
Military mother and sister-in-law, the confession from the soldier please check it

Three lives three march eight, burning peach blossoms are not as good as you.

Today is "March 8" International Women's Day, and the soldiers and brothers should confess to the "goddess" in their hearts.

Military mother and sister-in-law, the confession from the soldier please check it

Sun Haoyu: Mom, it's been almost a year since you left home, and I know that you are most reluctant to let me suffer, the last thing you want me to leave home, and the most worried about me. The child who used to annoy you has now grown into a soldier who defends his family and country, and on this special day, I would like to solemnly express my gratitude to you, thank you for giving me life and accompanying me to grow up. Rest assured, your son will not fail to live up to your expectations and strive to be a good soldier. I hope you are healthy, safe and happy!

Military mother and sister-in-law, the confession from the soldier please check it

He Kechun: When I became a soldier, I realized that the best thing to eat was not abalone lobster, but "mother's taste"; the most beautiful thing was not Beethoven's symphony of fate, but "mother's call"; the warmest thing was not the encounter around the corner, but "mother's concern". You said that what you are most looking forward to is my phone call on the weekend, the appearance of me in military uniform is your favorite to see, and you are most happy to hear that I have been praised. You always complain that I "report good news and not worry", today, I want to say to you: "Everything is fine outside the baby, don't worry, your nurturing grace, the baby has no teeth and unforgettable, I wish you a happy holiday and good health!" ”

Military mother and sister-in-law, the confession from the soldier please check it

Tong Shuai: I remember when I was a non-commissioned officer, you encouraged me to develop well in the army, and you told me that where I am, where I am, is home. The first time you take a vacation, the first thing you do when you go home is to look for you. Mom, for me and this family you have worked hard for so many years, thank you for growing up with me, today is your holiday, remember to rest more, take care of yourself, love you.

Military mother and sister-in-law, the confession from the soldier please check it

Lu Bin: It has been 2 years since I left home in the blink of an eye, and my mother is worried, you did not give up when you joined the army, and your tears are still fresh in my memory. I want to give you a deep hug, Mom, thank you for always being there! This year's Women's Day, although the son can not be around you, still sincerely wish the mother good health, happy holidays!

Military mother and sister-in-law, the confession from the soldier please check it

Wang Yingjian: Mom, I fell in love with the military camp, I want to do a good job in the army, but I can't accompany you when you need me the most, I feel so depressed. But you always comforted me and said, "Military mother is glorious", that year accompanied you to climb the mountain and visit the park, and saw you for the first time happy like a child. I would like to give you a deep hug, thank you for accompanying me to grow up, and wish you happiness, happiness and health on this special day!

Military mother and sister-in-law, the confession from the soldier please check it

Ming Ruitian: Mom, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you again, this time I still choose to stay in the team, five years of military career made me fall in love with the barracks, I can't bear to take off this military uniform, Mother, are you still in good health? Now the weather at home is very comfortable, right? But you also have to pay attention to the body. Everything in childhood is like yesterday. Mom, I want to tell you that if I had been given another chance, I would have chosen to join the army. I will always be your pride and wish you a happy holiday.

Military mother and sister-in-law, the confession from the soldier please check it

He Shaoshen: More than six years of military service have changed me, I have changed you, before you loved to watch TV dramas, now you love to watch all kinds of news about the troops, you have long developed this habit, you laughed and said that this is the realization of being a military subordinate. For this family, you have paid too much, sacrificed too much, especially hope to have more time to accompany you, this year's Women's Day, although your son is not around, you must always be healthy and healthy, happy and happy!

Military mother and sister-in-law, the confession from the soldier please check it

Guo Qi: The fate of this life allows you and me to get together, and we do not doubt each other. It's not easy to do the housework, thank you from the bottom of my heart, my lover. You support our warm family, and there is no substitute for your careful care. Miss you can not words: love you never change, wish you more beautiful. This body promises the kingdom, and this heart is for you.

Military mother and sister-in-law, the confession from the soldier please check it

Meng Yansheng: Thank you for having you at home, inside and out in an orderly manner; thank you for having you on the road of love, life is sweet everywhere; thank you for having you in life, sharing weal and woe, and sharing hardships. On this special day, I wish you dear health, beauty and happiness!

Military mother and sister-in-law, the confession from the soldier please check it

Wang Guangyu: Qianqian, from a young girl to a mother, you and I stayed together for 3 spring and autumn. Your weak shoulders carry the life of the whole family, but you never hear you complain. You are quietly guarding me, guarding this home. Dear wife, you have worked hard! Thank you for marrying me and accompanying me without complaint or regret; thank you for being my wife, willing to do so from beginning to end!

Military mother and sister-in-law, the confession from the soldier please check it

Wu Yixin: You once said that companionship is a lifelong confession of affection. Your and my four years are four years in a different place, one ticket after another, witnessing your love and mine. I once believed that the mountains and seas that I loved could be leveled. The sea has boats to cross, and the mountains have roads to cross. This love turns over the mountains and the sea, and the mountains and seas can be flattened. Today, I would like to take this opportunity to say to you: "Daughter-in-law, thank you for your perseverance, the days we have walked together have been full of joy, laughter and tears, we hold each other's hands together, go to see the great rivers and mountains, and read the rivers, seas and lakes. ”

Military mother and sister-in-law, the confession from the soldier please check it

Zhang Dongwei: In the blink of an eye, it is our first anniversary, this year we gathered less and left more, thank you for waiting for me with your youth. Gentlemen in service, do not know the return date. The woman is in the ceremony and waits for the return date. I may not be able to give you the daily companionship of ordinary couples, I can't give you meticulous consideration and care, all I can give you is a lifetime of loyal love and brave running without fear of difficulties.

Military mother and sister-in-law, the confession from the soldier please check it

He Shanjun: Dear, this year is our new marriage, you often say that our love is: "vacation blind date, vacation engagement, vacation license, vacation marriage." Hearing you say this makes my heart ache and feel sorry for your efforts, but thank you for your full understanding. Because of your presence, I can work with peace of mind.

Military mother and sister-in-law, the confession from the soldier please check it

In this special festival, although the soldier brothers did not have too much companionship, they dedicated their youth to a military uniform, and dedicated the most beautiful youth to the motherland and the people!

On the shining military merit badge, there will always be half of you!

I wish the great military mothers and military sisters-in-law a happy holiday, and all the best in their hearts!

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