
Does a woman's age affect the success rate of third-generation IVF in Thailand?

People in life often say: at what age should you do what you should do at that age. What should I do? For students, 18 to 19 years old is the age to enter the university campus; for couples who have been in love for many years, 22 to 24 years old is the age to enter the palace of marriage; for couples of childbearing age, 27'29 years old is a good time to have children. So for couples who need to use IVF technology to help conceive, the woman's age affects the success rate of the third generation of IVF in Thailand? What to say? Specific and listen to Hengjian Overseas for your detailed analysis!

Does a woman's age affect the success rate of third-generation IVF in Thailand?

Why are IVF families concerned about the age of IVF?

1. Worry about the failure of IVF fertility. After all, the cost of a test tube is not a small amount after the whole process. If you are too old, IVF fails, wasting time, energy and money.

2, choose the right age to do the test tube, IVF good pregnancy probability is high, can reduce the test tube failure to the test tube family brought about by the huge physical and psychological damage.

Does a woman's age affect the success rate of third-generation IVF in Thailand? What to say?

As a relatively advanced method of assisted reproduction, IVF technology gives women who cannot have children a chance to become mothers. But be warned: even with the backing of test tube technology, this does not mean that women can postpone their reproductive years indefinitely. Hengjian Overseas pointed out that the original IVF technology can not achieve 100% successful pregnancy, if the delay in childbearing age, the older the age, the lower the IVF success rate.

Does a woman's age affect the success rate of third-generation IVF in Thailand?

The proportion of infertility among people of childbearing age on the mainland reaches 8% to 10%. Ivy infant success rates are related to the fertility age of pregnant women, and the older the age, the lower the success rate of IVF fertility.

Couples over the age of 38 have an average one-time success rate of 35% for IVF, and a secondary success rate of about 30%, while the success rate is less than 10% at the age of 40 to 44. Therefore, couples who want to obtain a high success rate of IVF are advised to be pregnant with IVF as soon as possible.

Of course, the success rate of IVF, in addition to being closely related to the age of women, also has the technical conditions of the IVF hospital, whether the laboratory equipment is complete and advanced, and what is the level? Is the environment conducive to embryo cultivation? What is the doctor's IVF technique? Whether the clinical experience is rich or not, etc., these are affecting the success rate of IVF.

Does a woman's age affect the success rate of third-generation IVF in Thailand?

What are the recommendations for IVF for urban women?

In most urban women in first-tier cities, due to work reasons, the birth age is generally relatively late, so there must be a "sense of crisis" in test tubes. If there is no birth plan, please do a good job of contraception to protect the uterus and body; if you marry late, you must also make a birth plan, the conditions are mature, have children as soon as possible, if the examination finds infertility, treat it early; do IVF, and adjust the body in time in the early stage.

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