
Helpless exposure: "Xiangxiang Animal Said" plagiarized more than 100 articles from me, but I was banned from Baijiahao

author:Writer Wang Tianxiang
Helpless exposure: "Xiangxiang Animal Said" plagiarized more than 100 articles from me, but I was banned from Baijiahao

Probably with publishing and distribution, there is plagiarism and plagiarism. Plagiarists, some for fame, some for profit, and some for fame and fortune.

The reason why they did this injustice is that they really can't write anything decent. The second is to save effort. Third, the success rate of plagiarism is high and the cost of crime is low. Therefore, they are eager to do it, and they never get tired of it.

My creative level is not high, but once I post on the headlines, I encounter many three-handed handling, plagiarism, and plagiarism from the south, north, south, east, west, and west, and I am helpless. Probably because I'm writing a story.

Helpless exposure: "Xiangxiang Animal Said" plagiarized more than 100 articles from me, but I was banned from Baijiahao

Not long after I published on "Toutiao", I found that my stories were copied, plagiarized, plagiarized, transformed, washed, and almost all over the sky.

Later, posts were posted on "NetEase Account" and "Baijia Account", and it is still the same. In particular, on July 30, 2023, the article was posted on "Baijiahao", and the first article encountered "The review failed, which is highly similar to the content published by other authors of Baijiahao, and it is recommended to delete it." ”

Helpless exposure: "Xiangxiang Animal Said" plagiarized more than 100 articles from me, but I was banned from Baijiahao

A few days ago, I checked the backstage of "Today's Headlines" and was shocked.

In the past three years, I have published more than 1,800 articles, and almost all of them have been plagiarized.

Now there are more than 500 rights protection articles relying on Toutiao, and more than 1,200 articles are still being defended. Some chapters were plagiarized by up to 16 people.

Helpless exposure: "Xiangxiang Animal Said" plagiarized more than 100 articles from me, but I was banned from Baijiahao

Many platform editors looked up to me and invited me to join their platform. But I'm afraid that there will be more than one manuscript submitted. The editor advised me: As long as it is not the first release, you can vote more if it is original. Otherwise, someone else will carry your article in the same way.

I looked it up, and sure enough, it was. I had to choose "NetEase", "Baijia" and "Himalaya" to join.

However, my recent encounter with the submission of "Baijiahao" really made me indignant. is that when posting, I often encounter the warning of the editing teacher: your article is highly similar to the article that has been published on the platform, and it is recommended to delete it!

Helpless exposure: "Xiangxiang Animal Said" plagiarized more than 100 articles from me, but I was banned from Baijiahao

I was puzzled. Because when I was creating, I had to enter the synopsis of the story I wrote into the relevant platform to search, and only after finding that there were no similarities did I enter the creation. Now, how is it that there are "highly similar people"?

I immediately entered the title of my banned article into the Baijia engine to search, I don't know if I don't search, I was shocked when I searched!

There is an author of "Jiangxi" origin, "Xiangxiang Animal Says", from March 8, 2024 to the present, more than two months, I have carried about 100 works!

Helpless exposure: "Xiangxiang Animal Said" plagiarized more than 100 articles from me, but I was banned from Baijiahao

These plagiarized my works, some of them slightly modified the title, some pinched the head and removed the tail, some changed the word, some of the content was slightly modified at the beginning and the end, and some changed the time, place, and name of the person; But the vast majority of articles do not change anything, the time, place, names, themes, plots, antecedents, processes, consequences, and conclusions are all unchanged.

Helpless exposure: "Xiangxiang Animal Said" plagiarized more than 100 articles from me, but I was banned from Baijiahao

Even my original illustrations and order haven't changed a bit.

What's even more terrifying is that the only title symbol I use ★ on all platforms is copied correctly.

It can be seen how tenacious and bold this "fragrant animal said"!

Helpless exposure: "Xiangxiang Animal Said" plagiarized more than 100 articles from me, but I was banned from Baijiahao

In fact, I once stated to the editor of Baijia in the feedback of "Baijiahao" that this "fragrant animal theory" plagiarized my story and posted it on Baijia first, and I was the victim of this original. But it doesn't work at all.

"Baijiahao" asked me to come up with evidence and fill it out step by step. I understand the truth, whoever denounces will provide evidence. However, although those steps are scientific and meticulous, they are screenshots, links, original pictures, ID cards, and agents...... And I will only use the computer to check the information, type, and when it is my turn to do these operations, I will not be able to submit any of them. Therefore, I had to give up.

