
On the 10th day of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Putin issued four major truce conditions, and the United States, Britain, France, Germany, and Japan warned Russia

author:Sister America

On March 5, in the blink of an eye, the time has come to the 10th day of the war between Russia and Ukraine, according to the statement of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Russian army has taken control of Kherson in southern Ukraine, and the pro-Russian forces in Donbass have taken more villages and positions, and also surrounded the military town of Mariupol.

The Chechen army even named the Azov battalion to duel, and Kadyrov said that he would not accept the surrender of the Azov battalion, and Chechnya would completely annihilate the Azov battalion.

In addition, the Russians also took the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, which is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. When the Russian army exchanged fire with the Ukrainian army, the nuclear power plant caught fire, and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kureba said that the Russian army attacked the nuclear power plant, but the Statement of the Russian Ministry of Defense was that the fire was caused by Ukrainian extremist forces and mercenaries participated in the operation.

The battle situation was still glued, from the initial momentum of the bamboo, to the subsequent siege of Kiev, unresolved, the regrouped Russian army took a stand. For now, the main point of engagement of the Russo-Ukrainian War is still in Eastern Ukraine, and large-scale conflicts have not yet broken out in Kiev, Kharkov and Mariupol.

On the 10th day of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Putin issued four major truce conditions, and the United States, Britain, France, Germany, and Japan warned Russia

Because all countries are busy evacuating overseas Chinese, the Ukrainian people have not yet completely withdrawn, if the Russian military attacks the city with heavy weapons, it may cause innocent casualties, which is not the result that Putin wants to see.

The contest outside the battle is also worth noting.

The White House announced on March 4 that US Vice President Harris will travel to Poland and Romania to exchange views with NATO allies on the situation in Russia and Ukraine. Biden told Polish President Duda that more aid should be provided to Ukraine, as well as tightened sanctions against Russia.

On March 4, the United States launched sanctions against 91 entities in 10 countries on the grounds of "supporting Russian military operations." Perhaps in order to knock the mountain, the United States is also interested in sanctioning India, because India is planning to use the rupee and ruble, bypass the dollar to maintain economic cooperation with Russia, and refuse to support the United States' proposal to "condemn Russia" at the United Nations General Assembly, and India has chosen to abstain.

On the 10th day of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Putin issued four major truce conditions, and the United States, Britain, France, Germany, and Japan warned Russia

The United States believes that on the Ukraine issue, it is time for India to "abandon Russia" and turn to support the United States and NATO, but India is not willing to fall out with Russia.

At a time when the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is intensifying, Finland's move is noteworthy. On March 4, Finnish President Nenis arrived in Washington and received a warm reception from Biden. Ninis told Biden that Finland was seriously considering joining NATO for the first time.

Ninis stressed that the War between Russia and Ukraine has changed the world situation, the situation in Finland and Sweden is changing, and the poll results show that the majority of the Finnish people support "joining NATO".

Russia has told Finland and Sweden not to join NATO or it will retaliate.

For now, Finland doesn't seem to want to deal with Russia, and everything ukraine has been going through tells Finland that it must seek asylum from NATO because Finland fears it will be the next Ukraine.

On the 10th day of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Putin issued four major truce conditions, and the United States, Britain, France, Germany, and Japan warned Russia

Biden has not yet expressed his position on this matter, although the United States wants to promote NATO's eastward expansion and squeeze Russia's strategic buffer zone, but at present, Sweden, Finland, Ukraine and Georgia are all hot potatoes for NATO, and the United States is unlikely to set itself on fire.

On the surface, the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, and Canada issued a joint statement, and also warned Russia in a "uniform" posture that it must immediately end military operations and withdraw troops from Ukraine, otherwise it will continue to sanction Russia. In fact, both the Group of Seven and NATO are all rat-traps for Russia.

At least 3 details can confirm that after Putin moved, NATO began to fear Russia.

Detail one, NATO refuses to stand up for Ukraine. After the NATO summit, the NATO secretary-general said in an interview that NATO aircraft will not enter Ukrainian airspace and NATO troops will not enter Ukrainian territory.

On the 10th day of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Putin issued four major truce conditions, and the United States, Britain, France, Germany, and Japan warned Russia

Stoltenberg stressed that NATO will not set up a "no-fly zone" in Ukraine, and that doing so could lead to a war in Europe, in which more countries will be involved, which is not what NATO wants to see. NATO is willing to help, but not to be part of the conflict.

