
He worked with his wife for 52 years, married another wife at the age of 80, and left a will in his later years: to bury the sea with the original


He was born without love, and there was no place for love in the world. - "Minus Word Raccoon Creek Sand"

It is a very happy thing to love only one person in a lifetime, and how fortunate and content it is for a person to be able to stay with another person who cherishes his soul for the rest of his life! Under the family, friendship, and love, the most touching thing is probably love. During the Republic of China period, some people said that it was a colorful and dazzling era, and there were many big people, and Feng Yidai was born in that period, he was loyal to only one person in his life, and gave the best love to one person.

He worked with his wife for 52 years, married another wife at the age of 80, and left a will in his later years: to bury the sea with the original

The life of Feng Yidai

Feng Yidai is a child with a tragic fate, his mother died shortly after he was born, it can be said that he is a poor child who has not received the love of his mother since he can remember. Born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, he said that children who lacked their mother's tender love from childhood would lack similar emotions in their hearts, but Feng Yidai was a child who grew up in the Jiangnan region, so he was still polished with a touch of gentle emotion. Feng Yidai has been a child who loves to learn since he was a child, and when he was admitted to the university, he was admitted to the business administration major of Shanghai Hujiang University with his excellent results.

He worked with his wife for 52 years, married another wife at the age of 80, and left a will in his later years: to bury the sea with the original

At that time, the university, including countless large and small clubs, was just emerging, so each club had a lot of enthusiastic and fighting students, and today's clubs have evolved from the clubs of that period, but it is obvious that the enthusiasm of today's classmates has long been invincible to the enthusiasm of the original batch of students. At that time, students sweated hard in the club to show their abilities and knowledge, and Feng Yidai was most interested in the English drama club, and he also chose this club to broaden his horizons when he entered the school.

He worked with his wife for 52 years, married another wife at the age of 80, and left a will in his later years: to bury the sea with the original

The English Drama Club is undoubtedly an advanced community model, and it is active and meaningful. The period during which the Western powers invaded China left us with countless unbearable memories, and our language and culture were also making breakthroughs in a new direction. In order to learn some advanced ideas and contents, but also to understand each other's culture, it is very necessary for us to learn English. It is also in the English drama community full of fighting spirit and meaning that Feng Yidai met his future wife, the gentle and kind Zheng Anna.

Meet and love each other

When Feng Yidai and Zheng Anna first met, it was as if there was an emotion holding them, they met for the first time in the English drama society, and after meeting each other, they were pulled by a string and began to communicate. In the process of communication, Feng Yidai found that Anna was a woman who shared many common interests with herself, and Anna also found that Feng Yidai was special to herself, and slowly she was also attracted to this talented young man. The two had feelings for each other, and they thought that since they were destined to come together in the end, why not implement each other's loverhood as soon as possible, and still work together, just like this, Feng Yidai and Zheng Anna were together.

The two fell in love and soon had plans to get married, as two people in the acute, of course, they will not wait too long, and soon they will enter the palace of marriage. Many people say that after getting married, a pair of Bi people is like entering a cage, chai rice oil and salt will eventually wear out love, and all that remains is endless sadness. However, Feng Yidai and Anna have a very stable emotional life. Zheng Anna is a good wife, she is very concerned about taking care of her husband and helping her husband take care of his work, so Feng Yidai is much more relaxed in his work.

He worked with his wife for 52 years, married another wife at the age of 80, and left a will in his later years: to bury the sea with the original

Of course, in addition to taking care of her husband, Anna has never forgotten to shine, and she has published books such as "Young Heart" and "Youthful Dreams" with her husband, which have been recognized by many people in the industry. The two have been together for 52 years, and during these 52 years, they have put themselves in the most important position and stayed with each other. In the past 52 years, the years have stabilized the heartbeat at the first sight, but it has transformed it into a family-like love, and they have stayed together and become the most inseparable part of each other's lives.

He worked with his wife for 52 years, married another wife at the age of 80, and left a will in his later years: to bury the sea with the original

But even if the two are in love, they can't escape the threat of death. After 52 years of companionship, Anna left the workforce due to illness. Although Feng Yidai was a knowledgeable talent who saw through the red dust, the moment his wife left him, he still felt the pain of peeling off his bones.


When he met Huang Zongying, he stayed together until he was old, and finally buried with the original

He worked with his wife for 52 years, married another wife at the age of 80, and left a will in his later years: to bury the sea with the original

The two often walk and chat together, although the children do not like them to be together, but watching their parents have a company, after all, it is also relieved. The two spent their old age together until 1999, when Feng Yidai suddenly left the world with a cerebral thrombosis, leaving a will and hoping to be buried in the sea after death, with his original wife. A generation of two people in their lives, Huang Zongying and Feng Yidai were eventually buried with their original wives, and their true feelings can be seen day by day. The story of Feng Yidai's life and a couple of people who know it is touched and moved.

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