
When Wu Ruolan saw Boss Zhu, he blurted out in surprise: Is he Commander Zhu? And imaginary judgment like two people

author:Military History Lookout

In the winter of 1926, Wu Ruolan was dispatched by the party to leave school and return to Leiyang to engage in the peasant movement, successively serving as the propaganda director of the county youth league and the chairman of the county women's federation. She and her girlfriends dared to act boldly, mobilized the masses, propagated the truth of the revolution, called on the people to rise up and fight for democracy and freedom, and vigorously advocated women's liberation. She went deep into the girls' vocational school to carry out a series of tandems, instigated the girls to make a noise, and finally forced the reactionary principal Wu Ziqiong to resign as principal; she often took her girlfriend to the countryside to mobilize the peasants to "eat big households", led the poor peasants to rush into the home of Liang Chengjiang, a big local tycoon in Xiajiatang, killed pigs and picked grains, opened warehouses to help the poor, and swept away the arrogance of the local tycoons and inferior gentry in the county; She traveled day and night in Xiatang, Shangjia, Aoshan, Xiaoshuipu and other places, mobilizing women to cut their hair, put their feet down, enter peasant associations, and attend night schools. During the Northern Expedition, she actively led the people and women of Leiyang to make military shoes for the northern expedition soldiers, raise supplies, and welcome the northern expeditionary army into Hunan Province.

When Wu Ruolan saw Boss Zhu, he blurted out in surprise: Is he Commander Zhu? And imaginary judgment like two people

"Great, it's really rare, the revolution needs this kind of talent", Zhu De listened to the introduction, was particularly excited, and said: "What time, let her come to see!" He longed to soon meet this "female show talent" of the southern country who was both literate and martial.

The city is like a New Year' Day, rejoicing in the sky. Everywhere, the achievements of the revolutionary army were praised and a bright future was looking forward.

On this day, Wu Ruolan was particularly busy, and she and her girlfriends Gu Zhiying, Liang Shizhen, Duan Ziying, and Mao Zejian were at the reinforcement receiving station in the east of the city, and women from various districts and townships would send batches of straw shoes, winter wine, eggs, and small dishes. Wu Ruolan was full of energy and sweat, nervously carrying the mountain of supplies.

At this time, Deng Zonghai, the secretary of the county party committee, suddenly came to her. "Ruolan, Commander Zhu would like to ask you to go!" When she heard this, she asked with great joy, "Really?" ”

Wu Ruolan hurriedly left the receiving station with Deng Zonghai and walked quickly toward the headquarters of the revolutionary army. The headquarters of the Revolutionary Army is located on the boundary mountain ridge on the other side of the Weiyang River.

When Wu Ruolan saw Boss Zhu, he blurted out in surprise: Is he Commander Zhu? And imaginary judgment like two people

Wu Ruolan came to the gate of the headquarters, and a few dozen steps away, she saw a burly soldier with a square face, thick eyebrows, and a long beard, wearing a gray military hat, wearing a gray cloth military cotton jacket with patches, leggings, and a pair of cloth shoes, standing in the doorway, gesturing, and explaining something to another soldier who was also dressed.

Deng Zonghai said, "The one who spoke was Commander Zhu. "He's Commander Zhu?" Wu Ruolan blurted out in surprise.

She couldn't believe that the famous Commander Zhu was actually like this, and such a costume was exactly two people she had just imagined. If you don't put that military uniform on him, it is no different from ordinary peasants, and looking at his dress, he is like a guy's head!

As she walked, she wondered, how could Commander Zhu be like this? Surprised, wondered, puzzled, this can completely disrupt her original imagination.

Coming to Zhu De's side, Deng Zonghai said, "Commander Zhu, this is Comrade Wu Ruolan. ”

When Wu Ruolan saw Boss Zhu, he blurted out in surprise: Is he Commander Zhu? And imaginary judgment like two people

When Zhu De heard that Wu Ruolan was coming, he immediately stopped their conversation, immediately turned around, and shook hands with her warmly, at the same time, the Wu Ruolan he longed to see was also unexpected by him, tall, short hair, wearing a large skirt and shirt, a Luohan veil tied around his waist, a slightly black face with rosiness, and a few obvious chicken pox spots on his face. At first glance, it is not very Peugeot, but the physique is very strong, bright eyes, bright eyes, bright eyes, is a Peugeot Hunan peasant woman.

He grinned and laughed, like an old acquaintance meeting, shook her hand twice, and said with surprise: "This is Wu Ruolan, the 'female show talent' who is famous in Hunan!" Please come in, please come in. Wu Ruolan immediately felt that this hand was strong, powerful, and kind. Originally, although she was eager to see a military commander, a wave of nervousness inevitably appeared in her heart. But now, the military commander in front of her was so peaceful, generous, and close, she didn't feel a little restrained and afraid. So, he walked into Jude's office with ease and generosity.

