
Post-epidemic STYLE: Irritability and increased stress? Research shows that the lack of beauty is the scourge!

Studies have found that during the epidemic, if there is no timely beauty care, it may have a significant negative psychological impact on people. Do you feel it?

Beauty treatments include makeup, as well as all activities of various beauty items such as facial care, hair styling and nail art. Over the years, these various beauty behaviors have brought many positive effects to women, such as enhancing self-confidence, strengthening personal beliefs, and maintaining youthful vitality.

Post-epidemic STYLE: Irritability and increased stress? Research shows that the lack of beauty is the scourge!

However, the current COVID-19 pandemic is quietly harming the health of individuals' skin. For example, regular wearing of protective masks or using other personal protective equipment may cause acne on the face; lockdowns and quarantine measures during the pandemic have made it difficult for people to reach professionals such as dermatologists and beauticians, and can also worsen the condition of the skin that would otherwise be maintained.

Post-epidemic STYLE: Irritability and increased stress? Research shows that the lack of beauty is the scourge!

Due to the impact of the new crown epidemic in China, HK's beauty salons in China have been closed intermittently since 2020. At present, in accordance with the latest epidemic prevention policy of the HK Government, all beauty industries will be suspended until 20 April 2022.

The epidemic in Shenzhen, which is next door to HK, is also becoming more and more serious, and people's lives have been greatly affected. In the case of ordinary bus travel to show 48-hour nucleic acid certificate, a small number of beauty salons need to show a 24-hour negative nucleic acid test certificate to enter, and beauty salons on many streets have been forced to suspend offline business. The series of cards purchased by consumers cannot be used as scheduled, which may also be one of the factors affecting people's emotions.

Therefore, researchers at the Koirala Institute of Health Sciences in Nepal believe that people's inability to continue to adhere to their beauty care plans may be an important but unproven reason for the negative psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people.

Beauty habits that have been pinched by the epidemic

The study was conducted in the form of an online questionnaire and was sent to 218 female medical students from rural and urban areas. Questionnaire questions included changes in basic beauty care for skin, hair and nails during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the psychological impact of the resulting changes.

Of those, only about a third (34 percent) of the participants said they would continue to care for their skin, hair and nails as they did before COVID-19. Exactly three-quarters of those who stopped their beauty habits said they didn't take any more beauty care on their hair.

Post-epidemic STYLE: Irritability and increased stress? Research shows that the lack of beauty is the scourge!

With a similar trend, most people said they no longer use eye (93.8%) and facial (91.7%) beauty products. Since mucosal transmission is also one of the channels of epidemic transmission, eye hygiene is crucial, and a little carelessness can cause eye allergies, become itchy, and easily infect bacteria, so people become more cautious about the choice of eye supplies.

Wearing a mask that covers most of our faces, who can see our plain face hidden under the mask?

Post-epidemic STYLE: Irritability and increased stress? Research shows that the lack of beauty is the scourge!

(Tan Songyun Suyan appeared at the Beijing airport wearing a mask)

Domestically, the rule of wearing a mask to enter and exit all public places makes facial makeup seem even more insignificant.

Even if a flawless base makeup is worn, after wearing a mask, it is only easy to take off makeup and acne, so the light and non-take-off makeup products and healthy and stable skin care products have once again become a hot spot for consumption, and acne removal and hypoallergenic effects have also become the priority needs of consumers when purchasing skin care products.

Of course, outside of the study, some people will pay more attention to eye care above masks, adding some distinctive flash points to the same masks. The use of masks has greatly weakened the lipstick effect, and with it comes the emphasis on the modification of the exposed eye area. Cosmetics that used to fill girls' shopping carts have also changed from lipstick to eye items such as eyeshadow palettes, eyeliner pencils, and false eyelashes.

Post-epidemic STYLE: Irritability and increased stress? Research shows that the lack of beauty is the scourge!
Post-epidemic STYLE: Irritability and increased stress? Research shows that the lack of beauty is the scourge!

In recent years, the sudden popularity of the American drama "Euphoria" is probably also due to this, and its unique and bright eye makeup has attracted the attention and imitation of many beauty lovers during the epidemic.

Post-epidemic STYLE: Irritability and increased stress? Research shows that the lack of beauty is the scourge!

(Jules' classic look in Euphoria 1)

Post-epidemic STYLE: Irritability and increased stress? Research shows that the lack of beauty is the scourge!

(Jules' classic look in Euphoria 2)

It is worth mentioning that during the COVID-19 epidemic in this study, the above two groups that said they would reduce their beauty habits will still prioritize nail care. Of those who don't have makeup habits, more than half (57.6 percent) still choose to continue their nail polishes; among those who continue to keep makeup habits, 77 percent say they will focus on nail care.

Post-epidemic STYLE: Irritability and increased stress? Research shows that the lack of beauty is the scourge!
Post-epidemic STYLE: Irritability and increased stress? Research shows that the lack of beauty is the scourge!

At present, the epidemic situation is serious in HK is no exception, many closed stores have also derived door-to-door service, under the premise of ensuring the safety of epidemic prevention, door-to-door to provide nail art, eyelashes and other services.

At the same time, the epidemic has also led to the rise of armor wearing. Wearing nails allows people to get nail art at home, without going to nail salons, or even without professional door-to-door service, just apply glue to get the effect of professional nail art. This method of nail art is also very popular in areas where the epidemic is more moderate, and it is believed that after the easing of the epidemic in Shenzhen and HK, wearing nails is still a hot trend.

Post-epidemic STYLE: Irritability and increased stress? Research shows that the lack of beauty is the scourge!

The researchers argue that it is reasonable that survey participants may be more attentive to hand care due to the emphasis on hygiene during the pandemic, noting that "nail care is more hygienic than any other fashion feature."

The psychological impact of the epidemic after tearing down beauty habits

All respondents who stopped their beauty routine agreed that stopping beauty would affect their mental health in some way. Half of respondents believe their self-satisfaction has declined. In addition, 43.8 percent noticed that they were becoming more irritable, and 34.7 percent said they were increasingly stressed. The study authors point out that long-term isolation under the new crown epidemic may also be one of the factors triggering these effects.

They suggest that increasing sample sizes in future studies, conducting case-control studies, and using specific tools to measure psychological impact will give a clearer picture of the topic.

Text/Fashion Guangzhou New Media Intern Liu Junting

Post-epidemic STYLE: Irritability and increased stress? Research shows that the lack of beauty is the scourge!

Global vision, Lingnan fashion


Fashion Guangzhou New Media

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