Helpless exposure: "Xiangxiang Animal Said" plagiarized more than 100 articles from me, but I was banned from Baijiahao

Helpless. Sometimes I speak directly in the comment section of this "fragrant animal said" and other plagiarized articles to ask him to stop plagiarizing. But no one paid attention to me, and they copied it correctly, and they did it correctly. And I became an author with "low creative quality" in "Baijiahao", and was even restricted to "due to the low quality of the account, I can only publish 〇 articles today"!

Check this "fragrant animal said" again, people continue to carry my story every day, and I am very happy to mix it on "Baijiahao".

Helpless exposure: "Xiangxiang Animal Said" plagiarized more than 100 articles from me, but I was banned from Baijiahao

I was forced to be helpless.,I had to explain to the background consulting teacher the reason why I was banned by the Baijia account.,Finally opened the ban the next day.,But the condition is still that the "account quality is low" and only three articles were posted.,Today I encountered three more stories, all of which were banned because of "highly similar to the articles posted by the Baijia account".

I had no choice but to follow the map and enter my banned topic into "Baijiahao", and the story I found was indeed "Xiangxiang Animal Theory" had already taken the lead and occupied the position of Baijiahao first.

Helpless exposure: "Xiangxiang Animal Said" plagiarized more than 100 articles from me, but I was banned from Baijiahao

As a result, "Xiangxiang Animal Says" plagiarized my story and became original. The real original "writer Wang Tianxiang" can only withstand the banned object of "low quality of creation".

That's probably what happened, I had no choice but to vomit as fast as possible.

Now, I will compare some of my works copied from the "Fragrant Animal Theory" that I picked out on "Hundred Families" and compare them with the stories that I originally published on "Toutiao". Let's take a look, the topic is almost the same, and then check it according to the map, and you will understand how diligent the "fragrant animal says" is.

Helpless exposure: "Xiangxiang Animal Said" plagiarized more than 100 articles from me, but I was banned from Baijiahao

Attached: Comparison chart of the original by writer Wang Tianxiang and plagiarized by "Xiangxiang Animal Theory". Under each question number is a group. I've only made a partial excerpt.

Baijiahao's "Jiangxi Xiangxiang Animal Says" plagiarized the comparison chart of the work published by writer Wang Tianxiang on the headlines


Altai under the blizzard: 11 wolves hunted 9 wild yaks, and only 1 cow was hunted with 3 tricks

Headline No. Debut2024-01-13 13:55 Writer Wang Tianxiang

11 wolves besieged 9 wild yaks, and hunted only 1 cow with 3 tricks

Baijiahao Xiangxiang Animal Says2024-03-08 14:51Jiangxi


The herb picker said: The wolf cub fell under the cliff of the Songhua River, and the she-wolf did everything possible to force him to rescue him

Headline No. Debut2024-03-06 15:27Writer Wang Tianxiang

The wolf cub fell under the cliff of the Songhua River, and the she-wolf tried her best to beg him to rescue her

Baijiahao Xiangxiang Animal Says2024-03-08 14:56Jiangxi


Painful lesson: A 13-year-old boy killed a wolf cub, and a few days later the bones of the boy were found in a mass grave

Headline No. Debut2024-03-05 16:18· Writer Wang Tianxiang

Grieving lessons, the teenager disappeared after killing the wolf cub, and his bones were found in a mass grave a few days later

Baijia Xiangxiang Animal Says2024-03-09 15:36Jiangxi

Helpless exposure: "Xiangxiang Animal Said" plagiarized more than 100 articles from me, but I was banned from Baijiahao


Zhiqing was trapped by a wolf on the haystack, and when the haystack was about to fall, he shouted "Gray", and the wolf king saved him

Headline No. 2024-03-02 17:29 Writer Wang Tianxiang

The educated youth was surrounded by wolves, and when the grass was about to fall, he called out to Gray, and was rescued by the wolf king

Baijia Xiangxiang Animal Says2024-03-09 15:51Jiangxi


The wolves besieged the village and slaughtered the dogs 4 times, just because the she-wolf avenged her husband, and finally the tiger drove away the wolf

Headline No. 2024-02-29 16:21 Writer Wang Tianxiang

The she-wolf avenged her husband, besieged the village and slaughtered the dog 4 times, and was finally driven away by the tiger

Baijia No. Xiangxiang Animal Says2024-03-10 12:15Jiangxi


Steppenwolves will touch porcelain too? In the New Year, the herdsmen rescued the frozen wolves, and they were almost killed

Headline No. 2024-02-24 15:20 Writer Wang Tianxiang

The kind-hearted herdsman rescued the wolf that was frozen to death, and was almost killed, and the steppe wolf turned out to touch porcelain?

