
MediaTek released Tianji 8000, 8100 chips: 5nm benchmark Snapdragon 888

This afternoon, MediaTek officially released the Tianji 8000 series of chips, which have two chips, namely Tianji 8000 and Tianji 8100.

MediaTek released Tianji 8000, 8100 chips: 5nm benchmark Snapdragon 888

The two chips belong to a series and have exactly the same specifications, but the Frequency of Tianji 8100 is higher, a bit like the original Tianji 1000 and Tianji 1000+. As a new series of MediaTek since 2019, the Tianji series has gained momentum in recent years, and since 5G, MediaTek Tianji 9000, Tianji 8000, and Tianji 8100 have also been expected by everyone as the latest SOC at the beginning of 2022.

MediaTek released Tianji 8000, 8100 chips: 5nm benchmark Snapdragon 888



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