
Dissatisfied with the status quo, but trapped in the status quo, what you lack is not an opportunity

Wen | Ling Wheat

Write the warmest words, heal the lonely heart, pay attention to me, and warm you.

Dissatisfied with the status quo, but trapped in the status quo, what you lack is not an opportunity

In life, most people are people who are dissatisfied with the status quo.

People will deal with the status quo differently, because the way they deal with it is different, so there are different results.

The biggest feature of habitual complainers is that they are obviously not satisfied with the status quo and are afraid of change, and they are always immersed in difficulties and cannot extricate themselves.

Mylton said:

"The key to improving oneself is not to stay still, and to achieve this goal, we must first have the psychology of dissatisfaction with the status quo." But it's not enough to just be satisfied, you have to decide where to go next? Don't be a lazy person who only complains all the time. ”

Really powerful people never live in complaining. They have the courage to change the status quo, move forward step by step towards the goal in their hearts, and eventually become the social elite.

Dissatisfied with the status quo, but trapped in the status quo, what you lack is actually not an opportunity, but a firm willpower, self-discipline tenacity, and the courage to dare to survive from suffering.

Dissatisfied with the status quo, but trapped in the status quo, what you lack is not an opportunity

You lack the willpower to discipline yourself.

Where there is a long-term stability in the world, the only constant in life is to move forward. Running on the road of chasing dreams, not afraid of hardships, not afraid of bumps, in order to continue to harvest the beauty and the front.

There must be people like this all day around us who complain about unfairness all day long, and even we ourselves are such people, but we are not willing to try to change the status quo. Although they are always envious of others and want to be as good as they are, they rarely act.

We are dissatisfied with the status quo in order to get a better life, so how can we get the purpose we want?

As the saying goes: "1 year to enter the industry, 3 years to understand, 5 years to pass, 10 years to sharpen a sword." What we can see with the naked eye is the excellence of others, but behind what the eyes cannot see is the strong willpower and self-discipline of others.

The so-called self-discipline is actually self-management and self-control, so that you can become your own master. Self-discipline is the sign of a person's true maturity, and the more self-disciplined a person is, the better he is.

You lack the courage to dare to endure hardships.

A person's success does not come from what he has innately, but from what he chooses the day after tomorrow.

Many people are always accustomed to keeping the progress of things on their lips and not putting them into action at all. This is because there is no cost to speaking, but there is a certain cost to acting.

Lei Jun once said, "Standing on the wind outlet, pigs can fly." ”

A truly good life is all out of suffering. Learn to adapt to the environment, dare to endure hardships, dare to survive, is equivalent to standing on the cusp, as long as you work hard and change the status quo, there will be great gains in the future.

Encounter difficulties, know how to survive. If we choose to give up, it will only make life more and more difficult, and we will always be unable to get out of difficulties.

If you want to get better, you really only have to be tough on yourself, make up your mind to change, then act immediately, and you can't delay. When you get better, you'll find that everything around you is getting better.

Dissatisfied with the status quo, but trapped in the status quo, what you lack is not an opportunity

Wheat message: Stop complaining, a good life is "forced" by yourself.

In life, do you often complain about this or that, always feel that we don't get enough, always feel that we are not perfect.

Dissatisfied with the status quo, just complaining, then you can't get anything. Because complaining will only make your mood more upset, making it more difficult for you to calm down and solve the problem of the moment.

What should we do when we are dissatisfied with the status quo? That is, don't complain, do everything you can do well now, and silently work hard for the life you want.

Without pushing yourself, you never know how much potential you have. Dissatisfied with the status quo, but trapped in the status quo, what you lack is actually "such" things, that is, the courage to act, determination, willpower.

The essence of complaining is that you are unwilling to change yourself, but complaining will only waste time, rather than wasting time complaining, it is better to silently enrich yourself.

If you're dissatisfied with the status quo, stop complaining and make changes immediately. Because only by acting now and not forcing yourself to work hard for a long time can you really get better.