
How much does it cost to have a dragon and phoenix fetus in a TEST tube in Thailand?

Go to Thailand to do test tubes, the cost must not be understood, after all, this is directly related to the choice of test tubes, the cost of high choice of yi hospital and service is better, the price is relatively low, in short, the total cost of test tube birth dragon phoenix fetus mainly includes the cost of the pre-test tube, test tube cost, and the cost of fetal protection after the test tube Three aspects, the following Hengjian overseas to explain it in detail for everyone.

How much does it cost to have a dragon and phoenix fetus in a TEST tube in Thailand?

The cost of the pre-test tube is mainly the cost of the examination, before doing the test tube, both men and women must carry out a certain examination to see if they meet the requirements of the test tube, if not, it may take a period of conditioning, if it is met, the doctor will notify to receive treatment.

The cost of the test tube process is mainly the cost of treatment and the cost of living. The cost of IVF - treatment includes the cost of early ovulation, egg retrieval, embryo cultivation and screening and transfer costs, in addition, but also to prepare for the cost of living in Thailand, because the nutrition required for the birth of the dragon and phoenix is also relatively rich, in terms of diet and other aspects must not be stingy, according to the doctor's instructions to arrange, live in the words can not be ambiguous, good accommodation environment is also to ensure a good mood of the conditions.

If the IVF is successful, the cost of fetal protection is also very high, and the process is also long, which will last for ten months. Unlike single tires, dragon and phoenix tires are also more expensive in terms of examination and nursing. Therefore, sisters who want to do TEST tube dragon and phoenix fetus must make a sufficient budget.

However, there are also many factors affecting the cost of patients' test tubes, different patients have different physiques, and the choice of hospitals and doctors and students is also different, and there will be differences in costs. Of course, test tubes can not ensure 100% success, and we must make sufficient psychological and economic preparations before doing it.

Here are some ways to improve the success rate of test tubes:

1. Pre-test tube inspection

Before the patient enters the IVF treatment-treatment cycle, more than a dozen examinations need to be carried out, and both sides must meet the requirements of the IVF indications, and the patient cannot have serious mental illness, suction du, ji-shaped sub-uterine and other contraindication-taboos. It should also be known that IVF is suitable for women with luan tube factors, sub-endometriosis, polycystic luan nest syndrome, etc., men's juvenile weakness and infestivity, immunity of both sides, unexplained infertility and other issues.

How much does it cost to have a dragon and phoenix fetus in a TEST tube in Thailand?

2. Pay attention to age

The older you get, the lower the chances of getting pregnant, and the same is true of IVF. When a woman is 35 years old and not yet pregnant, then it is already much more difficult for her to prepare for childbirth than others, let alone a dragon and phoenix fetus. Statistics show that ivory infants are more than 35 years older than successful – with a significant decrease in the rate. Therefore, the test tube must be done early.

3. Maintain a good attitude

Psychological state is also one of the most critical and important factors affecting the success or failure of IVF, and the patient's psychological and mental state is a very important factor affecting IVF. Excessive psychological tension can easily cause endocrine disorders, which can make it difficult for the embryo to implant. There are research data that show that women have a good attitude, relax their emotions, and maintain a relaxed and happy mood can effectively improve the success rate of IVF, especially during the transfer, excessive tension can affect the implantation of embryos.

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