Baijia Xiangxiang Animal Says2024-03-10 12:22Jiangxi

Helpless exposure: "Xiangxiang Animal Said" plagiarized more than 100 articles from me, but I was banned from Baijiahao


The wolf cub grew into a shepherd dog, and the sheepfold was less than one sheep in three days

Headline No. Debut2024-02-28 15:17· Writer Wang Tianxiang

Every three days, there is one less sheep in the sheepfold, and it turns out that the wolf cub steals the sheep to save the mother

Baijia Xiangxiang Animal Says2024-03-10 12:29Jiangxi


Changbai Mountain: The tiger roared and pounced on the car, slammed the glass with one palm, and poked into the tiger's claws

Headline No. 2024-02-23 18:17· Writer Wang Tianxiang

The tiger roared and pounced on the car, smashing the glass with one slap and reaching into the tiger's claws

Baijia No. Jiangxi Xiangxiang Animal Said2024-03-11

Helpless exposure: "Xiangxiang Animal Said" plagiarized more than 100 articles from me, but I was banned from Baijiahao


The snow in Altay is 5 feet deep, forcing the wolves to hunt red deer in the way of "snow road warfare".

Headline No. 2024-02-21 18:49 Writer Wang Tianxiang

Altay, where the snow is 5 feet deep, forces the wolves to hunt red deer in the form of "snow road warfare".

Baijiahao Xiangxiang Animal Says2024-03-11 13:38Jiangxi


In order to avenge the iron clip, the wolf chased and killed him three times, but he took a thing and turned enemies into friends

Headline No. Debut2024-03-12 11:32 Writer Wang Tianxiang

After being chased by the wolf three times, he was very scared, and the wolf came to the wolf to recognize him, and found that it was an injured wolf

Baijia Xiangxiang Animal Says2024-03-12 14:45Jiangxi

Helpless exposure: "Xiangxiang Animal Said" plagiarized more than 100 articles from me, but I was banned from Baijiahao


The wolf of Changbai Mountain has three tricks to catch pheasants: night hunting, ambush, and sky killing

Headline No. 2024-02-16 15:35 Writer Wang Tianxiang

The wolves of Changbai Mountain have three tricks to catch pheasants: night hunting, ambushing, and killing

Baijia No. Xiangxiang Animal Says2024-03-12 15:16Jiangxi


The wolf is a killer who specializes in "picking soft persimmons and pinching" in the Hoh Xil wasteland|The wolf has five tricks

Headline No. 2024-02-05 20:11 Writer Wang Tianxiang

The killer of rivers and lakes in the wasteland of Hoh Xil: The wolf uses the selection of soft persimmons as a trick

Baijia Xiangxiang Animal Says2024-03-13 20:31Jiangxi

Helpless exposure: "Xiangxiang Animal Said" plagiarized more than 100 articles from me, but I was banned from Baijiahao


Forest Farm Tiger Police: The tiger did not move for seven days in the forest class, the wolves besieged it, and the technician disappeared|anecdote

Headline No. Debut2024-01-25 12:22 Writer Wang Tianxiang

Forest Farm Tiger Police: The tiger stayed in the forest for seven days without moving, was besieged by wolves, and the technician was missing

Baijiahao Xiangxiang Animal Says2024-03-14 13:36Jiangxi


The white-eyed wolf in Changbai Mountain is so fierce that the village officials fled for more than ten miles and fired three shots at it but still did not repel it

Headline No. Original Debut2021-01-14 05:03Writer Wang Tianxiang

The white-eyed wolf in Changbai Mountain is really fierce, and the village officials fled for more than ten miles and fired three shots at it but still did not repel it

Baijia Xiangxiang Animal Says2024-03-19 18:31Jiangxi

Helpless exposure: "Xiangxiang Animal Said" plagiarized more than 100 articles from me, but I was banned from Baijiahao


The female head of the special forces provoked the brown bear to learn the art of bear pounce, but the lone wolf took the opportunity to sneak attack her

Headline No. Debut2024-02-04 18:37 Writer Wang Tianxiang

The female head of the special forces provoked the brown bear to learn the art of bear pounce, but the lone wolf took the opportunity to sneak attack her

Baijiahao Xiangxiang Animal Said2024-03-23 11:31Jiangxi


Hungry wolf robbery: Changbai Mountain blocked the road and grabbed pheasants, and a 14-year-old boy beat the wild wolf as a dog

Headline No. Debut2023-11-10 16:57 Writer Wang Tianxiang

A 14-year-old boy caught pheasants in Changbai Mountain, but on his way home, he was robbed by a hungry wolf and blocked the road to grab pheasants

