
Clash Royale: You say you're an old player? Then you must have had these experiences, otherwise it's the cloud!

Clash Royale: You say you're an old player? Then you must have had these experiences, otherwise it's the cloud!

Clash Royale is already an older mobile game than other games, but because of its fun, it has survived much longer than many games, which has caused many old players to gather!

However, many players are not really old players, but some cloud players who listen to other old players tell their experiences, and these players reprocess these experiences to become their own stories, but this invisibly affects the novice players' understanding of ancient times! Actually if you say you're an old player? Then you must have had these experiences, otherwise it's the cloud!

Clash Royale: You say you're an old player? Then you must have had these experiences, otherwise it's the cloud!

Quest wooden box

In the ancient version, Clash Royale inherited most of the game's mission system, and players relied on completing tasks to obtain different chests, and the game did not have the current treasure chests to obtain!

Nowadays, the mission system has been directly canceled, and the small wooden chests of the past have disappeared, transforming into various game chests today! Although today's treasure chests are easier to obtain, the items opened by the treasure chest are not as good as before, and the legendary treasure chest is even more difficult to obtain, unlike the excitement of a small wooden box opening the legendary card like before, but gradually lost in the opening of the golden token, and some legendary cards have long been numb! However, the way through the game is unboxed also greatly increases the playability of the game, allowing more players to actively participate in the game!

Clash Royale: You say you're an old player? Then you must have had these experiences, otherwise it's the cloud!

Gems of achievement

In the ancient version, there is not only a quest system, but also an achievement system, and players can get a lot of gems through various achievements!

Gems weren't as scarce as they are now, and more common in the brother game Clash of Clans, where players can get hundreds of gems by completing an achievement, but there were no magic items at the time, so gems weren't as important! In the subsequent stages, the cancellation of achievements and the addition of magic items have led to gems becoming very important, and many players often choose to buy gems when they do not get enough gems every day, resulting in gems becoming scarce items! As for some scarce achievements, it is no longer the focus of the player's game!

Clash Royale: You say you're an old player? Then you must have had these experiences, otherwise it's the cloud!

The tribe fights the crown

Today's clan wars are divided into several days of river racing, and the higher the ranking tribe, the higher the reward, but this was not the case in the first place!

In the beginning, it was a crown competition, and every time the clan war began, it was the busiest time for the clan members! Because at that time, the tribal warfare competition was very fierce, which tribe won the more crowns, the better the final reward, so every time the tribal war began, the tribal members were trying to fight the crown! Although it is now a river race, so that some low-level tribes can also get high rewards, but the tribal warfare is less of the original competitive mode, and many tribal members also choose to take advantage of the opportunity to fish in muddy waters!

Clash Royale: You say you're an old player? Then you must have had these experiences, otherwise it's the cloud!

Time-limited 2V2

Nowadays, 2v2 competition has become a daily battle for players, in the beginning 2v2 is a limited-time entertainment game, players want to team up to play together, then it takes a specific time!

Because at the beginning of the time-limited mode is very small, and the official deliberately cultivates the player's personal game ability, so 2v2 is just a simple game, and there is not much competitive value, but the follow-up with the increase in the popularity of the limited time 2v2, the player's technology has steadily increased, so the official directly changed the 2v2 battle from the limited time mode to today's daily game, the player no longer needs to wait for the time limit to return, direct daily entertainment 2v2 game, thereby deepening the fun of the game between friends!

Clash Royale: You say you're an old player? Then you must have had these experiences, otherwise it's the cloud!

Battle gold coins

In the usual time, players can get a lot of gold coins in battles, but now gold coins are more reflected in daily treasure chests, and the opening and acquisition of treasure chests is also a little troublesome!

Because the game mode was not fixed at that time, novice players needed a certain amount of time to grow, so there were more gold coins when playing, coupled with the completion of daily tasks, players could quickly get a large number of gold coins to quickly upgrade their cards, but the follow-up mode gradually stabilized, players slowly filled the various stages in place, the gold coins of daily battles also became various activities, and the source of gold coins for players was mainly placed in the opening of treasure chests and gold tokens!

What versions have you experienced? Feel free to share your thoughts!

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