
In the past 13 days of the Russo-Ukrainian war, three negotiations have been fruitless, why has Ukraine not bowed to Russia?

author:Looking for books

Now 13 days after the War in Ukraine, the Ukrainian air force and military facilities have been basically destroyed by the Russian army, the situation of the Russian army battlefield is very good, on the contrary, Ukraine not only did not receive substantial help from NATO, but also the country fell, the country was divided, and the people were displaced. Why has Ukraine fallen to such a point of refusal to bow to Russia? The book hunt takes you into depth today.

First, the obstruction of NATO countries

It is well known that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia and Ukraine inherited most of the property of the Soviet Union. But due to the corruption of the Ukrainian government and the decline of the domestic economy, Ukraine was unable to maintain the arsenal left by the Soviet Union. At the instigation of Western countries, the "Budapest Memorandum" was signed, in which The Ukrainian side promised to destroy strategic-class weapons, including nuclear weapons and aircraft carriers, in exchange for guaranteeing the territorial integrity of the United States, Britain and Russia. It was in this way that Ukraine abolished its martial arts and Russia became the most powerful country after the collapse of the Soviet Union. So NATO naturally took aim at Russia. However, the United States could not directly confront Russia, but could only engage in proxy wars, so it found Ukraine.

In the past 13 days of the Russo-Ukrainian war, three negotiations have been fruitless, why has Ukraine not bowed to Russia?

Ukraine did not really realize that countries such as the United States and Britain valued themselves entirely because they inherited the Soviet Union's nuclear arsenal. It was only when the nuclear-armed Western countries agreed to let him join NATO, give economic assistance, and so on. However, its self-abolition of martial arts also means that there is no threat, and it is gradually snubbed by the United States and Britain. When Russia learned that Ukraine was going to join NATO, it naturally could not agree to it and warned it. However, due to the verbal temptation of Britain and the United States to Ukraine, ukraine has left NATO and embarked on the road of confrontation with Russia.

As long as the war in Ukraine continues, then NATO countries can continue to sanction Russia. Even if Russia ended up winning the war, it would be a crushing victory. After all, Ukraine is just a pawn for itself, and as long as the purpose of sanctioning Russia is achieved, it is enough. It is precisely because of this that Western countries have been fanning the flames and providing all kinds of assistance to the Ukrainian side, on the one hand demanding a stop and on the other hand deliberately instigating.

Second, the Ukrainian top level is unwilling

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, most of Ukraine's successive governments have been pro-American, and there are very few pro-Russian factions. The Ukrainian government is eager to get economic assistance from Anglo-American countries to develop its domestic economy and pursue more benefits, and as long as Ukraine is not on the same front as Russia, then NATO countries will continue to provide assistance.

In the past 13 days of the Russo-Ukrainian war, three negotiations have been fruitless, why has Ukraine not bowed to Russia?

If peace talks with Russia are promised to Russia to de-militarize, de-Nazismize, remain neutral, etc., this means that Ukraine's current top brass will step down. Because in Russia's eyes, these pro-American factions are "neo-Nazis." Second, once neutrality remains, it means that Ukraine will not receive any assistance from NATO countries, which will be an important blow to Ukraine's post-war reconstruction. There are also cases in The history of Ukraine that have not been able to hold, whether it is World War I, World War II or its civil war, due to the plain terrain, without exception, it has been captured every time. If it is really demilitarized, once war breaks out, Ukraine will once again face the risk of national subjugation.

The reason why the war in Ukraine has dragged on for so long and will continue to fight is because Ukraine has aid, and Russia has been sanctioned, and Ukraine hopes that the pressure from Western countries on Russia will allow Ukraine to gain more benefits at the negotiating table.

3. The question of the territorial sovereignty of Ukraine

As we all know, Russia and Ukraine have already broken out a Crimean War long ago. Crimea was originally Russian territory, where its inhabitants were also ethnic Russians, and during the Soviet era, Soviet leaders gave Crimea to Ukraine. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia, out of strategic security considerations, ensured the safety of the Black Sea Fleet and retaken Crimea from Ukraine. It was also this recovery that caused Ukraine's sea outlet to plummet, almost becoming a landlocked country.

In the past 13 days of the Russo-Ukrainian war, three negotiations have been fruitless, why has Ukraine not bowed to Russia?

In addition, due to the prevalence of nationalism in Ukraine, there are many ethnic groups and constant conflicts, especially in the eastern part of Ukraine. Not long ago, the Republic of Donetsk and Luhansk was established after the separation from Ukraine, and russia's demand for a ceasefire was to recognize the independence of Donetsk and Luhansk and Crimea. This is naturally impossible for the sovereign state of Ukraine to agree to. As a result, Russia and Ukraine can only talk while fighting.

In conclusion, we can only hope that the war will end soon and that there will be peace in the world.

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