
Invest another 8 billion yuan, Changan New Energy will overtake in the corner in 2022

Invest another 8 billion yuan, Changan New Energy will overtake in the corner in 2022

Editor-in-Chief | Zhang Kehuan

Edit | Zhang Li

Author | Fu Yu

Reports from The GreatAuto

As one of the central enterprises in the independent brand, Changan Automobile in the two years of very hot new energy track, it seems to be a little unable to keep up with the rhythm of peers, when another national team - Lantu has begun to prepare for the sea, Changan is also trying to explore the domestic market, of course, there are naturally differences caused by different directions of choice, but after the time into 2022, Changan New Energy, which has been full of bows, will begin to make rapid efforts.

Invest another 8 billion yuan, Changan New Energy will overtake in the corner in 2022

8.05 billion + 4.977 billion

Changan New Energy holds a huge amount of money

According to the announcement released by Changan Automobile on February 22, the investment plan of the company and its holding subsidiaries in 2022 is 8.05 billion yuan, of which 3.246 billion yuan is invested in fixed assets and 4.804 billion yuan is equity investment. And where the huge investment will be put into, Changan Automobile said: fixed assets will be mainly used for new energy structure adjustment and product planning, around the production capacity and research and development links, to make up for the shortcomings caused by the accelerated development of new energy. Equity investment will be mainly used to support the improvement of independent new energy brands and scale, further expand overseas markets, and deepen the close relationship with partners, create controllable full-stack intelligent capabilities, and continue to lay out travel and industrial ecological expansion.

Invest another 8 billion yuan, Changan New Energy will overtake in the corner in 2022

In general, whether it is a fixed investment or an equity investment, this more than 8 billion yuan of funds will be injected into the track of Changan New Energy in 2022. Coupled with the 4.977 billion yuan of B round financing that began in April 2021 and was officially signed in January 2022, Changan New Energy has prepared a rich financial reserve for this upcoming battle at the beginning of 2022.

The reason for increasing investment in the new energy field is inseparable from the current speed of Changan Automobile in this field. According to the sales of independent brands in 2021, of the sales volume of 1.204 million units in Changan Automobile's autonomous passenger car sector, the penetration rate of new energy models is only 8.3%, and it is still in a relatively low position in the ranking of new energy penetration rate of independent brands. From the perspective of the brand's own industrial layout, Changan New Energy currently mainly relies on e-star, and its sales volume in 2021 has completed 763.81 million vehicles, occupying the vast majority of Changan New Energy's share, while the remaining three are changed from CS and Yidong series of "oil to electricity" products are not too competitive.

Invest another 8 billion yuan, Changan New Energy will overtake in the corner in 2022

Compared with the situation in which Changan New Energy has blossomed in many fields in the field of fuel vehicles and SUVs, the layout of new energy is relatively monotonous, and there is still a certain distance between product competitiveness and other independent brand new energy. Whether it is from the perspective of industry development trends or the internal product layout of enterprises, the pace of Changan New Energy is indeed relatively slow in 2021, which may also be an important reason for its large bets in 2022. In fact, as a central enterprise, Changan Automobile has always had its own rhythm in the rapidly developing field of new energy vehicles.

Invest another 8 billion yuan, Changan New Energy will overtake in the corner in 2022

Lie down for two years

Chang'an New Energy wants to be a "snow shame"

As early as 2017, when the new power brand was still looking for investment with PPT, and the independent brand had not yet begun to exert efforts on the "green road", Changan Automobile had already released the "Shangri-La Plan" and began to look for the development of new energy. Compared with the current transformation road, Changan Automobile is at the forefront of a number of traditional car companies.

Invest another 8 billion yuan, Changan New Energy will overtake in the corner in 2022

However, the early Chang'an New Energy did not catch up with the good time, and in the case that the market environment rules were not stable at that time, Changan New Energy, which suddenly exerted its strength, suffered a "muffled loss". Changan Automobile, which began its transformation in 2017, gained a lot in the new energy market in 2018, with sales of more than 80,000 vehicles, which was a good number at the time and even compared with some manufacturers now. However, with the new energy wind in 2019 began to appear a variety of chaotic images, Changan new energy has seen a sharp decline.

In the following two years, when new energy companies mushroomed, Changan Automobile began a two-year sleeper and began to fight back in 2021. In terms of technology, Changan Automobile in 2021 has achieved good results in the field of hybrid and pure electricity. Among them, in terms of hybridization, Changan released the Blue Whale iDD hybrid system, including 48V light hybrid, HEV, PHEV and REEV (extender hybrid) a variety of solutions; in the field of pure electricity, at the first science and technology ecology conference in 2021, Changan released the latest generation of super collector electric drive, under the two significant characteristics of "deep integration" and "ultra-high efficiency", the new electric drive has achieved two major technological breakthroughs of "industry ultra-high electric drive assembly efficiency" and "the world's first power drive high frequency pulse heating technology".

Invest another 8 billion yuan, Changan New Energy will overtake in the corner in 2022

In terms of brand planning, under the background of already owning the Changan New Energy line, Changan Automobile in 2021 also released a new high-end pure electric brand - Avita in conjunction with Huawei and Cataltime. This is not only a new species poured into by the leaders of the three families, but also the key to Changan's rise as an automobile brand. With a full-line layout of low-end, mid-range and high-end, Chang'an already has a relatively clear chessboard in new energy planning.

After clear planning and landing results have been achieved in terms of technology and brand, Changan New Energy in 2022 needs to seek further development. As mentioned above, the huge investment in new energy in 2022 and the amount of the previous B round of financing will be used for the continuous investment in Changan New Energy's research and development, production capacity and scale.

Invest another 8 billion yuan, Changan New Energy will overtake in the corner in 2022

Specifically, according to the brand planning, the first model C385 built from the Changan EPA1 platform has been off the production line at the end of last year, and will be officially listed this year, coupled with the two new cars that will be released in January by Deng Chenghao, general manager of Changan New Energy Automobile Technology Co., Ltd., that is, cross-border SUVs and national boutique scooters codenamed C673 and A185, 2022 will be a key year for Changan's new energy product layout to be enriched. In addition, in 2022, Changan New Energy may also make some moves in the field of capital.

Invest another 8 billion yuan, Changan New Energy will overtake in the corner in 2022

Previously, Changan New Energy had issued an announcement that "it plans to select the securities company as the company's finance, responsible for researching and formulating and promoting the implementation of the joint-stock system transformation, B round financing, and IPO listing related plans." "From the current point of view, in the previous round of capital increase and share expansion, the core employees have mastered 3 million shares, and the 9 shareholders added in this round of capital increase and share expansion, Changan New Energy's equity is more diversified, and the shareholding system transformation has been reflected." The second responsibility, the B round of financing, was also officially signed not long ago. This also means that the financial adviser selected at that time is about to usher in his third responsibility, that is, the implementation of the IPO listing, which may also be the focus of Changan New Energy in 2022.

Write at the end:

Judging from the current volume, the low-key Changan New Energy seems to be really going slower. But in fact, Chang'an, which began to lay out as early as 2017, is a brand that turned around earlier in traditional car companies. Different from the pure new forces, Changan hopes to use a "traditional new force" model to complete the transformation and upgrading of the brand by integrating its global resources. After two years of lying down and tasting the guts, Changan New Energy, which initially showed its strength in 2021, will usher in a more comprehensive transformation in 2022, whether it is products or capital, it will be on a higher level.

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