British Prime Minister Johnson said that the establishment of a "no-fly zone" in Ukraine is equivalent to a war against Russia, and the consequences are unpredictable and not something that Britain can do.

The White House said the establishment of a "no-fly zone" meant confronting Russian aircraft, and if it was shot down, the United States was likely to clash with Russian forces.

In short, NATO, which pays lip service to supporting Ukraine, is unwilling to pay the price of "angering the Russian army."

On the 10th day of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Putin issued four major truce conditions, and the United States, Britain, France, Germany, and Japan warned Russia

Detail two, Zelenskiy denounced NATO as too weak. Zelenskiy stressed that the result of NATO's refusal to set up a "no-fly zone" in Ukraine is to provide conditions for the Russian military to bomb Ukrainian cities and villages, which NATO can do exactly, but under the pretext of "fear of a military conflict with Russia", which is a NATO summit full of weakness and chaos.

Zelenskiy asked NATO, who else can NATO protect?

Ukrainian lawmaker Sovsan said on March 5 that the West had abandoned Ukraine and that Ukraine was disappointed in the United States and Britain.

According to Zelenskiy's layout, if NATO is not willing to help Ukraine seize air supremacy, it should at least provide more fighters for Ukraine, but Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau has publicly stated that Canada needs to avoid escalating the situation, and it is impossible to provide warplanes for Ukraine next.

On the 10th day of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Putin issued four major truce conditions, and the United States, Britain, France, Germany, and Japan warned Russia

Italian Foreign Minister Di Maio even said that NATO members believe that Putin should be persuaded to return to the negotiating table and resolve the conflict through dialogue, and NATO cannot be directly involved in the Confrontation between Russia and Ukraine.

Detail three, Zelenskiy, who knows that the United States and NATO are "unreliable", is changing his attitude and calling on Putin to hold talks directly, but Putin has not taken care of the Ukrainian president.

Zelenskiy knows better than anyone that the reason why the Russian army failed to capture Kiev, Kharkov and Mariupol was because Putin did not want to hurt the innocent, and the Russian army has been waiting for the opportunity to "launch a general offensive". At the same time that the people left Kiev, the Russian army was lining up troops, stockpiling supplies, transporting heavy weapons, and after Putin's order, the Ukrainian army was likely to collapse.

On the 10th day of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Putin issued four major truce conditions, and the United States, Britain, France, Germany, and Japan warned Russia

Until the Russians launch an all-out offensive, Ukraine can prevent the tragedy if Kiev can negotiate a solution. Otherwise, Ukraine will pay a heavy price.

The problem is that putin cannot withdraw his troops until the strategic goal is reached, the United States and Europe have severely sanctioned Russia, and the Russian army has paid the price of casualties.

During a telephone talk with German Chancellor Schoelz, Putin offered the terms of an armistice. Putin said that in the past eight years, Ukraine has carried out "genocide" in Donbass, killing 14,000 people, including thousands of children, but the West has chosen to be silent about this, and the Russian military is trying to help the people of Donbass.

On the 10th day of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Putin issued four major truce conditions, and the United States, Britain, France, Germany, and Japan warned Russia

Putin stressed that Russia is willing to engage in dialogue with Ukraine, provided that Kiev accedes to Russia's demands that Ukraine must be "demilitarized", maintain its neutrality, recognize Crimea as Russian, and recognize the sovereignty and borders of Donetsk and Luhansk.

In Putin's view, the area of the pro-Russian armed forces in eastern Ukraine should be 52,000 square kilometers, not the 17,200 square kilometers that are actually controlled.

For Ukraine, putin's four truce conditions are almost only acceptable to "remain neutral", and Kiev is unlikely to agree to the rest, whether it is self-abolition of martial arts, recognition of Russian sovereignty over Crimea, or recognition of the independence of Donetsk and Luhansk.

On the 10th day of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Putin issued four major truce conditions, and the United States, Britain, France, Germany, and Japan warned Russia

Putin believes that sanctions do harm Russia's interests, but this will not prevent Russia from achieving its goals, and in the long run, Russia can benefit from it, and Western countries will also bear the cost.

From Putin's statement, it is not difficult to see that from the moment Russia launched its military operations in Ukraine, Russia was ready to be sanctioned by the United States, Britain, France, Germany and Japan, but Russia will not back down.

For Ukraine, the real challenge may be yet to come, because Russia will soon launch a general offensive, but in any case, the biggest winner of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is still the United States, and Ukraine has indeed been deceived by the United States.

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