
The occurrence of colon cancer, or inseparable from these 4 major factors, found abnormal, to check in time

Colon cancer is a high-incidence malignancy. As a type of cancer, although the prognosis of colon cancer is better than other cancers, it is also recommended under the premise of active treatment.

If the disease is not paid attention to, with the development of the disease in the later stage, the cancer cells spread to other important organs of the body, which will greatly shorten the survival time of the patient.

For ordinary people, no one wants to suffer from colon cancer, so it is necessary for everyone to understand the causes of colon cancer in life and carry out targeted prevention in order to prevent the disease from causing damage to health.

The occurrence of colon cancer, or inseparable from these 4 major factors, found abnormal, to check in time

So what factors are involved in the occurrence of colon cancer?

1. Environmental factors

Studies have shown that of all environmental factors, dietary factors are the main cause of colon cancer. If you always eat some high-fat foods in your life, it is easy to cause colon cancer.

In addition, malnutrition, lack of certain trace elements, and changes in lifestyle habits are also common causes of colon cancer.

The occurrence of colon cancer, or inseparable from these 4 major factors, found abnormal, to check in time

2. Genetic factors

The occurrence of colon cancer is also affected by genetic factors. If an immediate family member of a person has colon cancer, then his chances of developing colon cancer are higher than those of the average person.

Clinical statistics show that about 25% of patients with colon cancer have a family history of colon cancer.

If a person has colon polyps and also has a family history of colon cancer, it is important to actively treat polyps.

The occurrence of colon cancer, or inseparable from these 4 major factors, found abnormal, to check in time

3. Colon adenoma

Statistics have shown that patients with colon adenomas have a 5 times higher incidence of colon cancer than people without adenomas, among which patients with polyadenomas have a higher chance of developing colon cancer.

Among them, the chance of villoid adenomatous polyps developing into cancer is relatively high, and the chance of tubular adenomatous polyps becoming cancerous is lower.

The occurrence of colon cancer, or inseparable from these 4 major factors, found abnormal, to check in time

4. Chronic inflammation of the large intestine

If you have inflammation of the large intestine, if not treated in time, repeated stimulation of inflammation is easy to form polyps, and the large intestine polyps have a certain chance of cancer.

Therefore, once the chronic inflammation of the intestine occurs, it must be actively treated, and usually pay attention to keeping warm, avoid staying up late, getting angry, and eating a light diet.

The occurrence of colon cancer, or inseparable from these 4 major factors, found abnormal, to check in time

These are the common factors that precipitate colon cancer. Colon cancer, like other cancers, is treated earlier and the better.

Therefore, in life, we must pay attention to the abnormal performance of the body, if there is obvious physical discomfort, we must go to the hospital in time to prevent the aggravation of the disease!

After the occurrence of colon cancer, it will first manifest itself as a change in bowel habits, the frequency of defecation may become more frequent, accompanied by symptoms of diarrhea and constipation, and mucus with blood streaks may appear in the feces. There are also symptoms of abdominal pain in the early stages of the disease.

As the tumor enlarges, the patient can reach the mass in their abdomen, which is harder in texture. The tumor grows to a certain extent and can cause intestinal obstruction. If the above symptoms are found, they should be paid attention to and actively seek medical treatment.

The occurrence of colon cancer, or inseparable from these 4 major factors, found abnormal, to check in time

From the above content, it can be seen that the occurrence of colon cancer is related to environmental factors, genetic factors, chronic colorectal inflammation and colon adenoma, etc. If you want to prevent the occurrence of colon cancer, you should do a light diet in life, do not eat high-fat, greasy food, if you have intestinal diseases, you should go to the hospital for treatment in time, and you should also go to the hospital regularly for physical examination.

However, if you accidentally suffer from colon cancer, patients do not have to worry too much, as long as they can detect the condition early and actively cooperate with doctors for treatment, the cure rate is still relatively high.

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