
Three years ago, the 67-year-old pregnant woman who insisted on giving birth to a child despite her children's objections is now what happened

On October 25, 2019, in the operating room of the Zaozhuang Maternal and Child Health Hospital in Shandong Province, a baby girl fell to the ground. Outside the operating room, it was crowded with relatives and reporters who had come to hear about it.

Although the baby girl was born prematurely, all the indicators of the body were normal, and after weighing by the doctor, it was found that it weighed about 2.5 kilograms, which was also within the normal range.

Shockingly, the baby's mother was 67 years old at this time.

Three years ago, the 67-year-old pregnant woman who insisted on giving birth to a child despite her children's objections is now what happened

Ms. Tian and her husband, Mr. Huang, named their young daughter "Huang Tianci".

No one expected that this happy and harmonious big family would now have new members joining.

Ms. Tian and Mr. Huang are full of infinite vision for the future of their youngest daughter, and plan to take her around after she remembers.

But when they first became pregnant, Mr. Huang and Ms. Tian were not happy, because one of their children was strongly opposed to their mother's continued pregnancy.

The opposition of the children is naturally well understood - Ms. Huang is 67 years old, has long missed the age suitable for childbearing, and the eldest granddaughter is 14 years old, reaching the age of junior high school.

Three years ago, the 67-year-old pregnant woman who insisted on giving birth to a child despite her children's objections is now what happened

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So why would the couple insist on giving birth to the child despite the objections of their children, and even insist on giving birth to the pregnancy when the pregnant woman's physical condition is not very supportive of pregnancy?

And as many people suspect, can a 67-year-old woman really be pregnant?

When Ms. Tian first began her pregnancy, her husband, Mr. Huang, thought that his wife's body was wrong again.

For the pregnancy, the couple felt very surprised - they actually had a son and a daughter for a long time, and the family life was happy.

The two have no children in this regard, and Ms. Tian also told reporters that if she wants another child, she will not have to wait until she is 67 years old to get pregnant, so there is no need to take risks.

Three years ago, the 67-year-old pregnant woman who insisted on giving birth to a child despite her children's objections is now what happened

In fact, since Ms. Tian was older, her physical condition has deteriorated, and various diseases of old age have followed.

In 2015, Ms. Tian, 63, slammed the door and went out in anger after a fight with her husband over some trivial matters.

But before she could take a few steps, Ms. Tian felt that the sky was spinning, and she who was starring in Venus did not mention it in one breath, and she collapsed on the ground.

She felt that her limbs were extremely heavy and she could not exert any strength.

Husband Mr. Huang rushed over to the hospital and took Ms. Huang to the hospital.

The doctor diagnosed that Ms. Tian had high blood pressure, her own qi deficiency and blood congestion, and then a sharp fire attacked the heart, and the above situation appeared.

Three years ago, the 67-year-old pregnant woman who insisted on giving birth to a child despite her children's objections is now what happened

The doctor warned Ms. Tian not to be too emotional.

After eating Chinese medicine for a period of time, Ms. Tian's condition slowly improved, and her face became more and more rosy from the previous waxy yellow, and people also looked more alive.

Ms. Tian's physical condition, which pays attention to health care, also tends to be stable, and there are almost no serious illnesses in the next two or three years.

But in 2018, Ms. Tian suffered from cerebral infarction, such a disease may not be able to occur at any time, once the attack, it is likely to make relatives and patients eternally separated in a moment.

Three years ago, the 67-year-old pregnant woman who insisted on giving birth to a child despite her children's objections is now what happened

Therefore, Ms. Tian has been staying in the hospital for observation, and usually takes some drugs that activate blood and dissolve stasis for conservative treatment.

However, during the medication of cerebral infarction treatment, the medicine to activate blood and dissolve stasis made Ms. Tian come to menstrual leave, which made her feel very surprised.

And this time it was no accident, it would come every month after that, and it was very regular.

Knowing that such an abnormal phenomenon had occurred to his wife, the husband also thought that his wife's health was wrong again, so he took his wife to the hospital to continue the detailed examination.

