the Republic of China period, our first reaction is usually envy, Song Qingling is dignified and elegant, Song Meiling is flamboyant and fashionable, and the sisters are not only born noble, but also married very well. Her sister Soong Ching Ling was married to Sun Yat-sen, the founder of the Republic of China, while her sister Soong Mei Ling was married to the Kuomintang leader Chiang Kai-shek, and although she was Chiang Kai-shek's third wife, Soong Mei Ling was deeply trusted and loved by Chiang Kai-shek, and Chiang Kai-shek was also a political strongman who was evenly matched.

In her later years, Soong Ching Ling: The adopted daughter became her "foot", why did she refuse to be buried with Sun Yat-sen?

The marriage of the sisters was once envied, but compared with Song Meiling, who has always been on the top, the old age of the sister Song Qingling is painful. He could not meet with his family because of political disagreements, and even if he adopted a daughter, he would be slandered by people with hearts.

In 1915, Song Qingling insisted on being with Sun Yat-sen despite the opposition of his family, and the life of the two after marriage was as sweet as ten years, but the nature of Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary work was full of dangers. In 1922, Soong Ching Ling became pregnant with Sun Yat-sen's first child, but unfortunately Chen Jiongming launched a mutiny this year, and Soong Ching Ling unfortunately miscarried in order to cover Sun Yat-sen's departure and was so severe that he had his womb removed, which also meant that Soong Ching Ling would never have his own children for the rest of his life.

After the death of Sun Yat-sen in 1925, Soong Ching Ling was left alone in this world, fortunately, there were two little angels appearing, so as not to make Soong Qing Ling's later life too sad. The two children are Sui Yongqing and Sui Yongjie, the children of Sui Xuefang, Song Qingling's guard secretary. When Sui Yongqing was born, Song Qingling was already 64 years old, and she was doomed to be a mother in this life, and she simply loved this lovely child. Maybe it was really fate, Sui Yongqing had been smiling when he was held in Song Qingling's arms, he didn't recognize life at all, looking at the little person who was so big in his arms, Song Qingling's heart was about to melt.

Perhaps this child was sent by heaven to save Song Qingling, and everyone around Song Qingling knew that she had a fetish for cleanliness, but she could allow Sui Yongqing to pee on her. Everyone hurriedly rushed to take the child in their arms away and let Song Qingling go to wash it, but Song Qingling was afraid of frightening her and even endured the smell of urine until Sui Yongqing was asleep before she was willing to let go.

Perhaps in order not to make himself so lonely, Song Qingling took Sui Yongqing to his home after Sui Yongqing peed on her. Because the security of the place where he lived was not very good, Song Qingling wrote a letter to his friend Chen Mosheng before the children arrived to ask her to help buy two whistles for herself. It turned out that she was afraid that the children would encounter danger, so she deliberately found two whistles so that they could call for help in time when they encountered danger. It can be seen that Song Qingling is really very concerned about these two children.

In her later years, Soong Ching Ling: The adopted daughter became her "foot", why did she refuse to be buried with Sun Yat-sen?

Sui Yongqing

She took Sui Yongqing every day like her own biological child, telling her stories, reading English, and playing with her every day. Song Qingling really accepted Sui Yongqing as an adopted daughter and started from a painting, Song Qingling once again pointed to the portrait of his mother on the wall after eating and said to Sui Yongqing that this is my mother, and originally did not expect children to understand, but Sui Yongqing blurted out "She is the wife's mother" after listening to it. But when I asked her again the next day, the child was confused and blurted out "Mrs. Mama" again. Sui Yongqing's strange title caused everyone to laugh, since the title has two words for mother, simply push the boat along the water to accept Sui Yongqing as an adopted daughter.

After that, the two sisters of the Sui family naturally lived with Song Qingling, and their mode of getting along was no different from that of their biological mother and daughter. Song Qingling will take them wherever she goes, usually there is nothing to dress them up, and Song Qingling also tries her best to meet the requirements of the two little girls. Song Qingling can be said to have given everything for these two children, she has been strong and independent all her life and has never easily asked for people, but in order to please the children, she often entrusts people to bring all kinds of new things from abroad. When she was financially stressed, she also borrowed money to send her children to study abroad for the development of her children, and behind Song Qingling's unlimited pampering of these two children was the embodiment of her deep loneliness after becoming a widow.

What is even more pitiful is that she also lost her own family at the same time as she lost her husband, and her sister Song Meiling naturally became a faction of the Kuomintang because she married Chiang Kai-shek, but the other brothers and sisters in the family also chose the Kuomintang, which led to Song Qingling becoming an isolated goose in the family. Soong Ching-ling's choice is both a manifestation of loyalty to his own heart and a loyalty to the political path chosen by his deceased husband Sun Yat-sen. In 1927, Soong Ching-ling published a protest against Chiang Kai-shek's violation of Sun Yat-sen's political views in the magazine of the People's Forum, a move that marked a complete break with the Kuomintang and its leader, Chiang Kai-shek.

In her later years, Soong Ching Ling: The adopted daughter became her "foot", why did she refuse to be buried with Sun Yat-sen?

