
How effective is it to prevent insomnia and depression after childbirth?

Insomnia, anxiety and depression after childbirth are really uncomfortable

Some of my own personal experiences are shared with you and hope to be useful.

How effective is it to prevent insomnia and depression after childbirth?

1. Be in a good state of mind! You are not alone in the battle, basically just after giving birth to the baby will have this stage, the child will slowly get better when it is older!

2. Be sure to relax, can't sleep and don't have to force yourself to sleep, is the phone not fun? Or is Taobao not easy to shop? It's also good to chat about WeChat and relax. I used to think that the child was not easy to fall asleep, and I forced myself to fall asleep quickly, thinking: If I don't sleep again, the child will wake up again! As a result, the more I thought about it, the more nervous I became, and the more nervous I became, the more I couldn't sleep. The whole person is not good! Later, I simply couldn't sleep and did something I liked, but it was much easier.

3. Wear headphones to listen to songs and sleep. Whisper some soothing songs. The test worked, and I used to use this method to spend countless sleepless nights.

4. Recommend a sleep app called Little Sleep, which has a hypnotic audio, it also works, I listened to it several times to learn, sometimes it will be self-hypnotic...

How effective is it to prevent insomnia and depression after childbirth?
How effective is it to prevent insomnia and depression after childbirth?

Let's talk about postpartum depression and anxiety. The day after giving birth I was depressed, crying every day, crying for months, and then I found out that I wasn't depressed, it was more anxiety.

In my free time with children, I watched a play called "The Amazing Mrs. Maisel", the heroine is a mother of two children, and she said a sentence on the stage that impressed me, she said: Not everyone is suitable for motherhood. This sentence is very ordinary, but it just pokes at my point. Before I was always afraid that I would not do well, I felt that I would not raise children, why others take the baby to enjoy it, but I felt like a year, regret having children, I think I am not happy at all...

Secondly, it is recommended that you read more about parenting. When the child cries, he always feels that he is particularly useless, and he has a feeling of not being able to grasp it, and he is more nervous. Learn more parenting methods, and slowly you will find that you can also take good babies, and you will be less anxious.

Physical recovery is also very important, 42 days after childbirth, start to take time appropriately to do pelvic floor muscle training in the next G-action APP, improve postpartum urinary leakage, prolapse and other embarrassing problems! Postpartum body changes are also a very important cause of depression and anxiety!!

In addition to their own problems, some of the reasons for many people's anxiety come from others, such as the husband's lack of strength, the mother-in-law's questioning and so on. I was already very nervous, and the people next to me attributed all the mistakes to my mother, which was really suffocating. Sometimes we can't change others, we can only self-regulate. I recommend that you read more, if you don't have time to read, recently a lot of books listening apps are doing very well, I will listen to books every day when I do complementary food for my children to do housework, do not take up my time, "It's not your fault", "The reconstruction of the heart", "The way to happiness", "The miracle of mindfulness"... All recommend everyone to take a look. It turns out that when you feel confused about life, reading is really useful. Thanks for the knowledge! In addition, if there is a psychological counseling app, I also hope that you will recommend it to me.

How effective is it to prevent insomnia and depression after childbirth?

Breast milk is actually one of the biggest causes of postpartum depression, and I'm not saying to advise everyone to wean off breast milk, if possible, I really recommend that you feed naturally. But I didn't know how I was panicking as soon as I was breastfeeding.

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