Baijia No. Xiangxiang Animal Says2024-03-29 17:50Jiangxi

Helpless exposure: "Xiangxiang Animal Said" plagiarized more than 100 articles from me, but I was banned from Baijiahao


The wild boar was so terrible that it chased the hunter up the tree through his crotch, and finally died mysteriously in the grass ditch

Headline No. Debut2023-10-04 16:36 Writer Wang Tianxiang

The terrifying wild boar chased the hunter through the crotch of his pants and chased him up the tree, and finally died mysteriously in the grass ditch

Baijiahao Xiangxiang Animal Said2024-03-31 13:42Jiangxi


Dark Horse Loyalty! After being rescued from the wolves by the three whips, it followed the charioteer and sacrificed his life as a savior

Headline No. 2023-11-27 11:15· Writer Wang Tianxiang

Loyal dark horse! After being rescued from the wolves by the three whips, it followed the chariot driver and sacrificed his life to savior

Baijiahao Xiangxiang Animal Says2024-04-22 15:26Jiangxi

Helpless exposure: "Xiangxiang Animal Said" plagiarized more than 100 articles from me, but I was banned from Baijiahao


The hunter and the wolf pack are eyeing the same group of deer, the wolf changes tactics three times, and the hunter is in danger of losing the wolf's mouth

Headline Original2023-06-02 14:15·Writer Wang Tianxiang

The hunter and the wolf pack are eyeing the same group of deer, and the wolf changes tactics three times, and the hunter narrowly loses the wolf's mouth

Baijia Xiangxiang Animal Says2024-05-16 15:12Jiangxi


The monkey broke into the police station with the gangster's hat to report the case: the owner was seriously injured by the thief|legend

Headline Original2023-05-31 17:26Writer Wang Tianxiang

The monkey broke into the police station with the gangster's hat to report the crime: the owner was seriously injured by the thief

Baijiahao Xiangxiang Animal Said2024-05-16 15:04Jiangxi

Helpless exposure: "Xiangxiang Animal Said" plagiarized more than 100 articles from me, but I was banned from Baijiahao


Monkey Anointing: The hunter was ambushed by a group of monkeys, the corpse was hung from a tree, and the shotgun was destroyed

Headline Original2023-06-07 10:34·Writer Wang Tianxiang

Plague of Monkey Anointment: Hunters are ambushed by a pack of monkeys, their bodies are hung from trees, and their shotguns are destroyed

Baijiahao Xiangxiang Animal Says2024-05-15 16:17Jiangxi


This sheep is like a lion: it can knock down a wolf with one head, break the wolf's belly with one horn and pick the wolf's intestines, and kick the wolf's bones with four feet

Headline Original2023-06-20 09:39Writer Wang Tianxiang

This sheep is like a male lion, able to knock down a wolf with one head, break the wolf's belly with one horn and pick the wolf's intestines, and kick and break the wolf's bones with four feet

Baijiahao Xiangxiang Animal Said2024-05-13 16:03Jiangxi

Helpless exposure: "Xiangxiang Animal Said" plagiarized more than 100 articles from me, but I was banned from Baijiahao


Surprise! A giant mantis monster appeared in Changbai Mountain: the educated youth experienced it on the spot, and the truth was amazing!|Legend 01

NetEase 2023-07-21 13:07:03 Source: Writer Wang Tianxiang

"Is there really a super-large mantis monster in Changbai Mountain? Back then, the educated youth saw the praying mantis fishing with their own eyes"

Baijiahao Xiangxiang Animal Says2024-05-08 18:33

Helpless exposure: "Xiangxiang Animal Said" plagiarized more than 100 articles from me, but I was banned from Baijiahao

Baijia reviewed my article that did not pass

"Qiangtang Strange Story: Wolves Chase Wild Yaks, Wild Yaks Chase Cars, It Turns Out That Yak Calves Are Hidden in the Car"

2024-05-05 16:55The review did not pass, which is highly similar to the published content of other authors of Baijiahao, and it is recommended to delete it.

"The wolf hunts the wild yak calf, the eagle vulture wants to rob it, but the poachers cut off the beard, the legend of the Hoh Xil wilderness"

2024-05-17 05:52:22The review failed, which is highly similar to the published content of other authors of Baijiahao, and it is recommended to delete.

"Rumors of Revenge of the Male Wolf: Two Wolves Hunt Musk Deer, The Female Wolf Is Strangled to Death by a Trap, and The Male Wolf Kills Poachers in Anger"

2024-05-17 05:49:48The review was not passed, which is similar to many articles in Baijiahao

Helpless exposure: "Xiangxiang Animal Said" plagiarized more than 100 articles from me, but I was banned from Baijiahao

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