
The Vietnamese media have learned the lessons of history and taught Ukraine to get along with Russia

author:Weapons: Shawning

Vietnamese media published commentaries denouncing Ukraine for the current Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

The article makes clear Ukraine's fundamental mistake: betraying Russia to curry favor with the West.

What the consequences are obvious, Russia, which has been betrayed, has taken special military action, while the United States, which has been currying favor, decisively abandoned Ukraine.

The Vietnamese media highlighted the concept of neighbors in the near distance and patrons in the distance.

The reason for highlighting this concept is obviously to learn the lessons of the counterattack against Vietnam.

Vietnam has done something similar — betraying its neighbors and currying favor with the Soviet Union — and the consequences are equally obvious.

Therefore, facts have repeatedly proved that a big country cannot be deceived, nor humiliated, let alone provoked.

The reason why Ukraine is caught in war is that the Vietnamese media have repeatedly emphasized that it is impossible to betray its close neighbor, especially if the neighbor is still a big country.

The Vietnamese media have learned the lessons of history and taught Ukraine to get along with Russia

Russia was forced to take special military action.

After Zelenskiy took office, in order to be able to embrace the western thighs, Ukraine further betrayed Russia, trying to vote for the United States and the West through anti-Russianism.

As a result, Zelenskiy performed for several years and did not really integrate Ukraine into Western circles.

So, he took a desperate risk and wanted to push Donbass flat by force.

According to the relevant documents seized by Russia during the operation. Ukraine has long had a military plan for a full-scale attack on Donbass, the day after Putin announced his action.

If Putin does not act first, Russia will fall into passivity.

Eventually things got to where they are now.

The Vietnamese media have learned the lessons of history and taught Ukraine to get along with Russia

To say that Russia and Ukraine, the good villains were stirring horses in a pot, and one was the eldest brother and the other was the second brother.

Historically, the two countries have also had a relationship of constant rationality and chaos. As a close neighbor, it was supposed to be in harmony, but Ukraine pushed the situation to the level of war.

This process, the Vietnamese must be very familiar, the Vietnamese themselves did it.

With the precedent of Vietnam, Ukraine not only did not learn from it, but also followed the script of history to do it again, and the results can be imagined.

Ukraine has made two fundamental mistakes, credulously believing in the West's unobtrusive promises and off its great power neighbors.

Ukraine takes it for granted that the West has always been anti-Russian and will not fail to stand with it.

The fact is that the West is only verbally standing with Ukraine, not sending troops to fight alongside Ukraine.

The Vietnamese media have learned the lessons of history and taught Ukraine to get along with Russia

The Vietnamese media gave many examples of how Ukraine had damaged Russian-Ukrainian relations. Although it is a rebuke to Ukraine, it is also to pass on its own experience to Ukraine and teach Ukraine how to get along with its neighbors.

Vietnam also has experience in this, that is, after the defeat, what to do? How is the relationship?

Ukraine's desire to defeat Russia on the battlefield is certainly unrealistic, and it is necessary to think carefully about how to get along with Russia in the future.

What the Vietnamese media means is that by reversing all the things listed that harm bilateral relations, relations can be eased.

Of course, whether Ukraine will accept the proposal is another matter.

The main problem in Ukraine now is that it cannot be the master on its own, and even if it wants to ease relations, I am afraid that it will not be able to do as the Ukrainians want.

At the end of the day, it is not the Ukrainian people who control the country, but the United States.

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