
The daily book list | may you always have a rational mind that is not instigated

The daily book list | may you always have a rational mind that is not instigated

In the Internet era of "information cocoons" and "personality recommendations", where everyone can express their opinions, maintaining sanity has suddenly become particularly valuable.

Not wrapped up in overwhelming news, become a member of the rabble,calmly distinguish between the false and the real. Such an attitude is very simple to say, even cool, but when it is really done, it makes people feel helpless "in this mountain".

Don't be discouraged, look at the following books, maybe you will have new thinking!

The silent majority

Wang Xiaobo / China Youth Publishing House / 1997

The daily book list | may you always have a rational mind that is not instigated

This collection of essays includes articles on ideology and culture, dealing with the situation and thinking of intellectuals, social morality and ethics, cultural controversy, sinology and neo-Confucianism, nationalism, and other issues; including various insights unearthed from daily life; including creative talks and literary theories, such as the motivation for writing, the author's teacher's inheritance, the author's views on the art of the novel, the author's view on stylistic style, and his views on film and television; including a small number of book reviews, including both reviews of literary classics and some views on contemporary writers' works.

Finally, it also includes some miscellaneous feelings of extraterritorial life and comments on certain social phenomena.

"There is something extraordinary about Zhang Ailing's novels, which is that she has a deep understanding of women's lives."

Weak propagation

Zou Zhendong / National Academy of Administration Press / 2018

The daily book list | may you always have a rational mind that is not instigated

For a long time, the study of public opinion, which was once the sky of dialogue between philosophers, has now become the scrap of journalism and communication. The public's perception of public opinion is still generally stuck in the categories of public events and star hotspots. "Weak Communication" breaks this limitation and expands the research horizon to the world of public opinion that coexists with the real world.

The author gestation for twenty years and writing for four years, trying to construct a complete system of the world of public opinion like Newton summed up the laws of motion in the physical world. The book is composed of the weak principle of public opinion, the "four laws", "three theories and three laws" and a series of public opinion tools, rich in a large number of real cases such as daily life, political elections, commercial promotion, and social events.

Therefore, "Weak Communication" is not only a practical book that teaches communication techniques in interviews, public relations, negotiations, love and even the way of husband and wife, but also a practical tool for dealing with public opinion crises and fighting public opinion wars, and a desk book for all media people, public figures and civil servants. With unique insights, meticulous expositions and complete systems, it can be called the first "philosophy of the world of public opinion" in China.

I hope that everyone who changes their lives or gets out of trouble through public opinion can find their own answers from "Weak Communication".

"The naming influence of public opinion even determines the spread of public opinion. Therefore, the first battle of public opinion must first compete for the naming power of public opinion. Events without names are not public opinion events. ”

Thinking, fast and slow

Daniel Kahneman / Hu Xiaojiao / CITIC Press / 2012

The daily book list | may you always have a rational mind that is not instigated

In the book, Kahneman takes us on an ultimate journey of thinking. He believes that our brains have two ways to make decisions, fast and slow. The commonly used unconscious "system 1", which relies on emotions, memories, and experiences to make quick judgments, is well-informed and allows us to react quickly to the situation at hand.

But System 1 is also easily fooled, clinging to the principle of "seeing is fact" and allowing illusions such as loss aversion and optimism bias to lead us to make bad choices. Conscious "System 2" analyzes and solves problems by mobilizing attention and making decisions, it is slow and not easy to make mistakes, but it is lazy, often takes shortcuts, and directly adopts the intuitive judgment results of System 1.

In order to give the reader a real sense of the characteristics of the two protagonists of System 1 and System 2, Kahneman introduces many classic and interesting behavioral experiments, pointing out when we can trust our intuition and when we can't; instructing us on how to make better choices in the business, the workplace, and in our personal lives, and how to use different techniques to avoid the mistakes of thinking that often get us into trouble.

This book will completely change the way you think about thinking.


Albert Camus / Liu Mingjiu / Shanghai Translation Publishing House / 2010

The daily book list | may you always have a rational mind that is not instigated

The Outsider is the famous work of the French writer Camus and one of the outstanding works of existential literature, which describes the absurd things experienced by the protagonist Meursault in the absurd world and his own absurd experience in an objectively recorded "zero-degree style" in an objective record.

From attending his mother's funeral to accidentally becoming a murderer to being sentenced to death, Meursault seemed indifferent to everything, and he was like a symbolic symbol representing a universal existence, and like a blood-red beacon, with a high degree of caution.

However, the emergence of the phenomenon of outsiders is undoubtedly conceived by the world itself, and Meursault's existence has its profound external causes.

"We rarely trust people who are better than us, and that's too true. We prefer to avoid dealing with them. On the contrary, it is most often that we confide in people who are similar to us and share common weaknesses. ”

The perpetrator's family

[Day] Nobumoto Suzuki / Lingxian Chen / Harushio | CITIC Publishing Group / 2022

The daily book list | may you always have a rational mind that is not instigated

"The tragedy that happened to the family of the perpetrator is ultimately due to the crime committed by the perpetrator. The perpetrator did not think that his actions would involve his family and cause his family to suffer. If the perpetrator had thought of this in advance, he might not have committed a crime on impulse. ”

Nobumoto Suzuki, head of NHK Special Edition today's Focus, wanted this perspective to help society a little, so he wrote this book.

The book is based on one of the episodes of Today's Focus, "Confessions of the Family of the Perpetrator of a Crime," broadcast by NHK Television, and substantially adds information that has not been edited into the program. It starts with an ordinary family that can be seen everywhere: the police suddenly call, the husband is arrested...

There are first-hand interview materials that record the pressure and situation of the perpetrator's family after learning of the family's crime; there are also the collation and revisiting of the sensational old cases, and the reflections on the phenomenon of the perpetrator's family of the Internet sniper; and the response to juvenile delinquency is more important than punishment.

"The phenomenon of netizens attacking perpetrators and their families is said to have begun in 1997 with the continuous killing of children in Kobe."


[Ancient Rome] Marco Aurelius / He Huaihong / Central Compilation Publishing House / 2008

The daily book list | may you always have a rational mind that is not instigated

The Meditations were written to him by the Roman Emperor Aurelius, and most of them were written by him in Kurama Lawton.

The work comes from Aurelius' feelings about himself in the court and the chaotic world in which he lives, and pursues a calm and contemplative life. This work is a milestone in the Stoic school.

"For the sake of the future, don't consume your thoughts on others, unless it's a common good that leads you to do so. Because of the painstaking discussion of other people's affairs, the careful review of other people's words, fantasies and intentions, speculation on other people's goals and motives... All this is nothing more than a purposeless rush that makes you forget about yourself and makes you deviate from your own guiding principles. ”