"Your handwriting is so good!"

The first sentence that Zhu De sat down made Wu Ruolan confused for a moment, but only smiled slightly, turned to look at Deng Zonghai in a daze. Deng Zonghai hurriedly explained to her, "Commander Zhu has already read the couplet you wrote. ”

When Wu Ruolan saw Boss Zhu, he blurted out in surprise: Is he Commander Zhu? And imaginary judgment like two people

"If it's not well written, ask the military commander for guidance." Unexpectedly, the military commander praised her writing, and she was a little embarrassed.

In this joyful laughter, in this cordial conversation, Zhu De had a deeper understanding of Wu Ruolan, and Wu Ruolan also added more admiration and yearning to Zhu De.

Wu Ruolan has withstood the test and tempering of life in a dangerous environment. She was calm and agile, capable of writing and martial arts, and was deeply appreciated by Commander Zhu De.

One day, Zhu De said to Deng Zonghai, Liu Tai, and Wu Ruolan in a tone of soliciting opinions: "At present, our contingent is expanding, and it is very important to the propaganda work of the masses. ”

"This is easy to do, and we will try our best to provide what kind of people Commander Zhu needs." Deng Zonghai immediately agreed.

"What we have many talents engaged in propaganda in Leiyang is that there are dozens of people who come out of the Hengyang Female Third Division alone, and you choose and let you choose!" Wu Ruolan also answered crisply and neatly.

When Wu Ruolan saw Boss Zhu, he blurted out in surprise: Is he Commander Zhu? And imaginary judgment like two people

"Well, if I want to choose, I'll choose you first!"

In the war years, we did what we said we were doing, and we never dragged the mud and water when we did things.

Soon, according to the recommendation of the county party committee and the county soviet, Wu Ruolan and more than 10 other women were transferred from the county soviet and the county women's association to work in the first division of the workers' and peasants' revolutionary army.

Since then, Wu Ruolan has had more and more opportunities to contact Jude. The common practice of revolutionary struggle and the common experience of work and life have given Wu Ruolan a deeper understanding of Zhu De's outstanding military talent and extraordinary military art, and Wu Ruolan has also developed a love for Zhu De from the bottom of his heart:

On a one-month starless night, Zhu De asked Wu Ruolan to take a walk on the banks of the Leiyang River. They stopped and went, sometimes side by side, sometimes sitting on a stone pier by the river, talking, narrating and confessing, which was very natural.

The moon had just risen from the other side of the field, round and bright, and the frogs were playing in unison; On the hill on the opposite bank, there was a crisp, beautiful nightingale song.

When Wu Ruolan saw Boss Zhu, he blurted out in surprise: Is he Commander Zhu? And imaginary judgment like two people

Wu Ruolan talked to Zhu De about his feelings about working in the division headquarters for a few days, and also said the idea of publicizing and encouraging work in the next step, and Zhu De was very satisfied.

"Do you personally have any plans?" Jude asked. "As a member of the Communist Party, persevere until the revolution is finally victorious," she replied. "Don't you think about your marriage?"

"It's under consideration, but it's unclear at the moment." She was very frank.

"Ruolan, now and in the future, I need a companion like you." Ruthlessness is not necessarily true. Zhu De loves Wu Ruolan, a woman who combines firmness and softness, and his sincere infatuation and love prompt him to formally open his mouth to court her: "Can we be united together?" She didn't answer, and she didn't know how to answer. She lowered her head slowly.

Yeah, it's totally understandable that she's in her mindset at this point. Wu Ruolan is a woman with very revolutionary ideals, and she is also very cautious about her marriage. In the face of the pursuit of a man 20 years older than himself, in the face of the pursuit of a man who is excellent in all aspects, how can the girl's feelings not ripple? How can you not think seriously?

When Wu Ruolan saw Boss Zhu, he blurted out in surprise: Is he Commander Zhu? And imaginary judgment like two people

In his contacts with Zhu De, Wu Ruolan saw Zhu De's sincere admiration for her and zhu De's loyalty to the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal revolutionary cause led by the Communist Party. Before Zhu De became a member of the Communist Party, he was already an excellent soldier, and he had his own original guerrilla tactics. Relying on this set of tactics, Zhu De made great achievements in the patriotic war and warlord war against Yuan Shikai's claim to the emperor, and the officers at least made brigade commanders and enjoyed generous material treatment. Under the feudal system of the son's year, Chinese women did not have an independent economic status, a woman had to rely on her father, husband and son for a lifetime, and it was only natural for a man with status and economic strength to marry a wife and take a concubine.

