
Say goodbye to game wilderness! A must-play "Soul System" game on the Switch!

During this time, the hottest game in the game circle, "Eldon's Ring of Law", I think you players have heard of its name even if they have not played it. As a masterpiece that pre-booked the "2022 Best Game", it makes everyone love and hate because of its high difficulty. Xiaobian is also extremely addicted to the "Eldon Ring" these days, "soul game" is difficult to return, but after you have worked hard to finally pass the level, the sense of achievement brought by it is unmatched by all other games.

Today is just the opportunity to recommend some difficult "soul system" games on Switch, rushing!

Say goodbye to game wilderness! A must-play "Soul System" game on the Switch!

Dark Souls Remake is Chinese in the European and American port areas

First of all, we must talk about the founder of this "soul game", "Dark Souls", after all, there will be no "soul system" without it, "Dark Souls 1" is a classic in the classic, no matter when you want to enter the pit "soul system", playing "Dark Souls 1" is always an outdated choice.

Gameplay, difficulty, art style, action design, these parts that everyone exaggerates no longer, I will not dwell on it, I would like to focus on the plot of the "Dark Souls" series. Unlike the traditional Japanese game that directly puts a large section of the plot in front of your eyes, the soul series has gone to the other extreme, the game is extremely pure, all the clues are hidden in the fragmented details, it can be said that in addition to the lively battle, the detailed exploration of the plot is also a great pleasure of playing the "soul system" game.

Say goodbye to game wilderness! A must-play "Soul System" game on the Switch!

The Hollow Knight is Chinese throughout the region

The "soul system" masterpiece in the horizontal platform jumping game, it is difficult to imagine such a delicate action game actually has a development team of only 3 people. This game is also recommended by me repeatedly in the content related to action games, and after playing "Hollow Knight", you will know how much pleasure the refined action design can bring to the player's game. In addition to the impeccable action design, the simple and not simple game graphics, immersive music, exquisite and delicate backstory, and large and complete map design are all reasons why you have to play this game.

Say goodbye to game wilderness! A must-play "Soul System" game on the Switch!

"Azure" is Chinese in the whole district

In addition to the impeccable work of "Hollow Knight", the second "soul" platform jumping game I still struggled with "Ori" and "Azure", and finally chose "Azure" ("Ori" is very delicate, but the difficulty is still a little lower in my opinion, not to the level of suffering). Like traditional "soul" games, you can only feel the charm of this game in repeated failures. Retro and charming pixel-style graphics, deliberately embarrassing but interesting obstacle design, and gradually deepening but not frustrating difficulty changes, are the unique charm of the game "Azure".

Say goodbye to game wilderness! A must-play "Soul System" game on the Switch!

"Cuphead" is Chinese in the whole district

Players who are accustomed to playing "soul system" games may subconsciously feel that all the "soul system" games are black and deep, and the gorgeous style of "Teacup Head" cannot be associated with the "soul system" game for the first time. But aside from its glossy surface, it's a real nightmare of "handbags." A pink bullet that can block but can't actually block, a level boss that you can never understand what it's thinking, and an attack that doesn't know when it will fall from the sky are all stumbling blocks on your way through the level. And this is still a two-person game Oh, if the "breakup kitchen" can not test whether the feelings are sincere, then can not be angry together to pass the "Cuphead", must be a lifetime of true love.

Say goodbye to game wilderness! A must-play "Soul System" game on the Switch!

"Close to the Dungeon" is Chinese in the whole district

In addition to the style, the "Soul System" game also has a stereotype, that is, only cold weapons or spell attacks, but "Advance to the Dungeon" is the opposite, presenting players with a feast of hot weapons. Whether it is the protagonist or the enemy all the characters are holding bullets at each other, the whole screen is attacked by the bullet screen all the time, I have to admit that this way of shooting firearms has a unique pleasure, which man can refuse a machine gun full of bullets? hey! Boss, your weapon is so powerful, can you use it for me?

Say goodbye to game wilderness! A must-play "Soul System" game on the Switch!

The above is the game recommendation link of this issue, the "Soul System" game from the original unpopular niche, to the current "Eldon's Ring of Law" is well known, I have to say that it does have a unique charm that other games cannot match. In the game world of "Soul System", there is no need for money, no level, no equipment, you just need to hone your skills with peace of mind, you can continue to become stronger, and getting stronger is addictive.

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