
Twins name harmonic up and down left and right, listen to the name of mom and dad netizens seconds to understand: really exquisite

A few days ago, in Baoshan, Shanghai, a twin baby named "up and down" and "left and right", after listening to the names of parents and mothers, the video that netizens understood in seconds became popular on the Internet, which caused heated discussion and concern among netizens. It is understood that the twins' father's name is Shang Fangjian, and the mother's name is left and right, and the two gave birth to a pair of twins after marriage, so they named the twins" "Shang Xia" and "Zuo Yu" respectively.

Twins name harmonic up and down left and right, listen to the name of mom and dad netizens seconds to understand: really exquisite

As can be seen in the picture, the family is happy around the two children and happy, the twins are boys, now just born 9 days, according to the child's mother, their name is left and right, when they played with friends when they were young, they all said that they would let her marry someone later and marry a person called "up and down", and now her husband just has the surname Shang, in her generation has not completed the "up and down" "left and right", this time in the next generation to complete.

Twins name harmonic up and down left and right, listen to the name of mom and dad netizens seconds to understand: really exquisite
Twins name harmonic up and down left and right, listen to the name of mom and dad netizens seconds to understand: really exquisite

Netizens also made comments on this after seeing it, including netizens who said:

This and the mother a name, the family together shouted "left and right" mother and son at the same time agreed, this is embarrassing, this name has achieved no level, the general name will avoid the same word with relatives and elders, this is good to directly the same name."

"Can this name fail again, the name of the child is enough to reflect the cultural level of the parents, question one: the child and the mother have the same name, the second: one and the father's surname, one and the mother's surname, what the two children think in their hearts, the third: the name can reflect a person's cultural heritage, in addition to sensationalism, can not think of other intentions."

"It is indeed quite interesting, but if the twins take the names of the two sexes, they should pay more attention to education in the future, and it is easy to call children's psychology have some impact."

Twins name harmonic up and down left and right, listen to the name of mom and dad netizens seconds to understand: really exquisite

I have to say that the parents of the twins are also very innovative, can think of the child such a name of the parents must not be many, the name will accompany the life of the person, I hope that parents to the child when naming must think clearly, to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings in the future. What do you think about that?

Twins name harmonic up and down left and right, listen to the name of mom and dad netizens seconds to understand: really exquisite

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