
Behind the scenes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": Zhang Fengyi regretted missing Yongzheng, 3 first-class actors died 1, director's choice 2, behind-the-scenes team 3, casting story 4, honor 5, deceased actors

author:Hong Kong film nostalgia

A few days ago, the old drama bone Du Yulu passed away, netizens have missed: there is no Zhang Tingyu in the world, Hengchen has gone all the way. Zhang Tingyu, the character Heng chen, is one of the classic characters of Du Yulu's teacher, assisting the Kangxi and Yongzheng generations of Ming Lords, and the old Bayi faction of the tongue war is its highlight moment, and the strength interprets what is a true scholar.

Behind the scenes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": Zhang Fengyi regretted missing Yongzheng, 3 first-class actors died 1, director's choice 2, behind-the-scenes team 3, casting story 4, honor 5, deceased actors

"Yongzheng Dynasty" as a classic historical drama, since its launch in 1999, has been highly sought after, Douban as high as 9.1 points, a twists and turns of the storyline is addictive, each role is a perfect interpretation, making this "Yongzheng Dynasty" enduring. Now that 21 years have passed, what are the wonderful behind-the-scenes stories of this drama?

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >1, the choice of directors</h1>

February River's novel "The Yongzheng Emperor" was praised by critics that year: "It is the most important harvest of historical fiction creation in contemporary and modern times." After the novel became popular, some producers bought the copyright to the novel and began to look for a director to shoot, it is said that at the beginning they were looking for big-name directors such as Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, and Lin Zhaohua, and finally they all missed it for various reasons, and finally Hu Mei took the role.

Behind the scenes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": Zhang Fengyi regretted missing Yongzheng, 3 first-class actors died 1, director's choice 2, behind-the-scenes team 3, casting story 4, honor 5, deceased actors
Behind the scenes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": Zhang Fengyi regretted missing Yongzheng, 3 first-class actors died 1, director's choice 2, behind-the-scenes team 3, casting story 4, honor 5, deceased actors

Hu Mei also recommended herself at the beginning, she said such a good book, if the choice of people is not right, not enough investment, the script will be ruined, as long as I choose my words, one does not negotiate the price, the second I devote myself wholeheartedly. In the end, Hu Mei's enthusiasm and "cheapness" impressed the producers. "Yongzheng Dynasty" established Hu Mei's status, and later she filmed classic works such as "Emperor Wu of Han" and "Qiao Family Courtyard".

Behind the scenes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": Zhang Fengyi regretted missing Yongzheng, 3 first-class actors died 1, director's choice 2, behind-the-scenes team 3, casting story 4, honor 5, deceased actors

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >2, behind the scenes team</h1>

"Yongzheng Dynasty" is produced by CCTV, the producers, producers and producers are all big guy-level characters, February River and Liu Heping co-wrote the screenplay, Liu Heping needless to say, a first-class screenwriter, representative works: "Daming Dynasty 1566", "Peking No War", "Canghai Hundred Years". It was under their reasonable adaptation that once "Yongzheng Dynasty" was broadcast, it changed everyone's view of Yongzheng at that time, and it was also a phenomenon-level cultural event.

Behind the scenes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": Zhang Fengyi regretted missing Yongzheng, 3 first-class actors died 1, director's choice 2, behind-the-scenes team 3, casting story 4, honor 5, deceased actors

"Yongzheng Dynasty" as a historical drama, the details are also more elaborate, there are 5 consultants alone, namely Wen Xuande, Hong Shouxiang, Qin Guangrong, Zhong Xingxiang and Ai Xinjue Luo Yuyuan. Among them, Ai Xin Jueluo Yu was a descendant of the Guangxu Emperor, and Prince Gong Yizhi was his great-grandfather. It is worth mentioning that Ai XinJueluo Yuyuan once said that he never liked to watch Qing Palace dramas, such as "Huan Zhu Ge Ge" and "Kangxi Micro Service Private Interview".

Behind the scenes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": Zhang Fengyi regretted missing Yongzheng, 3 first-class actors died 1, director's choice 2, behind-the-scenes team 3, casting story 4, honor 5, deceased actors

There is also an artistic director Zhang Li, produced by Uncle Li, which must be a fine product, representative works: "Daming Dynasty 1566", "Towards the Republic", "The Right Way in the World is Vicissitudes", I would like to ask such a fantastic combination, can the works created be classic.

