
The war in Ukraine was actually a three-birds ploy by the Americans

author:Miscellaneous life

The Ukrainian war was actually a three-birds strategy for the Americans, somewhat similar to the Kosovo War of that year. The United States encouraged Ukraine to join NATO, but in fact, it will not really let Ukraine join NATO, and the Americans also know that this is Russia's strategic red line, and the reason why the Americans still want to do this is mainly based on the following three points.

The war in Ukraine was actually a three-birds ploy by the Americans

First, it prompted the flow of European capital to the United States. The bubble in the DOMESTIC ECONOMY IN the United States is relatively large, especially affected by the new crown epidemic in the past two years, the ECONOMIC growth of the United States is almost supported by the Printing of money by the Federal Reserve, the bubble is getting bigger and bigger at any time it may burst, as soon as the Russian-Ukrainian war opens, it will trigger the capital outflow of Europe, most of these outflows of capital will flow to the United States, which can enrich the economic foundation of the United States and stabilize the prices of assets such as the US stock market and real estate. The longer the Russo-Ukrainian war lasted, the more capital outflows there would be in Europe, the corresponding greater the benefits of the United States, and the more secure the U.S. economy would be.

Second, to suppress European countries, after all, the Russo-Ukrainian war in Europe, triggering capital outflows, causing economic downturns, stock market diving, euro depreciation, Europe also has to face a possible wave of Ukrainian refugees, wiping the butt for Americans. If it is more serious, a new economic crisis will take the lead in Europe at some point. At that time, American capital can in turn bottom Europe; and in the face of Russia's military positive pressure, the more European countries will seek the United States in terms of security, the greater the economic and military control of Europe by the United States, and eventually The European countries will completely become vassals of the United States.

The war in Ukraine was actually a three-birds ploy by the Americans

France and Germany, which have long been the ballast stone of the EU economy, were sold by the Americans and paid for the Americans. France's presidents since Chirac have drifted away from France's long-standing De Gaulle doctrine, becoming more and more like America's heels; Germany has always been an economic giant, a political dwarf, and a military cripple because of its status as a defeated country in World War II. When Merkel was in power, she did her best to stabilize the situation in Europe and Russia-Europe relations, although the friction continued, in the end there was no open flame, and the current German chancellor did not extinguish the fire in Russia-Ukraine relations, but added fuel to the fire on the side, and the gap between the political level and Merkel was still visible to the naked eye.

Third, economically it will drag down Russia and strive to trigger civil unrest in Russia. As soon as the cannon is fired, the gold is golden, coupled with the political isolation of European and American countries, economic sanctions, russia's already weak economy will only make it worse. The United States naturally hopes that Russia can fall into the quagmire of war in Ukraine, no matter how big or small, the longer it lasts, the better. For Russia, the sooner it ends, the better. Russia's most realistic choice is to make a quick decision, to quickly control the whole of Ukraine, to support pro-Russian pro-Russian provisional government, whether the West admits it or not, as long as it is under Russian control.

The war in Ukraine was actually a three-birds ploy by the Americans

Therefore, Russia should not be fanciful about what can be achieved by talking with the Ukrainian government and the Ukrainian government, and the hope of success in the peace talks in the short term is almost zero. Even if Ukraine itself longs for peace, and the trees want to be quiet and the wind is not stopping, the United States will not let the Russo-Ukrainian war end peacefully in the short term. In the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the attitude of the Americans is the key, the Ukrainian president is just a puppet, an agent, a puppet, and Russia and a puppet talk about what results can be negotiated.

Ukraine's current willingness to participate in the peace talks is only a blindfold, using delaying tactics and the actual purpose is to buy time for war.

First, it takes time for the aid of European and American countries to reach Ukraine, and although they are preparing for peace talks, the military assistance of European and American countries has not stopped for a moment.

The war in Ukraine was actually a three-birds ploy by the Americans

Second, NATO countries will not choose to go to war directly with Russia, but it does not rule out NATO's special forces, small formation units participating in the Ukrainian war in the name of individuals, international volunteers, mercenaries. It will also take time for these personnel and equipment to enter Ukraine.

Third, integrate Ukraine's internal armed forces in preparation for large-scale resistance. The Ukrainian government and army are very prepared for war, the Russo-Ukrainian war has been fought for several days, and there has been no large-scale mobilization of Ukrainian air force and tanks and armored vehicles to participate in the resistance. The new equipment has not added a few pieces in recent years, and the estimates of those left behind when the Soviet Union split up are also rusty and depleted, and there are few estimates that fighters can fly normally, and it is not bad that tanks can be driven up without nesting. When the war first began, I didn't see a big move by the regular army, so I came up and shot at the ordinary people. The basic military training of these ordinary soldiers also takes a little time, and it is also necessary to do ideological and public opinion work on them at the same time.

The war in Ukraine was actually a three-birds ploy by the Americans

Ukraine is pathetic, and no matter how the war ends, the Ukrainian people will always be the victims of the war. The whole country has been devastated by the war and the people have been displaced, but no one cares about this. The So-called supporters of the United States, Canada, Japan, and Australia, who are far away from Ukraine, are now quite active, and when the war is over, they will leave a mess, pat their butts on the back, and before leaving, they will not forget to scold a word of old birds; Ukraine's desire to join NATO, the European Union, and the dream of the eurozone will eventually be in vain. The European Union, the eurozone has nothing to do with the separation of families, how can it still accept a post-war poor, rotten and useless Ukraine, all the promises made by Europe and the United States will only become an empty word, Ukraine will be like a monkey by Europe and the United States; and Russia has already seen the red of the bayonet, and it seems inappropriate to talk about Slavic friendship. Ukraine will eventually become an outcast.

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