
"Dual Engine Empowerment, Green Moving Future" GAC Toyota Joins Hands with Industry Big Coffee to Talk About "Double Carbon"

"Dual Engine Empowerment, Green Moving Future" GAC Toyota Joins Hands with Industry Big Coffee to Talk About "Double Carbon"

On March 1st, the "Dual Engine Empowerment, Green Moving Future" - 2022 GAC Toyota & Guangzhou Daily Talk "Double Carbon" Theme Forum was held in the Guangbao Center. The event demonstrated the desire and determination of many parties to jointly promote carbon neutrality. Su Yuejiang, director of the Information Model Institute of Guangzhou Transportation Research Institute, Yang Li, president of Guangzhou Carbon Neutral Science Research Institute, He Lingyun, professor of energy economics at Jinan University, Yan Fei, founder and president of Guangdong Automobile Circulation Association, and other experts, scholars and industry leaders were invited to share their insights in the field of low-carbon transportation and travel; many mainstream media representatives participated in the discussion on the spot to discuss the "double carbon" future and empower the city's energy-saving prospects.

"Dual Engine Empowerment, Green Moving Future" GAC Toyota Joins Hands with Industry Big Coffee to Talk About "Double Carbon"

Low-carbon progressive, THE triple role of GAC Toyota in different periods

At the forum, Huang Yongqiang, deputy general manager of GAC Toyota Motor Co., Ltd., introduced its three strategic actions of "comprehensive high-end", "all-round electrification" and "all-field science and technology".

Huang Yongqiang said in his speech that GAC Toyota has been exploring and working hard at the forefront of the wave of automobile electrification to speed up the "all-round electrification" strategy. "GAC Toyota has always been a popularizer of hybrid technology, achieving two firsts in the industry," he said. "In 2010, GAC Toyota took the lead in introducing hybrid models at the mainstream level, the Camry dual engine; in 2015, the arrival of the Leiling dual engine took the lead in reducing the price difference between hybrid and fuel models, so that the threshold for the popularity of electrified models was lowered."

It is understood that in 2021, GAC Toyota's twin-engine hybrid model sales exceeded 182,000 units, an increase of 98% over 2020. The cumulative sales of dual-engine hybrid models also exceeded 500,000 units, and both data ranked first in the industry. It is worth noting that the proportion of GAC Toyota's dual-engine hybrid model sales in the overall sales has increased from 11% in 2020 to 22% in 2021, which means that for every five vehicles sold by GAC Toyota, one is a dual-engine hybrid.

At present, GAC Toyota has become a "full-engine deepening doer". Huang Yongqiang introduced that GAC Toyota has completed the "hybrid, plug-in hybrid, pure electric" full-engine layout, spanning three categories of cars, MPVs and SUVs, covering multiple levels from small cars to flagship mid-to-high-end cars. Bring users a variety of choices.

GAC Toyota actively promotes the development of electrification, takes the initiative, and promotes the high-quality development of electrified products with hybridization as the core. Be a new model in the era of pure electricity. Huang Yongqiang revealed that in the future, GAC Toyota's new TNGA cars will all be available in dual-engine hybrid versions. This year, GAC Toyota will also introduce the e-TNGA architecture this year to accelerate the launch of pure electric vehicles. Including the blockbuster new car bZ4X, a total of five pure electric models will be introduced in the next few years. By 2035, GAC Toyota's product line will be 100% electrified.

The use of new energy vehicles by individuals is of great significance for carbon reduction

Su Yuejiang, director of the Information Model Institute of Guangzhou Transportation Research Institute, said in his keynote speech that the purchase and use of new energy vehicles in the personal field is of great significance to carbon reduction and energy saving. "Assuming that all 2.2 million fuel cars are replaced by new energy vehicles, carbon emissions will be reduced by 2.7 million tons per year."

"Dual Engine Empowerment, Green Moving Future" GAC Toyota Joins Hands with Industry Big Coffee to Talk About "Double Carbon"

Starting from a series of data models and research results, enterprises are encouraged to increase the proportion of new energy vehicles used, and explore the pilot promotion of the "unified construction and management, scattered construction and unified management, and orderly charging" model in residential communities. At the same time, the total amount of small and medium-sized passenger cars is used to continue to give the index policy tilt of energy-saving and new energy vehicles, while gradually reducing the allocation quota of the incremental indicators of ordinary fuel vehicles; through tax adjustments, strengthen the miniaturization, lightness and electrification of privately purchased cars. "We can also consider the necessity and feasibility of studying the passage of special 'HOV lanes' for new energy vehicles." Su Yuejiang proposed.

