
NVIDIA's 75GB of classified data was exposed by hackers in more than 400,000 files

The South American hacking group LAPSU$ recently set its sights on NVIDIA, claiming to have hacked into the other side's server for a week, obtained about 1TB of confidential data, and publicly sold the mining restriction cracking algorithm for RTX 30 series graphics cards, and also asked NVIDIA to fully lift the restrictions. Seeing that NVIDIA was slow to respond and refuse its blackmail requests, the hackers did "do what they said."

On March 1, the hackers released a portion of the file data they had, an 18.8GB RAR package that was unzipped for up to 75GB and contained more than 400,000 files.

Most of the content is source code that is considered highly confidential.

NVIDIA's 75GB of classified data was exposed by hackers in more than 400,000 files

Of course, we will not delve into the specifics, nor do we recommend that you search for and download this kind of content.

According to the hackers, the data they obtained included NVIDIA's product design blueprints, drivers, firmware, documentation, tools, SDK development kits, and so on.

So far, NVIDIA has not responded further, having previously said it successfully countered the hackers and hacked the other party's system.

NVIDIA's 75GB of classified data was exposed by hackers in more than 400,000 files

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