The good news is that after receiving treatment for a period of time, Ms. Tian's symptoms of cerebral infarction slowly improved.

Three years ago, the 67-year-old pregnant woman who insisted on giving birth to a child despite her children's objections is now what happened

At the same time, the results of the hospital's examination also showed that Ms. Tian was actually pregnant, which shocked everyone.

After being reviewed, the couple slowly accepted this established fact.

Liu Chengwen, chief physician of Zaozhuang Maternal and Child Health Hospital, immediately arranged relevant obstetric examinations.

The obstetric examination report shows that Ms. Tian, who suffers from a variety of elderly diseases, has a very high pregnancy risk because of her chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and cerebral infarction, which cannot be completely cured.

Doctors at zaozhuang Maternal and Child Health Hospital have never treated a 67-year-old woman — an unprecedented one even across the country.

Three years ago, the 67-year-old pregnant woman who insisted on giving birth to a child despite her children's objections is now what happened

Therefore, after comprehensively considering a series of situations in pregnant women, the advice given by the doctors of maternal and child health hospitals is to terminate the pregnancy.

After learning that her mother was pregnant again, one of Ms. Tian's children also objected.

They considered that their mother was already 67 years old — to know that 40 years old is considered an advanced maternal age, let alone a sixty-year-old man?

They worry that the mother will not be able to bear the hardships of pregnancy, not only the mother will be affected, but even the child in the belly will suffer.

Ten thousand steps back, even if the child is born unharmed, the mother is old, in addition to taking care of the grandchildren, there is a small doll waiting to be fed all day, where is the energy?

Three years ago, the 67-year-old pregnant woman who insisted on giving birth to a child despite her children's objections is now what happened

Mr. Huang and Ms. Tian's sons and daughters have long established their own small families, because of the busy work, the eldest granddaughter has been taken care of by Ms. Huang since the beginning of seven months.

Now that the eldest granddaughter has entered junior high school, at the age of 14, she still needs the help of adults to take care of life.

The children are worried that their parents are exhausted, and they cannot bear to see that their parents are almost seventy years old and cannot enjoy the blessings.

In addition, they have unspeakable concerns.

If I had a sister who was thirty or forty years apart, I would definitely attract the attention of countless people.

Words of congratulations will certainly come, but gossip will also come out of some people who chew on the root of their tongues.

Three years ago, the 67-year-old pregnant woman who insisted on giving birth to a child despite her children's objections is now what happened

The children do not want their parents' otherwise peaceful lives to be confused by the news media and passers-by outside.

Therefore, in the face of the fact that their mothers are pregnant, the children even say that they have severed the relationship between mother and child and mother and daughter to force each other.

However, after consulting with her husband, Ms. Tian still decided to take one step at a time.

For this "gift" given by Heaven, both of them were determined to keep her.

Ms. Tian and Mr. Huang did not have any financial pressure, Ms. Tian was a former medical worker, working in the pediatric department of Zaozhuang Maternal and Child Health Hospital, with a stable salary until retirement.

After retiring, Ms. Tian was rehired again, and only resigned and returned home in recent years because of her age, some retina shedding, and having undergone several surgeries and no longer adapting to a certain work intensity.

Three years ago, the 67-year-old pregnant woman who insisted on giving birth to a child despite her children's objections is now what happened

The husband, Mr. Huang, is a lawyer with seniority and rich experience. When his wife became pregnant, although he was 68 years old and should have retired a long time ago, he was still struggling with his position as a lawyer.

They live in the staff room that their wives were assigned to in the maternal and child health hospital in their early years, so there is no housing pressure.

The two thought of renovating the staff room to create a warm atmosphere to welcome the birth of a small life.

Over the years, Ms. Tian and Mr. Huang have a certain amount of savings, and the husband and wife independently support their young daughter, which is definitely not a problem.

With no worries about the children's future lives, Ms. Tian and Mr. Huang naturally have an iron heart - if their physical condition allows, no matter who is in front of them, they will not waver.

