
Blue Route Spring Welfare Email Release Trailer 10 Rubik's Cubes and 4 Gold Brie Unfortunately there are no diamonds

The recent blue route has no new activities, the new activities that will be opened are also based on reproduction small activities, but in the distribution of player benefits, the official is still very active and proactive, this time brings specific spring welfare emails to issue a preview description, this time the reward resources are still quite rich, specifically to talk about.

Blue Route Spring Welfare Email Release Trailer 10 Rubik's Cubes and 4 Gold Brie Unfortunately there are no diamonds

In the season of stinging, spring thunder begins to sound. Everything recovers, the wind is harmonious. The breath of Kasuga gradually thickened, and our favorite cute file Xiao Jiajia carefully prepared a gift for the commander of The Spring Day, including: Mind Cube × 10, Ship Attack Textbook T3×4, Ship Defense Textbook T3×4, Ship Auxiliary Textbook T3×4, Ship Exercise Data T1×200, Material × 8000, Prototype Brie MKII ×4

Blue Route Spring Welfare Email Release Trailer 10 Rubik's Cubes and 4 Gold Brie Unfortunately there are no diamonds

Explain how this resource is, because the activities of the national service are usually no live broadcast activities, the main live broadcast activities are also based on the life broadcast of the daily service, and the general live broadcast activities will have additional raw broadcast rewards, which at the same time play the Ark of Tomorrow and fgo players should be clear, the rewards issued by the live broadcast are very rich and sufficient, so the daily service has this reward, the national service to find a good excuse, find a safe opportunity and time to issue to the player.

Blue Route Spring Welfare Email Release Trailer 10 Rubik's Cubes and 4 Gold Brie Unfortunately there are no diamonds

However, it is interesting that the number of rewards this time is different from the number of official live broadcast displays at the beginning, the number is actually doubled, the specific reason is also because the official system of the Japanese service issued errors, two commemorative emails were sent in one go, considering that the national service players should be fair, to avoid causing unnecessary controversy, so the official resources issued are also directly doubled, anyway, there is no diamond resources, so it is not painful to double the official.

Blue Route Spring Welfare Email Release Trailer 10 Rubik's Cubes and 4 Gold Brie Unfortunately there are no diamonds

However, the official is really desperate to find a reason to send resources to players, it is really difficult for the official, the resources are generally the old players of the team, but the help for new players is still quite large, the amount of resources of the Rubik's Cube is really reliable, after all, from this year, it can be seen that the official center has gradually shifted to the card draw, after all, the number of colored leather ships has increased.

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