
The most important thing is only one thing

If time is considered the original capital of success, then the original capital of each person is 24 hours a day. But how do successful people distribute their original capital and get far more than others? The answer is that all the actions and energies of successful people are tightly focused on their goals, and success lies in focusing on the goals.

Everyone's time and energy are limited, and if you want to do everything, then you will be exhausted and will not be able to take care of it. You wanted to blossom on many sides, but you didn't expect that success was not only not cumulative, but also reduced efficiency. So, try to narrow down your goals and focus on one thing, and that's success.

Learned people spend time learning, skilled people spend time honing their skills, successful people spend time doing things, and wealthy people spend time making money. Time is of the essence. Success is always achieved step by step, step by step, one thing at a time.

1. Lies mislead and hinder success

Myth One: Everything matters

In the 1930s, Joseph Chulan, a consultant at GM, was looking for a short name for the principle of "the important minority and the trivial majority" in it when he wrote his major work, The Handbook of Quality Control. He marked "Pareto's principle of unfair distribution..." next to several illustrations in the manuscript, but in the eyes of others, the "Pareto law" (i.e., the 80/20 rule) should be "Julian's law".

Richard Cork concludes in The 80/20 Rule: "The 80/20 rule holds that small amounts of cause, input, and effort often produce a large number of results, outputs, and returns. That is to say, for success, distribution is not unfair, and small causes become big results.

Pareto shows us the way: the vast majority of what we get is earned with a smaller portion. Achieving excellence often requires less effort than we think.

Reorder your to-do list and it becomes a success list

Find 20% out of 20%, and then find 20% from it, knowing that you find the most important thing!

No matter how many to-dos you have, you can reduce them to one and don't give up halfway

1. Reduction. Don't get caught up in the hustle and bustle, but cling to efficiency. Your daily work should revolve around the ultimate goal.

2. Extreme. Once you realize what's important, keep asking what's more important and know what's most important to find. Focus on the first item on the success list.

3. Rejection. Make time for what's important, say "no" to other things for a while or delay for a while.

4. Don't fall into the trap of "pending matters". Treat everything differently, and really do it. Don't think that everything needs to be done, and don't believe in the idea that to be successful you have to accomplish all your goals.

Myth two: You can handle multiple things at the same time

If doing the most important thing is the key, why do other things at the same time? This issue is crucial. Juggling several things at the same time is just a beautiful lie.

Doing multiple things at the same time is not a time saver, it is a waste of time

1. Distraction is nature. When the spirit cannot concentrate, do not blame yourself too much, people will lose their minds.

2. Doing several things at the same time will outweigh the losses. Whether in personal life or work, distraction can lead to wrong choices, fatal losses, and unnecessary stress.

3. Distraction reduces effectiveness. If you do too many things at the same time, you will not be able to do anything. Take your distracted attention back and use it on the most important thing.

If you want to use the magic of "just do one thing", you can't identify with the way you do several things at the same time. This method is feasible but unreliable.

Myth Three: Live a regular life

It is widely believed that successful people are "self-disciplined people" and that they all live "regular lives". This is another lie. Contrary to what most people think, the author argues that success can't be achieved in marathon movements, that achievement doesn't come with you because you're a self-disciplined person, and that the training and self-control you receive doesn't apply to every situation. Success is a sprint race – the energy accumulated by self-discipline for a long time cannot withstand the power of habit.

When something should be done on its own but is not done, we often tell ourselves, "Hold on a little longer." In fact, what we need is not persistence, but habit. To form a habit, we need self-discipline.

In 2009, the University of London conducted a survey asking: "How long does it take to develop a habit?" ”

The survey results show that it takes an average of 66 days to develop a habit. The measured data is actually a minimum of 18 days and a maximum of 254 days, but 66 days can achieve a perfect balance - simpler habits take less time, and more difficult habits take longer.

As habits are gradually formed, the self-discipline required to maintain them becomes less and less

1. Don't try to be a completely self-disciplined person. Develop some useful good habits and reinforce them with self-control.

2. Make one habit at a time. Success is achieved step by step, don't expect it to happen overnight. No one's willpower is strong enough to make several habits at once. Super-successful people aren't superheroes either, they just selectively try to develop multiple good habits, one at a time, step by step.