Behind the scenes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": Zhang Fengyi regretted missing Yongzheng, 3 first-class actors died 1, director's choice 2, behind-the-scenes team 3, casting story 4, honor 5, deceased actors

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >3, casting story</h1>

The role of Yongzheng is the soul of the whole drama, after layers of screening, Hu Mei's director team felt that Zhang Fengyi had "toughness" and decided to let him play Yongzheng, and Tang Guoqiang played Baye Yinyu.

Tang Guoqiang received an invitation, and after reading the script, he insisted on playing the role of Yongzheng, and he felt that the role of Yongzheng was very different from the role he had created before, and it was extremely challenging.

Behind the scenes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": Zhang Fengyi regretted missing Yongzheng, 3 first-class actors died 1, director's choice 2, behind-the-scenes team 3, casting story 4, honor 5, deceased actors

His request was not agreed by the director team, but Tang Guoqiang did not give up, but secretly prepared the role of Yongzheng, read a lot of historical materials about Yongzheng, and conducted a comprehensive analysis of the character's personality. It is said that near the start of the machine, Hu Mei specially invited Tang Guoqiang to dinner, hoping that he would accept the role of the eighth master. Originally, Hu Mei went to persuade and did not expect to be "routine" by Tang Guoqiang, he said his understanding of the role of Yongzheng, and explained how he performed and how to show the character of the character.

Although Tang Guoqiang made sufficient preparations and touched many people, the opinions of the director group were still not uniform, and finally decided not to change people. Maybe it was fate, the next day it was going to start, Zhang Fengyi called, he couldn't play Yongzheng, Chen Kaige asked him to temporarily save the scene "Jing Ke Thorn Qin King", because Jiang Wen did not do it there.

Behind the scenes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": Zhang Fengyi regretted missing Yongzheng, 3 first-class actors died 1, director's choice 2, behind-the-scenes team 3, casting story 4, honor 5, deceased actors

Here Zhang Fengyi did not act, the director group arranged for someone to audition, at this time Tang Guoqiang once again asked to play Yongzheng, and when everyone saw Tang Guoqiang put on the costume, he completely conquered everyone, and immediately made a decision to play Yongzheng by him, this scene is like Xu Ke when he saw the shape of Wang Zuxian in "Qiannu Ghost".

Behind the scenes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": Zhang Fengyi regretted missing Yongzheng, 3 first-class actors died 1, director's choice 2, behind-the-scenes team 3, casting story 4, honor 5, deceased actors

Later, Zhang Fengyi mentioned many times in interviews that he regretted missing "Yongzheng Dynasty", although he later played Yongzheng in "Ruyi Biography", but in the end it was not the same. Sometimes an actor is born for a certain role, and it's such a coincidence.

Behind the scenes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": Zhang Fengyi regretted missing Yongzheng, 3 first-class actors died 1, director's choice 2, behind-the-scenes team 3, casting story 4, honor 5, deceased actors
Behind the scenes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": Zhang Fengyi regretted missing Yongzheng, 3 first-class actors died 1, director's choice 2, behind-the-scenes team 3, casting story 4, honor 5, deceased actors

It is worth mentioning that the four Fu Jin actors in the play are also Tang Guoqiang's wife in real life, such as the fake husband and wife file.

Behind the scenes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": Zhang Fengyi regretted missing Yongzheng, 3 first-class actors died 1, director's choice 2, behind-the-scenes team 3, casting story 4, honor 5, deceased actors

Tang Guoqiang starred in Yongzheng in order, then the eighth master became a vacancy, at this time Tang Guoqiang recommended his friend Wang Yichun to the director, and Wang Yichun also became famous, and later became a "Wang Ye professional household".

Behind the scenes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": Zhang Fengyi regretted missing Yongzheng, 3 first-class actors died 1, director's choice 2, behind-the-scenes team 3, casting story 4, honor 5, deceased actors
Behind the scenes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": Zhang Fengyi regretted missing Yongzheng, 3 first-class actors died 1, director's choice 2, behind-the-scenes team 3, casting story 4, honor 5, deceased actors

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >4</h1>

On January 3, 1999, "Yongzheng Dynasty" premiered on CCTV, and once it was launched, it hit a peak in ratings, reaching 16.7% at the highest time, and for a time the whole country formed "Yongzheng Fever". Not only the ratings are bursting, but also won many TV drama awards, such as the Golden Eagle Award, Tang Guoqiang won the best actor, Jiao Huang won the best supporting actor, Wang Yichun won the excellent supporting actor, as well as the best screenplay, best editing, best music, best art.

