
[US media exposed that the Biden administration wants to send the F-16 fighter jet promised to Taiwan to Poland for aiding Ukraine, and the Taiwan authorities respond] A news from the US media on the 6th may make the DPP authorities unhappy. #

[US media exposed that the Biden administration wants to send the F-16 fighter jet promised to Taiwan to Poland for aiding Ukraine, and the Taiwan authorities respond] A news from the US media on the 6th may make the DPP authorities unhappy. #台当局回应拜登政府想将承诺给台湾F-16 fighter jets were sent to Poland #

The New York Times reported on the 6th that the staff of the National Security Council of the Biden administration spent a long time trying to find a way for Poland to hand over a fleet of Soviet-made MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine, and Ukrainian pilots know how to fly such aircraft. In return, Poland will get the American-made F-16 fighter. The New York Times said many of those fighters had been promised to Taiwan, complicating the plan.

However, according to the New York Times, Polish leaders said no agreement was reached on the plan. The newspaper commented that Poland was clearly concerned about how warplanes would be supplied to Ukraine and whether the move would make them a new target for Russia.

The news also quickly spread to Taiwan. Taiwan's "Central News Agency" said that according to the "New York Times" report, the US government is considering providing Polish-made Russian fighters to Ukraine, and handing over us-made F-16 fighters to Poland as compensation. "However, the Polish authorities seem to be reluctant and the next batch of F-16 fighters of the United States is scheduled to be delivered to Taiwan, and the United States is unwilling to delay the delivery of the aircraft."

Taiwan's "Zhongshi News Network" said, "Don't sell Taiwan anymore? The United States reported on the idea of exchanging F-16s for Polish warplanes to help Ukraine", reporting that "the United States attempted to exchange F-16 fighters for Poland's Russian-made fighters to provide Ukraine, and the F-16 fighters were originally exported to Taiwan!" ”

According to Taiwan's "Lianhe Pao" report, Taiwan's "Air Force Command" claimed today (7th) that "this report is pure speculation, and the US side does not have such a plan."

Many netizens on the island also discussed this.

Some netizens ridiculed the DPP authorities, "Being an outcast does not require too complicated procedures." "Taiwan is really an internationally certified Kaizi (referring to a fool) plus plate!"

Some netizens criticized the United States, "Always play the trick of borrowing a knife to kill people, because the cost is the least." Do not take the fate of the people of other countries as their destiny, and be careful to play too much and play with it on your own homeland. ”

Some netizens also believe that the US move is "to borrow the Russian-Ukrainian war to push the market of warplanes to Eastern Europe." "American politicians delude themselves into thinking that then Russia won't blame the U.S. government..."

[US media exposed that the Biden administration wants to send the F-16 fighter jet promised to Taiwan to Poland for aiding Ukraine, and the Taiwan authorities respond] A news from the US media on the 6th may make the DPP authorities unhappy. #
[US media exposed that the Biden administration wants to send the F-16 fighter jet promised to Taiwan to Poland for aiding Ukraine, and the Taiwan authorities respond] A news from the US media on the 6th may make the DPP authorities unhappy. #
[US media exposed that the Biden administration wants to send the F-16 fighter jet promised to Taiwan to Poland for aiding Ukraine, and the Taiwan authorities respond] A news from the US media on the 6th may make the DPP authorities unhappy. #

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