3. Be patient with each habit. You have to persevere until the habit is formed.

Myth Four: Willpower is within reach

What factors can drain your willpower?

Develop new habits; take exams; block out distractions; try to get the attention of others; resist temptations; overcome fears; suppress emotions; do things you don't like; suppress aggression; choose between long-term rewards and short-term benefits; prevent impulses; choose long-term or short-term rewards.

1. Don't let your willpower be too distracted. Cherish the limited willpower you have every day, figure out what's most important and make the most of it.

2. Pay attention to diet. If you want to have full willpower, first ensure that the energy is full, and don't compromise because of insufficient brain function. Eat healthy and eat regularly.

3. Schedule task processing time. Do the most important things every day when your willpower is strongest. The stronger the willpower, the more secure success is.

Myth Five: Work-life balance

The term "work-life balance" emerged in the mid-1980s, when more than half of married women were involved in work. In his 2005 book, Living Together, Working In Two Places: Dual-Career Families and Their Work-Life Balance, Ralph Gomory writes: "In the past, one family was responsible for earning money and the other was devoted to housework; now both men are earning money to support the family, and no one is in charge of the housework." ”

The question of balance actually involves prioritization. It's not so much that we're looking for balance as we're choosing the priorities of things. By working tirelessly for the important things, you will naturally upset the state of equilibrium and tilt the balance of time toward them.

Therefore, when it is time to work, work well, and play when it is time to play. Life is like walking a tightrope, and if you confuse your priorities, you're going to mess things up.

Myth Six: Big is bad

1. Aim high. Stop asking yourself, "What am I going to do next?" "This is at best a slow lane for success, or even an exit ramp. You have to ask yourself bigger questions. A great rule of thumb is that you double your bets everywhere in your life. If your goal is 10, then ask yourself, "How can I get to 20?" "Set yourself a goal that far exceeds your expectations, and you will make a plan that will safeguard your original goal."

2. Don't follow the menu. Some celebrities such as Boxer Ali, Einstein, RelativeLy Few, Gandhi, etc., all look at things from different angles, thus changing the world. The point is that they never choose the options that have already been offered, but instead create results that are unprecedented.

3. Act boldly. Without bold action, great ideas cannot bear fruit.

4. Don't be afraid of failure.

Second, the truth Is the minimalist way to improve efficiency

1. Key issues

A. Only by asking a good question can we get the right answer. The key question is the one that leads you to the right answer. With it, you'll make breakthroughs at work, in business, or anything else you want to succeed in.

b. The key issues include two aspects: the overall situation and the focus. The big picture will help you find the right direction, while focus will guide you to take the right action.

c. Question about the big picture: "What's the most important thing I'm going to do?" ”

d. On the focus question: "What's the most important thing I'm going to do right now?" ”

2. The habit of success

Understand and firmly believe in the most important thing you have to do. The first step is to understand what that thing is. Believe in doing the most important thing well, and your life will change. If you neither understand nor believe, you will not act.

B. Put the most important thing to use. Ask yourself what the key questions are. Wake up every morning and ask yourself, "What did I do today that made other things easier or unnecessary?" "As a result, you'll be more efficient and your life will be easier."

Ask yourself every day "what is the most important thing to do" and make it a habit.

d. Keep reminding yourself. The best way to do this is to write a note where you work: "In the face of what matters most, nothing else matters." "Use notebooks, computer screensavers, and calendar reminders to help you develop good habits."

e. Ask for support.

Achieve excellence Unleash your inner potential

1. Find your purpose in life

a. Happiness is born on the journey of realizing dreams. Everyone wants to be happy, but to pursue it does not mean to find it. Truly long-lasting happiness occurs when you set greater goals for your life and each day becomes more meaningful.

b. Answer your own "big question mark". Find your goal by asking questions. What wakes you up in the early morning and spurs you on when you're exhausted? I often compare this to my own "big question mark." That's why you're so excited about your life, and it's why you're so busy with it.

3. Don't ask about the result, just look at the direction. Choose a direction, step forward, and see if you like the road. Time will give you a clearer vision. If you find yourself in the mood for nothing, it's never too late to change your mind. Your life is at your own helm.