Jude is a responsible man, looking at the quietly flowing river, Jude's thoughts are also rushing out. Since entering Leiyang, through the introduction of Deng Zonghai, Liu Tai and others, as well as contacts with Wu Ruolan. He felt that she was indeed a difficult woman to find, for him. She is needed both emotionally and at work. For a few days, being with her seemed to be lifted at once from the loneliness of his years of emotional world, and he loved her in his heart. But he knew her and understood her, but she didn't know herself yet! Although she was already a very mature Communist politically, she was still a yellow flower girl emotionally, and he was much older than her, and he did not know his marriage history, so how could she not be embarrassed, worried and sad? How could she not think about the days ahead? She didn't answer, and she couldn't answer, and it made perfect sense.

When Wu Ruolan saw Boss Zhu, he blurted out in surprise: Is he Commander Zhu? And imaginary judgment like two people

In order to let Wu Ruolan know more about her past so that she could make a real choice, Zhu De stared at the bright moon, and his voice became deep, but not very sad. As a battle-hardened general, an emotional man, in front of the girl he loved, he sincerely confessed and told his marriage without reservation.

Jude is a man who has had a rough marriage history.

The first was an arranged marriage by parents. The object was a cousin who was 2 years older than him, named Liu Congzhen. This loveless marriage is doomed to end in vain.

The second time was in the autumn of the third year of his participation in the Xinhai Revolution, when he studied at the Yunnan DaowuTang, and the cadets were divided into three companies, and he served as the company commander, at the age of 26, which was the age of marriage. One of his classmates introduced his sister Xiao Jufang, who was married to Zhu De, an 18-year-old student at a normal school who had been born into a family of intellectuals who had participated in the Restoration Movement, and it was her brother who actively organized their marriage. This was just a common thing for Chinese men and women to marry at that time, and there was not much love to talk about. After marriage, the two rarely got together, because one was in the teacher's training and the other was in the martial arts hall, and they only met once a week. Soon, Zhu De was incorporated from the TangwuTang into The First Division of General Cai Yi, and was ordered to lead his troops to leave his home, leave his wife, and garrison the border of Yunnan, where the mountains are undulating and the climate is extremely hot, and take on the task of blocking the French army's invasion of China under the pretext of expelling bandits. During this period, General Cai Yi promoted him to major regimental commander, and at the end of 1915 he was promoted to brigade commander of the Yunnan Protectorate Army against Yuan Shikai, and it was not until 1916 that he took his wife Xiao Jufang to his garrison of Luzhou. However, in Luzhou, she had just given birth to a child and died of diarrhea. He was very sad about this, and what made him even more embarrassed was leaving a lonely child left unattended. In the midst of complicated military affairs, his colleagues suggested that he find another mother for the child to relieve the drag of the family, and it was not until the eve of the "May Fourth" Movement that he decided to marry for the third time, and his wife was a native of Nanxi County, west of Luzhou, named Chen Yuzhen. She was the younger sister of one of Judd's subordinate officers, and she was 21 when she married. Chen Yuzhen is not very pretty, but has an indescribable temperament and demeanor. Her modesty, composure and self-confidence deeply attracted her to read many books, and she also loved music and flowers and grass, and as an underground worker, she participated in the Xinhai Revolution and the struggle to protect the country. After they got married, they set up a simple, novel little family, and she also loved his ex-wife's children as if they were her own children.

When Wu Ruolan saw Boss Zhu, he blurted out in surprise: Is he Commander Zhu? And imaginary judgment like two people

However, in those turbulent years, it was impossible for Jude to live a peaceful and idyllic family life. In 1922, he had to send his wife back to her Nanxi family and devote himself to military life. After that, he never saw Chen Yuzhen again. Later, with great ambition, he resigned from the position of the National Guard, and in September 1922, after several twists and turns, he boarded the French ship Algeria from Shanghai and began his foreign career, seeking the truth of saving the country and saving the people. During this time, he also had a marriage that could not be looked back. After four years of overseas travel, he returned to his homeland, but faced a scuffle between new and old warlords. Under the bloody massacre of the Kuomintang reactionaries, in the midst of a white terror, how many wives and families were separated, how many families were destroyed, and as a loyal communist, he was in the same extreme confusion as thousands of Chinese people. In the same way, his family is also nothing, drifting, and his wife and children are on each side of the heavens, whether they are alive or dead, whether they are gathered or scattered, and there is no news.

However, as a general who is also a mortal, although he has been married several times, he has not brought him much happiness and sweetness. On the contrary, for many years, in the world of feelings, he was accompanied by loneliness, loneliness and pain...

In front of Wu Ruolan, he neither avoided his marriage history, nor hid his nostalgia for his deceased wife and the pain of the displacement of his relatives and the unknown life and death.

The broad and vast mind of this general who controls you, his frank and sincere character, and his bright and honest demeanor have deeply touched Wu Ruolan's heart!

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