As for the automobile industry and enterprises, Su Yuejiang believes that "three major transformations" should be promoted: the transformation of traditional fuel vehicles to new energy intelligent vehicles, the upgrading and transformation of sales-oriented enterprises to user-oriented enterprises, and the transformation of automobile manufacturers into comprehensive suppliers of travel.

Hybrid technology is in line with market demand

Yang Li, president of the Guangzhou Carbon Neutral Science Research Institute, stressed in her keynote speech that although new energy vehicles are developing rapidly, there are still great difficulties in completely withdrawing internal combustion engine vehicles from the market and achieving full pure electrification in a short period of time. "From the perspective of use, pure electric vehicles still have large shortcomings. Problems such as the difficulty of replenishing energy along the high-speed line of pure electric vehicles and the anxiety of user mileage have attracted much attention", on the one hand, the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality in the field of transportation and travel is in front, on the other hand, it is difficult for internal combustion engines to completely withdraw from the market in a short period of time. What is the way out? Yang Li believes that the use of oil-electric hybrids and the deep electrification of internal combustion engine vehicles will be an effective means of energy conservation and emission reduction. "From the perspective of carbon emissions, the carbon emissions of dual-engine hybrid technology are much lower than those of traditional gasoline vehicles, and in China, which is currently dominated by thermal power, the carbon emissions of dual-engine hybrid technology are even better than PHEVs (plug-in hybrid vehicles) defined as new energy vehicles." Yang Li said.

"Dual Engine Empowerment, Green Moving Future" GAC Toyota Joins Hands with Industry Big Coffee to Talk About "Double Carbon"

In the context of "double carbon", hybrid is a technology that is more in line with market demand. In recent years, despite no subsidies, the sales of twin-engine models have been soaring, as evidenced by this. In the future, under the premise of continuous improvement of quality and after-sales service, consumers' recognition of hybrid new models will continue to increase and continue to become an important part of the automobile market.

Hybrid is safer and more energy efficient than pure electricity

He Lingyun, professor of economics and doctoral supervisor of Jinan University, used a series of data to explain that the new energy automobile industry in Guangdong Province has entered a comprehensive promotion period, and the sales volume and ownership of new energy vehicles in Guangdong Province rank first in the country, and pay more attention to pure electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles than other regions.

As far as the carbon reduction effect is concerned, the current situation in Guangdong Province is reasonable. According to He Lingyun, the social significance of "double engine" should be considered in the context of "double carbon". "From the perspective of the current power generation structure, because the electric energy used by pure electric vehicles is mainly 'gray electricity', this causes that from the perspective of the whole life cycle of fuel, pure electric vehicles are not necessarily environmentally friendly, and the energy-saving and emission-reduction effect of hybrid vehicles is more obvious."

"Dual Engine Empowerment, Green Moving Future" GAC Toyota Joins Hands with Industry Big Coffee to Talk About "Double Carbon"

"Intelligent and new energy vehicles" industry through intelligent, networked, digital technology to promote transformation and upgrading, but also to promote the upgrading of green consumption, as one of the "new energy and energy conservation and environmental protection" industry, break through the core technology of key components, to create a low-carbon energy supply system; promote the optimization and upgrading of automobile consumption, from "city of automobiles" to "city of new energy vehicles" transformation.

After the "double carbon" goal was proposed, consumer demand for low-carbon new energy vehicles became stronger, which also brought new opportunities for the development of new energy vehicles. From the perspective of many experts and scholars at the forum, it is the general trend that energy-saving vehicles replace internal combustion locomotives, but the power technology of energy-saving vehicles itself is still in the "hundred flowers blooming" stage of "technology divergence". Among them, dual-engine hybrid technology will occupy an important position for a long time because of its ease of use, safety, reliability and, more importantly, excellent energy saving and carbon reduction effect. Popularization is the last word, and only by acting steadily can we go far. Dual-engine hybrid is far from being a "transition plan" to achieve the goal of double carbon, but also a "double full solution" that takes into account energy conservation and environmental protection and user happiness. In these aspects, Guangzhou automobile enterprises represented by GAC Toyota have provided a model for Chinese automobile companies to practice a dual-carbon and green-moving future with good results.


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