2. Prioritize

Set goals using the backwards method

Everyone should be clear about their goals, from the ideal of life, what you want to do in this life; as small as a short-term goal, what you want to do on this day. Goals can give you a sense of direction, but also can give you the motivation to work hard.

A large goal can be divided into a number of small goals according to different levels, such as life ideals can be split into several 3 to 5 year plans, step by step to achieve; 3 to 5 years of step goals can be divided into what to do in each year; and so on, each year's annual goals can be split into monthly goals, or even what to do every day. The point is to ensure that the time and energy you spend every day is moving toward your life goals, not deviating from the goal, and not wasting it on other invalid things.

After clarifying your goals, the most important thing is execution, will you really do the problem, many people have procrastination, this is very normal, the most effective means to solve procrastination is five words: do it now! Don't always think about waiting, a lot of time and opportunities are wasted after "waiting a while".

To be a person with a strong sense of purpose and strong execution, you can also become the person you want to be, do what you want to do, life is not used to envy others, but to control your own life. In addition, there are many ways to succeed, values and methodologies are also different, as long as you adhere to the "good" bottom line, there is nothing you can't try.

3. Efficient life

a. Connect the dots into lines. Success is only possible if the goal is linked to the reality of the moment. Dig into your own goals and make it clear to determine your priorities. Once priorities have been identified, the next step is to implement them.

b. Set aside time for priority transactions. The best way to accomplish your priorities is to make an agreement with yourself to allow it earlier and more sufficient time of the day, no less than 4 hours. Think of it this way: If you set aside time in your pilot, will your plan convince yourself?

c. Maintain reserved time at any cost. Reserved time only works when you make up your mind to say, "I'm going to focus on the thing that matters most, and nothing else, no one can distract me." Unfortunately, others won't understand our resolve, so you have to do everything you can to deal with the situation. Your reserved time is your most important date of the day, so maintain it at all costs no matter what.

The people who make big things are not working longer, but doing more in a limited amount of time.

Fourth, in the work, only do one thing

1. About the individual

Do only the one thing that matters most to make the key parts of your life clearer. Here are some short examples.

· Which of the most important things do I want to do this week to unearth my purpose in life and be more determined?

· Which of the most important things have I been doing for the last 90 days to achieve the results I've been looking forward to?

· Which of the most important things do today to strengthen my convictions?

· If I have to squeeze out 20 minutes a day to practice playing guitar, which one of the most important things should I do? What if you had to learn to shoot a 5 hole in a golf tournament in 90 days? What if you want to learn to draw in 6 months?

2. About the family

With your family, discover the joy and meaning of life using the principle of "only do the most important thing". The following questions are available for you to choose from.

· How can we insist on doing only the most important thing this week to improve our married life?

· How do we insist on doing only the most important thing every week to make family time better?

· How do we insist on doing only the most important thing tonight to help our children with their homework?

· What is the most important thing to do that will allow us to fully enjoy our holidays?

3. About work

"Doing only one of the most important things" at work can help advance your career. Here are a few ways to expand it.

· If I want to complete the task at hand ahead of schedule, how can I insist on doing only the most important thing?

· To work more efficiently this month, how do I insist on doing only the one thing that matters most?

· If I want to be promoted before my next debriefing, how do I insist on doing only the most important thing?

· How do I stick to the principle of "only do the most important thing" every day to get the job done efficiently and get home on time?

4. About the work team

When working with others, you also insist on doing only one of the most important things. Whether you're a manager, a clerk, or a businessman, knowing how to do only one of the most important things in a daily work environment will push your work forward efficiently. Here are some scenarios to consider.

· At any meeting, you can ask, "What is the most important thing we can do to complete the task as soon as possible and end the meeting early?" ”

· When building your own team, ask yourself what is the most important thing you should do in the next 6 months to discover and develop the key talents?

· As you plan for the next month, the next year, or even the next 5 years, ask yourself, what is the most important thing we should stick to now if we want to achieve our goals ahead of schedule?

· Ask the department or the highest decision-making level of the company, what do we need to insist on doing in order to establish a corporate culture of "only doing one of the most important things" within 90 days?

This is a review of the contents of the book "The Most Important Thing Is Only One Thing". In fact, some of the practices mentioned in this book can be more or less involved in real life, combined with their own outlook on life and work methodology to go through the content, perhaps you can find some room for improvement and improvement.