
Ma Yun's prediction is going to come true? New retail is getting hotter and hotter, and the real economy will also usher in spring

author:Business talk

In this era of highly developed Internet, many emerging industries have seized the dividends of the Internet and risen rapidly, such as the e-commerce industry is a good example. Thanks to the huge market size and consumer base of the mainland, the pace of development of China's e-commerce industry is very rapid, and it has created household e-commerce giants such as Alibaba and

Ma Yun's prediction is going to come true? New retail is getting hotter and hotter, and the real economy will also usher in spring

It is undeniable that the prosperity of the e-commerce industry has indeed injected a new impetus into the overall economic development of the mainland. But at the same time, with the e-commerce industry occupying more and more market resources, the mainland's real economy is beginning to go "downhill". Especially after 2010, China's e-commerce industry reached its peak, under the loss of a large number of customer resources, so the physical stores that collapsed were "big people".

In contrast, the advantages of e-commerce over physical stores are indeed obvious. From the perspective of consumers, online shopping is not only more convenient and faster, but also generally has certain discounts in price. And in the process of online shopping, consumers can also compare prices more intuitively. Therefore, after gradually getting used to accepting e-commerce, more consumers naturally prefer online shopping. In addition, physical stores also need to pay costs such as store rent, utilities, and labor costs, which are undoubtedly higher than those of opening online stores in terms of operating costs.

But no industry can always be in a state of prosperity, and the same is true of the e-commerce industry. Judging from the actual situation in the past two years, the mainland's e-commerce market has gradually become saturated. Even Ali, the "big brother", has encountered a bottleneck in the revenue growth of the e-commerce business. On the contrary,, the rise of the past two years is very obvious.

Ma Yun's prediction is going to come true? New retail is getting hotter and hotter, and the real economy will also usher in spring

As Huawei's revenue fell by more than 250 billion yuan last year, has basically locked in the position of the mainland's first private enterprise in advance. The reason why Jingdong can maintain rapid development at a time when e-commerce is gradually weakening is that it does not belong to the traditional e-commerce industry is one of the main reasons. started out on its own, which is different from other e-commerce platforms in the mainland. Coupled with logistics advantages, it has established its current position.

It is worth mentioning that while the e-commerce industry has begun to be much worse than before, a new sales model has been born in the mainland in recent years, that is, new retail. For the word new retail, everyone must have heard of it, and even Ma Yun once predicted: "In the future, e-commerce will gradually decline, and new retail will become the mainstream."

Ma Yun's prediction is going to come true? New retail is getting hotter and hotter, and the real economy will also usher in spring

The new retail model can be said to combine the comprehensive advantages of e-commerce and physical stores to create a new sales model in which consumers select online and then offline physical stores complete the rapid delivery of goods. Consumers can pick up goods without leaving their homes, but they can also get fresh goods at a faster rate. Giants such as Alibaba and are now vigorously laying out the new retail sector.

More critically, the fiery development of the new retail model has also made the once-sluggish real economy usher in the spring again. It can be said that the emergence of the new retail model has provided a new development direction for a large number of physical store owners in confusion in the mainland.

Ma Yun's prediction is going to come true? New retail is getting hotter and hotter, and the real economy will also usher in spring

Seeing that some friends here may feel that the new retail model, which combines the comprehensive advantages of e-commerce and entities, why has it not appeared and developed until the past two years?

Speaking of this problem, we have to mention one of the biggest core points of the new retail model - the logistics network. In order to deliver goods to consumers in a short period of time, the full maturity of the local logistics chain and supply chain is an indispensable condition. In recent years, after the infrastructure of various parts of the mainland has been improved regionally, the new retail model can be officially "used".

Ma Yun's prediction is going to come true? New retail is getting hotter and hotter, and the real economy will also usher in spring

Today's new retail can be said to be one of the largest "outlet industries" in the mainland. And it is foreseeable that the development of new retail will become more and more rapid in the future, and even it is not impossible to completely replace the traditional e-commerce industry.

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