
Russia Tour: Walk into Moscow's Famous "New Virgin Cemetery"

author:Xiamen Lanruo Jingyun

The New Virgin Cemetery in Moscow is no ordinary cemetery, and only those who have promoted and influenced the development of Russian history have the honor to be buried here. The New Virgin Cemetery, which covers a total area of 7.5 hectares, has so far buried 26,000 elites from various historical periods, including politicians, writers, artists, scientists, combat heroes and so on. Each headstone in the cemetery has been carefully designed as a unique sculptural artwork that shows the history and pride of Russia. The New Virgin Cemetery is not only a place where people remember the deceased, but also a place to reinterpret life and purify the soul, which can be called the spiritual home of Russians.

Russia Tour: Walk into Moscow's Famous "New Virgin Cemetery"

We went early that day and the cemetery had just opened.

Russia Tour: Walk into Moscow's Famous "New Virgin Cemetery"

The cemetery is silent, and a large number of tourists have not yet arrived.

Russia Tour: Walk into Moscow's Famous "New Virgin Cemetery"

On both sides of the granite walkway are cemeteries

Russia Tour: Walk into Moscow's Famous "New Virgin Cemetery"

Most of the tombstones have sculptures, some are the face sculptures of the tomb owners, and some are full-body statues.

Russia Tour: Walk into Moscow's Famous "New Virgin Cemetery"

The cemetery is lush and lush.

Russia Tour: Walk into Moscow's Famous "New Virgin Cemetery"
Russia Tour: Walk into Moscow's Famous "New Virgin Cemetery"

We first came to The cemetery of Mrs. Gorbachev. Her cemetery is quite spacious and well located, with her elegant statues standing in the cemetery, and the floor is full of flowers, and it is presumably that someone often comes to offer flowers. You can feel the Russians' love for the former first lady.

Russia Tour: Walk into Moscow's Famous "New Virgin Cemetery"

This is Yeltsin's cemetery. Since he was a controversial figure in Russia, the New Virgin Cemetery seemed less than happy to accept him, placing him in an awkward aisle position. The Russian people still have a shot in their hearts.

Russia Tour: Walk into Moscow's Famous "New Virgin Cemetery"

This is Khrushchev's tombstone, and the black and white colors also show his merits and faults in people's hearts to some extent. It is said that Khrushchev had strongly attacked the designer of the tombstone before his death, but after his death, his family found the sculptor and asked him to design a tombstone for Khrushchev.

Russia Tour: Walk into Moscow's Famous "New Virgin Cemetery"

Among the numerous tombstones, an oriental face was seen, and his wife was buried opposite him.

Russia Tour: Walk into Moscow's Famous "New Virgin Cemetery"

I was curious about what qualifications were needed to be here, and after asking the local guide, I learned that the person buried in the New Virgin Cemetery must be someone who has a lot of weight in the eyes of Russians and has made an outstanding contribution to the country. Russians have a standard of judgment in their hearts, and it is a great honor to be buried in the New Virgin Cemetery. For some controversial figures, such as Yeltsin, it is said that after many rounds of discussion and Putin's strong recommendation, it was finally reluctantly placed in a corridor.

Russia Tour: Walk into Moscow's Famous "New Virgin Cemetery"

This is a couple of dancers, and the gesture of the two snuggling up to each other is moving.

Russia Tour: Walk into Moscow's Famous "New Virgin Cemetery"

This is the famous heroic siblings - Zoya and Shula, and their cemetery is full of flowers.

Russia Tour: Walk into Moscow's Famous "New Virgin Cemetery"

On the left is a meritorious Russian announcer with a microphone in front of his head, and it is said that many teachers and students of the domestic broadcasting academy have come here to present flowers. On the right is the father of The Russian parachute, and the tombstone is carved with a parachute.

Russia Tour: Walk into Moscow's Famous "New Virgin Cemetery"

On the left side of the picture below is the Russian "Lin Qiaozhi", an outstanding obstetrics and gynecology expert, and on the right is a famous female singer.

Russia Tour: Walk into Moscow's Famous "New Virgin Cemetery"

Since the tombstones are written in Russian, it is regrettable that most cemeteries cannot identify the owner.

Russia Tour: Walk into Moscow's Famous "New Virgin Cemetery"
Russia Tour: Walk into Moscow's Famous "New Virgin Cemetery"
Russia Tour: Walk into Moscow's Famous "New Virgin Cemetery"
Russia Tour: Walk into Moscow's Famous "New Virgin Cemetery"

This is probably a mathematician, with a lot of numbers and symbols written on the tombstone, and his head is also a look of painstaking thought.

Russia Tour: Walk into Moscow's Famous "New Virgin Cemetery"

Each tomb is unique, and although you can't read the text on it, you can slowly appreciate the design and sculpture of the tombstone.

Russia Tour: Walk into Moscow's Famous "New Virgin Cemetery"

Chinese most of them are more taboo to go to the cemetery, because we do not have this cemetery culture, there are basically no sculptures in the cemetery, except for the Qingming Festival, the people do not have the habit of going to the cemetery. The New Virgin Cemetery is very different from our traditional Chinese cemetery, walking in such a cemetery not only does not feel afraid, but like walking in a sculpture park, it is no wonder that the New Virgin Cemetery attracts millions of tourists from all over the world every year.

Russia Tour: Walk into Moscow's Famous "New Virgin Cemetery"

Finally found the tombstone of the ballet master Ulanova. Ulanova's graceful dance is forever on the white marble, and the tomb is full of flowers. Dani, a friend who was traveling with her, had learned to dance and was determined to see Ulanova, and finally saw the goddess.

Russia Tour: Walk into Moscow's Famous "New Virgin Cemetery"

As we leave the cemetery, we are greeted by many visitors, who, like us, come to pay homage to these elites from all walks of life.

Russia Tour: Walk into Moscow's Famous "New Virgin Cemetery"

Although the New Virgin Cemetery is a cemetery, it feels more like a patriotic education base. In the face of so many elites of all ages and fields, russians who come here to pay respects will certainly feel proud and proud of their country and people, and their patriotic feelings will grow unconsciously. At any time, people can come to the New Virgin Cemetery with flowers in their hands to visit and remember those they admire.

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