Three years ago, the 67-year-old pregnant woman who insisted on giving birth to a child despite her children's objections is now what happened

Mr. Huang also speculated that his wife was 67 years old, but she was still pregnant, which was largely related to her former medical staff.

Before she was old, Ms. Tian knew how to maintain her health and take care of her body.

In daily life, whether in diet or sports, Ms. Tian pays great attention.

Therefore, compared with her peers, Ms. Tian's whole state is healthier and younger.

Although Ms. Tian also suffers from many chronic diseases of the elderly, the degree of these conditions is relatively mild and does not have a life-threatening impact on Ms. Tian and the fetus.

Three years ago, the 67-year-old pregnant woman who insisted on giving birth to a child despite her children's objections is now what happened

Strange to say, perhaps "for the mother is just", Ms. Tian before the pregnancy of the more serious symptoms such as high blood pressure, diabetes, etc., after her pregnancy, actually has a large degree of improvement.

After several check-ups, the embryo develops in much the same way as pregnant women of the right age, and the uterus and ovaries are in a normal state.

Zaozhuang Maternal and Child Health Hospital also set up a special expert group after learning of the final decision of Ms. Tian and Mr. Huang.

From the first time they came to the examination, the doctors in the expert group who have been practicing for decades have been online all day, providing professional help to Ms. Huang at every moment.

Three years ago, the 67-year-old pregnant woman who insisted on giving birth to a child despite her children's objections is now what happened

This also makes Ms. Tian and Mr. Huang more confident, and they firmly believe that under the escort of the doctors, the child in the belly can be born smoothly.

At the same time, Ms. Tian and Mr. Huang were also mentally prepared.

In case something is wrong and Ms. Tian has some irreversible condition, then the pregnancy will be terminated immediately, and the child may not be related to them.

During his wife's pregnancy, Mr. Huang put aside the affairs of the law firm for the time being and devoted himself to taking care of Ms. Tian.

In and out, Ms. Tian was supported by Mr. Huang.

Three years ago, the 67-year-old pregnant woman who insisted on giving birth to a child despite her children's objections is now what happened

When she first became pregnant, in order to be able to take care of his wife's diet, Mr. Huang would also take his wife to his place of work and take him to work.

When at home, the granddaughter is also taken care of by Mr. Huang, and sometimes the granddaughter's quilt is folded by Mr. Huang himself.

As for those housework, Ms. Tian directly left it alone, and all of them were handed over to Mr. Huang to complete.

On October 25, 2019, Ms. Tian was 36 weeks pregnant.

Three years ago, the 67-year-old pregnant woman who insisted on giving birth to a child despite her children's objections is now what happened

At this time, Ms. Tian began to show a series of symptoms of discomfort, and her blood pressure gradually increased.

Doctors at Zaozhuang Maternal and Child Health Hospital examined and determined that if the child was delayed until full-term delivery, the mother would face a huge risk.

Therefore, the doctors urgently formulated a caesarean section plan, which was personally led by Wang Xietong, president of the Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital.

Half an hour later, a newborn baby girl came into the world.

Three years ago, the 67-year-old pregnant woman who insisted on giving birth to a child despite her children's objections is now what happened

Mr. Huang named his young daughter "Heavenly Gift", which means that God gave them a precious gift.

After the premature birth of Tianci, she was immediately sent to the intensive care unit, and Ms. Tian also stayed in the ward for observation.

Fortunately, after the operation, the child and Ms. Tian's situation were very optimistic, Ms. Huang was transferred to the general ward, and the couple also saw Huang Tianci, who weighed 2.5 kilograms.

Mr. Huang said: "Her arrival has made us feel younger, and we are both in good physical condition and have certain financial ability, so it is no problem to take care of her in her lifetime." ”

Three years ago, the 67-year-old pregnant woman who insisted on giving birth to a child despite her children's objections is now what happened

After seeing her little daughter, Ms. Tian felt that her daughter's eyebrows were very similar to her husband's, and her small face was also round and cute.

