
Glory of Kings: Why are more and more players going against each other? You can see it if you look at the other locations

Hello everyone, I'm Bells~

Now the glory of the king, if you say what position is the most popular, then it must be the road of confrontation, why can the bell say this sentence so surely? Because last season Bells was the main playing confrontation road, this season was forced to switch shooters and mages.

Obviously, now whether it is qualifying or peak competition, not to mention the top level, the middle and high level, the middle and low level, that confrontation road is hot, I myself have never made up the confrontation road when I am playing the game this season, the main complement is the shooter and the mage, as well as the field and the auxiliary, only there is no confrontation road, and why this phenomenon is caused, look at the other positions to understand.

Glory of Kings: Why are more and more players going against each other? You can see it if you look at the other locations

For example, the most unpopular auxiliary bit, the auxiliary has not been played, has always been such a position that needs to be filled, but even if it is this position, it seems that more and more players are playing, why is this?

Mages and shooters are difficult to play, players have nowhere to go, they will flock to other positions, and the auxiliary is also another position, it should not be an auxiliary, but a wild and confrontation road, but with these two seasons, the atmosphere of the pendulum is getting more and more serious, the auxiliary position is really beneficial, everyone is no longer so resistant to assist, and even take the initiative to play assist. Of course, now there are still fewer to play auxiliaries, or often have to make up for the position.

Glory of Kings: Why are more and more players going against each other? You can see it if you look at the other locations

Then there is the mage, the mage was the most popular position before, almost every game has multiple players who pre-select the mage, and it is almost impossible to grab the position or not to grab the position.

But after adjusting it again and again, the mage's position was honestly in decline. First, the gameplay of the middle road has changed, such as assisting with the mage, and the speed of the line of soldiers has become faster, so that the mage has to play the game with the way of quickly clearing the line of soldiers and then frequently wandering.

Then there is the adjustment of equipment, which makes many big mages, magic core magic stabs and other types of mages become difficult to play nowadays, unless you really play well, otherwise you are left with the tool man mage, and the tool man mage is honestly the second auxiliary, so there are fewer and fewer players.

Glory of Kings: Why are more and more players going against each other? You can see it if you look at the other locations

The third is to play the wild position, this position is actually from the wild area adjustment and the initial military line adjustment, the player has become less, otherwise the previous wild is also as popular as the mage, why?

Because you play wild you have to rub the line to develop, and the rubbing line development will often be scolded, which is still one of them. The second is that you rub the line, and your teammates will default that you must fly, otherwise you will still scold you, and you say that the pressure of playing wild is not great.

And playing wild is the most closely paced, almost every second can not give up the position, in the five positions, play is the most likely to be tired position, although will play the wild or easy to win, but ordinary players play a few games, either do not play, or have to play other positions.

Glory of Kings: Why are more and more players going against each other? You can see it if you look at the other locations

The fourth is the position of the shooter, and everyone has been complaining about the "dog does not play" position in the past two seasons. In fact, it is still caused by the version, the pace becomes faster, and it takes time to develop, and it is caught at every turn, and it is going to be crossed at every turn, and the difficulty becomes very high.

And the shooter of the passer-by bureau, the game experience can really be extremely poor, the bell can now say that the main play shooter, it has a deep experience, take the example I have personally experienced.

The opening line is one or two, the auxiliary and the mage do not follow you, you have to fight the conjoined, hit the conjoined body, and guard the tower to develop. But the opposite play is the mage and the field around the development of the road, can not move across the tower, your teammates are mainly against the road, you can not play at all. In the end, your teammates still blame you for your low output and won't play, but in fact you don't even have a chance to develop.

Glory of Kings: Why are more and more players going against each other? You can see it if you look at the other locations

After looking at the current situation of other positions, do you still not understand why there are more and more people fighting against the road now? If the game experience in other locations declines, the player does not uninstall the game, or continues to play, is not to go to another location.

Although the confrontation road is the same as the development road, it will be targeted, but at least it will not meet a conjoined opponent at the beginning of the game, and your early confrontation will not be so uncomfortable. The second is that the confrontation road hero is different from the shooter, most of the heroes can fight after the fourth level, and even one or two, can operate, but the shooter has to wait until the later stage.

Bells also played the confrontation road before, just like this, you have a small advantage over the line, even if there is only the right to the line, the opposite auxiliary to catch you, you have a chance to fight them back with one or three, or change one, you say shooter OK? Almost impossible.

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