
In love, "see the light die", Zhou Qi breaks up with Yu Xing

author:Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News Reporter Wang Jiajia Correspondent Zheng Tianyi

On July 25, some media broke the news that Zhou Qi, the actor of the TV series "Little Joy", returned from work with his assistant and walked to the room of "Creation 101" player Xiang Yuxing, suspected of being exposed.

In love, "see the light die", Zhou Qi breaks up with Yu Xing

Subsequently, some netizens broke the news on the Internet that Zhou Qi was in love with Yu Xing, such as posting couple outfits in the circle of friends.

In love, "see the light die", Zhou Qi breaks up with Yu Xing

On July 26, Zhou Qi and Xiang Yuxing posted weibo separately, officially announcing their breakup.

In love, "see the light die", Zhou Qi breaks up with Yu Xing
In love, "see the light die", Zhou Qi breaks up with Yu Xing

The melon-eating masses also said that the melon of love had not finished eating, and they immediately announced their official breakup.

In love, "see the light die", Zhou Qi breaks up with Yu Xing
In love, "see the light die", Zhou Qi breaks up with Yu Xing

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Source: Qianjiang Evening News

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