The 67-year-old mother successfully gave birth to a baby girl, and such eye-catching news naturally went away.

Mr. Huang and the neighbors of the community are naturally insiders, and in the face of the reporter's interview, they said that Ms. Tian's health does not seem to be very good in recent years, but Mr. Huang does take good care of Ms. Tian.

Residents who heard about this in the WeChat group of the community also said that this is a rare happy event and is worth celebrating.

After Mr. Huang, who is walking on the road of the community, is seen by the neighbors around him, he will also be begged for red eggs to be happy.

Three years ago, the 67-year-old pregnant woman who insisted on giving birth to a child despite her children's objections is now what happened

Ms. Tian and Mr. Huang have been married for 42 years, and when they were young, they were free love, and in the era when matchmakers were still popular, they could be described as mavericks.

When she was 19 years old, Ms. Tian met Mr. Huang. At that time, Ms. Tian was still studying at the health school, and Mr. Huang was working in the government unit, and every day Mr. Huang would pick up Ms. Tian to go to and from school.

The first two children were born smoothly, and the family's life was very happy.

Now because of the 67-year-old child, the couple has "maverick" again.

Three years ago, the 67-year-old pregnant woman who insisted on giving birth to a child despite her children's objections is now what happened

Nowadays, Mr. Huang is recognized even when he goes out to walk his dog, because his family lives in his wife's unit and is familiar to his neighbors.

Some reporters even visited, but Mr. Huang was optimistic about the outside world's attention and felt that his life had not become chaotic.

In his opinion, many people feel fresh, and this kind of unheard of thing will tend to calm down after the heat has passed.

Mr. Huang also claimed that he was just an ordinary person and did not want to receive too much attention.

At the same time, the couple is also planning how to make up for the lost years of their youth.

Three years ago, the 67-year-old pregnant woman who insisted on giving birth to a child despite her children's objections is now what happened

After working, Mr. Huang and Ms. Tian have no two-person world, except for their careers and families.

Some of the dreams of my youth have also faded.

So they plan to wait until their eldest granddaughter goes to college and use this free time to relax.

At this time, his little daughter can also remember things and has a certain understanding of the world.

This time is just right, so that the family can drive around and enjoy the outside world.

Three years ago, the 67-year-old pregnant woman who insisted on giving birth to a child despite her children's objections is now what happened

For the upcoming life of a grandfather, Mr. Huang is not worried, he has long been accustomed to taking care of people.

He felt that his little daughter must have a future to look forward to, and the hospital had also undergone a detailed examination, and the child's condition in all aspects was extremely healthy.

Netizens who know about this matter, while congratulating Mr. Huang on his noble daughter, did not forget to ask Mr. Huang and his wife about the precautions for preparing for pregnancy at an advanced age.

Mr. Huang said naturally: "We don't care, our business is our business, other people's business is their business." There are more things for others, and we can't this heart. ”

Three years ago, the 67-year-old pregnant woman who insisted on giving birth to a child despite her children's objections is now what happened

From the very beginning, they did not expect that heaven would give them such a precious gift again, and now although Mr. Huang had more work on his hands, the smile on his face was also more.

I sincerely wish that the three-year-old Xiao Tianci can thrive and that Mr. Huang's family can enjoy it.



1. Xiaoxiang Morning News: "Shandong 67-year-old mother gave birth to a baby girl Husband: can conceive or be related to the wife's occupation"

2. Shandong Business Daily: "The latest news of 67-year-old childbirth!" The father named his daughter "Heavenly Gift" at the beginning, and the children did not want them to have this child, and the little granddaughter was 14 years old.

3. Global Network: "Shandong 67-year-old mother gave birth to a baby girl Husband: can conceive or be related to the wife's occupation"

4. Look at the news Knows: "The husband of a 67-year-old pregnant woman discharged from the hospital responded to the question for the first time: breastfeeding asked the sister-in-law Expert: equivalent to rejuvenation"

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