
Why do women smell fragrant


Thank you, dear readers, for continuing to follow my text and let's explore this story of wisdom in depth.

In the relationship between husband and wife, there are ten don'ts, and these warm and beneficial old people's words are worth learning and learning from. The so-called old man's words are the summary of the life experience of the ancestors and the crystallization of life experience, concise and easy to understand, but often contain profound truths about how to behave in the world.

Why do women smell fragrant

Don't get angry in the morning. Morning is an important time to welcome a new day, and it should be greeted with abundant energy and a happy mood. Don't quarrel at night. When you come home after a tiring day, you should reunite with your family and take a good rest. Don't have sex when you're sick. If one of the spouses is sick, it is best not to live as a couple in the same room, so as not to affect the health of the couple. Don't publicize the ugliness of the family. Family ugliness can only be known to one's own family, and once it is spread, it will not only be ridiculed by outsiders, but may also cause harm to the family. Don't move your hands when you're noisy. It's understandable to have a small quarrel between husband and wife, but don't hit someone. Don't go back to your parents' house. For small friction between husband and wife, it is best for the wife not to go back to her parents' house because of anger. Don't talk about career when you eat. Mealtime is a time of intimacy and pleasure, and it's best not to talk about work and career at the family dinner table. Don't engage in a cold war when you're angry. If a husband and wife get angry for some reason, the best way is to say it in time and not keep each other in their hearts. Don't get emotional. When the husband and wife go out to play or travel, they should be very relaxed and happy. Couples should not sleep in separate rooms. It is not easy for husband and wife to be together, it is a rare fate, and it is a blessing that needs to be cherished.

These old people's words are like a compass in our lives, guiding us to the right path. They teach us how to deal with the relationship between husband and wife, and how to make it more harmonious. Let's think about these old sayings together and make them wisdom in our lives.

Why do women smell fragrant

Dear readers, do you also think that these old people's words have an important impact on our lives? Do you also believe that if we follow these old people's words, we can live a better life?

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Why do women smell fragrant

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