Breaking with the Kuomintang means that she chose to break with her family, and Song Qingling lost her love and lost her precious family affection. In order to make up for the gap in her family affection, Song Qingling began to pay attention to children all over China and even the world, and she made an "appeal to rescue war-stricken children" and established a habitat for countless homeless children. But even if she helped so many children, after all, none of them belonged to her, and her loneliness and emptiness still existed. It was not until the appearance of the two sisters of the Sui family that Song Qingling really felt the joy of what is called the children's knees, and her later life became rich and colorful because of the appearance of these two children.

In her later years, Soong Ching Ling: The adopted daughter became her "foot", why did she refuse to be buried with Sun Yat-sen?

But at this time, there was another accident in the family, although the family's political stance was different, but the blood connection in the bones was constantly cut. Song Qingling has always been worried about his brothers and sisters, in 1962, the youngest brother of the family, Song Zi'an, died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, and all the family went to san Francisco's Grace Cathedral to mourn, but unfortunately Song Qingling could not attend for special reasons, which became Song Qingling's biggest regret.

Originally, I thought that Song Zi'an would be the only regret, but Song Qingling did not think that the death of her brother was just the beginning of her regret. In 1971, another younger brother, Song Ziwen, also died of illness, and everyone thought that they would see the reunion of the three sisters of the Song family at the funeral, but who knew that not only Song Qingling did not attend, but even Song Meiling, who had originally confirmed attendance, did not appear. In 1973, her sister Song Yiling died, Song Qingling still could not go to see her last side, she could only rely on looking at the photos of the three sisters to remember her sister, recall the past.

The older Song Qingling became, the more he missed his brothers and sisters, and Song Qingling often got up in the middle of the night to look at the photos of the whole family and wept silently. But now the only sister left is Song Meiling, she fantasizes every day that Song Meiling can come to visit her, and gradually she can't distinguish between fantasy and reality. She had even thought about how to receive Song Meiling when she came to the mainland, but often the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, and Song Qingling's many attempts to invite Song Meiling were rejected.

In her later years, Soong Ching Ling: The adopted daughter became her "foot", why did she refuse to be buried with Sun Yat-sen?

The only relative who did not want to see herself made Song Qingling heartbroken, but fortunately, she still had sui Yongqing by her side, and Sui Yongqing was the only bit of warmth she had left in this world, and it was the last light that supported her to live. Sui Yongqing became an actor under the cultivation of Song Qingling, and Sui Yongqing never absent from every performance of Song Qingling, and Song Qingling was relieved to see his daughter shining on the stage.

However, the child will eventually grow up and leave his parents one day, but Song Qingling did not expect that this day would come so quickly, and Sui Yongqing was invited by the Japanese film company. This is a rare opportunity to study and study, Song Qingling is caught in a tangle, she does not want her daughter to leave her on the other side and does not want to delay the development of her children. The troubled Song Qingling's spirit began to become trance-like, often unable to remember the names of the people around him, Sui Yongqing noticed that his mother was wrong, thinking of his mother's efforts for himself for so many years, Sui Yongqing finally chose to stay with his mother.

Song Qingling's first reaction when she heard this news was to persuade her daughter to consider it carefully and not to miss this precious opportunity, but song Qingling was obviously relieved after receiving her daughter's affirmative answer. In 1978, the 85-year-old Song Qingling was still active in political occasions, and Sui Yongqing, who saw his mother's inability to do so, did not dare to leave his mother.

Sui Yongqing's meticulous care made Song Qingling very pleased, almost all the elderly people in the delegation attended in wheelchairs, but only Song Qingling was supported by her daughter, and her daughter was her foot, and it was estimated that it was the happiest thing for people to get the careful care of their children in their old age!

In her later years, Soong Ching Ling: The adopted daughter became her "foot", why did she refuse to be buried with Sun Yat-sen?

When the female eldest married, Sui Yongqing finally ushered in this day at the age of 23, and the 87-year-old Song Qingling struggled to prepare for his daughter's marriage. After marriage, Sui Yongqing returned home to accompany her mother significantly, and she once again felt lonely after getting used to the company of her daughter. Because in song Qingling's eyes, Sui Yongqing had already been regarded as his own daughter, and when Song Qingling was bedridden in his later years, Sui Yongqing left all his work to accompany his mother. The unconscious Song Qingling heard the call from her daughter's kind "mother wife", and her daughter's company gave Song Qingling a lot of strength.

But the elderly Song Qingling was already powerless to return to heaven, and in her heart, in addition to her daughter Sui Yongqing, was her own sister Song Meiling. Song Meiling, who was far away in New York, only said a short sentence after receiving a telegram from her sister who was critically ill, "Sent to New York for medical treatment," without even attaching a signature. This can't help but be reminiscent of the previous correspondence between Song Meiling and her sister when they were called "Mrs. Sun". In 1981, Song Qingling passed away, and her daughter Sui Yongqing accompanied her until the last second of her life, but for political reasons, Song Meiling was still unable to return to the mainland to send her sister on her last journey.

In her later years, Soong Ching Ling: The adopted daughter became her "foot", why did she refuse to be buried with Sun Yat-sen?

After his death, Soong Ching Ling refused to be buried with Sun Yat-sen and chose to be buried in the family mausoleum. The reason why Soong Ching Ling chose not to be buried with Sun Yat-sen was simple, she did not want to add any financial burden to the country because she wanted to be buried in the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, after all, she had already enjoyed the status and respect she should have enjoyed before she was born. There were too many regrets for his brothers and sisters before he died, and Song Qingling wanted to be with them forever after he died to make up for his regrets before he died.

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