
How to quickly advance the relationship with Aquarius?

Aquarius has never been the kind of person who will reciprocate because of your initiative, deliberate pandering and courtship.

On the contrary, deliberately drawing closer to the relationship, or approaching them too realistically, is likely to suffer from Aquarius's disgust and dislike.

How to quickly advance the relationship with Aquarius?

With disgust, Aquarius will dislike, and once abandoned, Aquarius will be particularly coldly alienated from each other.

In fact, those who get along well with Aquarius will feel that Aquarius is soft and hard, more often, because they see each other's character and morality pass, they will take the initiative to get closer, and they will cherish each other's friendship.

Aquarius in his bones likes to break the rules, advocate deviance, and aspire to use his most unconventional ways to make himself a unique world.

How to quickly advance the relationship with Aquarius?

They don't choose to follow others, so that kind of relationship that is too natural or self-familiar seems frivolous and meaningless to Aquarius.

Just as in the evolution of a relationship, the too logical way of pursuing, instead of making Aquarius feel interesting, but feels too boring, nor any novelty, naturally will silently sneer in the heart.

Aquarius, the wind sign, in the matter of feelings, is essentially the same as gemini's mind, those who take the initiative to give hugs, in the eyes of Aquarius, at the beginning of their own loss of the desire to conquer the active pursuit.

How to quickly advance the relationship with Aquarius?

And once there is no desire to conquer, no curiosity, and no so-called freshness, then in the eyes of Aquarius, he still cooperates with each other to act, and even stages a story of dead beggars, what is the need, and why is it painful?

Wind sign attitude and way of treating feelings, usually different from the water sign, like Pisces, these people tend to romantic, beautiful feelings, if the suitor can give Pisces enough care, care, and even favor and romantic links, Pisces will gradually open up for each other, open their hearts, and the relationship between each other will develop rapidly.

However, the same way on Aquarius, the effect is not only greatly reduced, even before you have other actions, Aquarius chooses to slip away, resisting, evading, refusing.

How to quickly advance the relationship with Aquarius?

Understand that before Aquarius has a crush on you, overly active overtures, intimacy, and giving are all very disgusting, even frightening, in their eyes.

On the contrary, if you know how to take the initiative to make yourself talented first, and you can show your independent personality anytime and anywhere, if you exude personal charm from near and far, and attract the favor of Aquarius by attracting.

Well, once you have a good start, Aquarius will be curious about you, and that curiosity will evolve into attraction and even a sense of adoration.

How to quickly advance the relationship with Aquarius?

In addition, when you give Aquarius a kind of hot and cold at the right time, and let them feel that your way of dealing with the world is extremely deep and charming, Aquarius will be deeply attracted to you.

For Aquarius, if they can appreciate each other while maintaining an independent and comfortable living space, it will be the most comfortable state they want.

At the end of the day, Aquarius's feelings or work need to have their own personal space.

How to quickly advance the relationship with Aquarius?

Not constrained, not arranged, still less disciplined, asked.

Basically, Aquarius just wants to do what he wants to do alone, of course, if the other person is really like the kind of person he wants to meet in his heart, knows the cold and the heat, knows the roots, appreciates each other, and trusts each other.

Well, at such a time, Aquarius will be completely happy to invite the other party to work with him, and even directly say that he likes you.

How to quickly advance the relationship with Aquarius?

All in all, anyone who wants Aquarius to feel good about you or even like you needs to make them feel that the relationship between them is equal and sincere from the beginning.

The people they like have always been open-minded and upright, and they are also people who like to pursue progress and make unremitting efforts to chase a better life.


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