Behind the scenes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": Zhang Fengyi regretted missing Yongzheng, 3 first-class actors died 1, director's choice 2, behind-the-scenes team 3, casting story 4, honor 5, deceased actors
Behind the scenes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": Zhang Fengyi regretted missing Yongzheng, 3 first-class actors died 1, director's choice 2, behind-the-scenes team 3, casting story 4, honor 5, deceased actors

Golden Eagle Award, Jiao Huang won the best supporting actor, and the Feitian Award directly won the outstanding actor, Jiao Huang's performance has no trace, that small action, subtle expression, eyes, simply interpret an elderly Kangxi.

Behind the scenes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": Zhang Fengyi regretted missing Yongzheng, 3 first-class actors died 1, director's choice 2, behind-the-scenes team 3, casting story 4, honor 5, deceased actors
Behind the scenes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": Zhang Fengyi regretted missing Yongzheng, 3 first-class actors died 1, director's choice 2, behind-the-scenes team 3, casting story 4, honor 5, deceased actors

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >5, deceased actor</h1>

The actors who died in "Yongzheng Dynasty": Wu Sidao (Li Dingbao), Tong Guowei (Liao Bingyan), Zhang Tingyu (Du Yulu) and the chief cameraman Chi Xiaoning. The first three are all first-class actors.

First of all, Let's talk about Wu Sidao, a character who read the script in advance, and it is no exaggeration to say that without him, yongzheng would be difficult to ascend to the throne. Wu Sidao's actor Li Dingbao graduated from the Shanghai Theater Academy, once starred in the role of Lu Xun in "A Q Zheng biography", more achievements are in the stage play, unfortunately, 2006 is gone. Wu Sidao is a "lame" strategist in the play, once when rehearsing a play, he accidentally injured his leg, but he did not tell the director, but insisted on finishing the film, and sincerely admired the dedication of the old drama bone.

Behind the scenes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": Zhang Fengyi regretted missing Yongzheng, 3 first-class actors died 1, director's choice 2, behind-the-scenes team 3, casting story 4, honor 5, deceased actors

Then there is Tong Guowei, whose IQ is not lower than Zhang Tingyu, and he and Xiao Duozi have a hot stove and a cold stove, in order to ensure that Tong's parents will not fade. Later, his withdrawal was negotiated with Kangxi, he pulled the eight brothers into the water, Kangxi promoted Xiao Duozi in return, but unfortunately Xiao Duozi did not inherit his wisdom later, took sides early, and Yongzheng fought against him, and finally ended up with a tragic end.

Behind the scenes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": Zhang Fengyi regretted missing Yongzheng, 3 first-class actors died 1, director's choice 2, behind-the-scenes team 3, casting story 4, honor 5, deceased actors

The name Liao Bingyan may be a little unfamiliar, but his son Liao Fan is definitely familiar to you. Liao Bingyan, who died of illness in 2016, has won the Golden Lion Award for Chinese drama actors and various performance awards, in addition to Tong Guowei, there is also a role that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, that is, Zhang Zhidong, the "Xiang Shuai" of "Toward the Republic", wrote a good article.

Behind the scenes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": Zhang Fengyi regretted missing Yongzheng, 3 first-class actors died 1, director's choice 2, behind-the-scenes team 3, casting story 4, honor 5, deceased actors

"Zhang Tingyu" is not much to say, the chief camera Chi Xiaoning was the cinematographer of Zhang Yimou's directorial works "Ju Dou" and "Qiu Ju Fights the Lawsuit", and has the title of "Desperate Sanlang" in the circle, in addition, "Towards the Republic", "Han Wu Emperor", "Qia Classmate Boy" are also used as photographers, unfortunately, in 2007, he was gone, at the age of 52.

Behind the scenes of "Yongzheng Dynasty": Zhang Fengyi regretted missing Yongzheng, 3 first-class actors died 1, director's choice 2, behind-the-scenes team 3, casting story 4, honor 5, deceased actors

21 years later, "Yongzheng Dynasty" is still the benchmark of historical drama, representing the highest level of historical drama, good novels, good scripts, good directors, good actors, as well as costumes, props, music are all top matching, together creating an immortal classic, worth watching and reminiscing repeatedly.

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