
The story of Pan Xiang, a celebrity during the Qianlong period

author:Wen Hai chased the waves

Pan Xiang (潘相), courtesy name Runzhang , was born on October 16, 1713 in Huaishu Village, Anxiang County, Changde City, Hunan Province.

In the sixth year of Qianlong (1741), Pan Xiang was selected as a tribute by the state trial and entered the State Zijian for further study. During this period, he first filled the Wuying Hall school, and then changed to teaching.

Twenty-five years, participated in the Suncheonfu Township Examination. In the twenty-eighth year of Qianlong (1763), he became a jinshi through the examination of the meeting and the examination of the temple, and was quite appreciated by Ai Xinjueluo Hongli (Qianlong Emperor), and appointed Zhi County, Fushan County, Shandong Province, and also regents of Huang County and Surabaya County. Soon after, he was transferred to Qufu Zhi County and promoted to Puzhou Zhi Prefecture.

Every official and a local government pays attention to the construction of farmland, devotes himself to the cause of indoctrination, cares for the poor, commends the virtuous, strictly prohibits superstition, and is clear about hearing and judging, good at dissecting suspicious cases, and not unjustly punishing Li Shu. In the thirty-ninth year of Qianlong (1774), the Qing court sent troops to suppress the Wang Lun rebellion, killing many people. Pan Xiang urged that more than 100 elderly and juveniles be exempted from the death penalty.

Some people lied about the 3,000 people in Puzhou who "revived a cult" and "plotted against the wrongdoers." The Inspector of Shandong province marched forward. Regardless of the gains and losses of his reputation, Pan Xiang rode to the patrol camp day and night, trying to eliminate falsehood and prevent the march, so that the prefectures and counties under his jurisdiction would be spared from being ravaged.

One year, when there was a severe drought in Puzhou and the people's food was difficult, he strictly forbade Xu officials to take advantage of the opportunity to exploit, did not allow merchants to raise the market price, and used 30,000 stones of changping warehouses and social warehouses in the prefectures and counties to help the victims.

In the forty-second year of Qianlong (1777), Pan Xiangding returned to Li. In 1780, he was granted the title of Zhizhou in Kunyang, Yunnan, and soon after, tired of his career, he returned to his hometown. Qianlong died in 1790.

The story of Pan Xiang, a celebrity during the Qianlong period

Anxiang, an ancient county with a history of 7,000 years of civilization, I don't know how many benevolent people and heroes have been bred, including Pan Xiang.

In the folk, there are also many stories about Pan Xiang.

Pan Xiang was intelligent and studious since childhood, but his parents died and his family was poor. One day, his brother was plowing the field, and when he ploughed to the north, he followed him to the north, and when he ploughed to the south, he followed him to the south, and so on many times, and there was silence. The brother felt strange, so he stopped and asked him, "Brother, what happened to you today?" Do you keep going around and don't go through your homework?"

After a long time, Pan Xiangcai said timidly: "Brother, I want to buy a set of "Twenty-Four Histories."" He quickly added, "Brother, I know that my family is very poor, and I am making fun of it." When the elder brother heard him say this, he said with tears in his eyes: "Brother, only the family is poor, and there is no family property to sell." Well, when I've finished plowing this field for my owner, I'll have to find a way to buy that set of books back. ”

The story of Pan Xiang, a celebrity during the Qianlong period

The next day, the elder brother really bought a new set of "Twenty-Four History", Pan Xiang was very happy, but the brother had a line of tears on his face, took his brother's hand and cried: "Brother, in order to buy you this set of books, I really have no choice, I had to sell my body for a year." This year, my brother can't take care of you anymore, you have to study hard!" After saying this, the brothers parted in tears.

Pan Xiang studied learning and was very strict with himself. In the twenty-eighth year of Qianlong, Pan Xiang, on his way to Beijing to participate in the examination as a person, fell into the home of a retired prime minister for the night. He had just arranged his life and was about to review his homework when suddenly the door swung open and two teenage children came in. As soon as he saw Pan Xiang, he asked for advice: "Dare to ask Mr. Daimyo, late life to ask for advice, I don't know if you have memorized the Kangxi Dictionary?" Pan Xiang agreed with a full mouth, and then memorized it, without missing a word. The two children nodded in thanks.

Early the next morning, preparing to leave, I overheard the two children next door saying to my grandfather: "Father-in-law, yesterday's Mr. Pan still knows a few words, can memorize the Kangxi dictionary, only one word is wrong!" We can also recite it to my father-in-law..." Pan Xiang was taken aback and hurriedly turned the book, indeed making a mistake in a word. He thought to himself: I can't compare two children, let alone their grandparents? It is better to go home and study for a few more years, so as not to be ugly.

Therefore, Pan said to Xiangye, "I don't want to go to Beijing to catch the exam." It seems that there are many talents in the world, where is my share? Your two grandchildren are better than me! Xiang Ye said, "Don't lose your confidence, there are not many talented people like you in the world, don't miss the opportunity, and my two grandsons are also Hanlin disciples." From then on, Pan Xiang knew that there was a heaven outside the sky, studied harder, and finally stepped into the door of the jinshi.

The story of Pan Xiang, a celebrity during the Qianlong period

Pan Xiang's character and talent were highly valued by the Qianlong Emperor. Once, the Qianlong Emperor specially prepared a wine feast and invited Pan Xiang to dinner. While eating, Pan Xiang found that there were two grains in the rice, so he clipped it out and put it on the table. Because he was born in the countryside, he suffered hardships, and from an early age he developed the habit of cherishing grain, and the grain in his rice was always clipped out for the chickens to eat.

This time, he clipped the grain from his meal to the table, as was his custom. The Qianlong Emperor saw it and mistakenly thought that the chef had deliberately done this, which offended Mr. Qianlong. So he called the cook on the spot, pointed to the two grains of grain, and said, "Who is so arrogant?" What is the crime of mixing grain in his meal and insulting him in this way?" Pan Xiang wanted to speak for him, but before he could speak, the emperor passed down a holy decree to behead the cook. Pan Xiang pleaded in a hurry, and the Qianlong Emperor spared the cook the death penalty. It is really "accompanied by a gentleman like a companion tiger". Therefore, Pan Xiang used the excuse to resign from the old official and returned to his hometown of Huaishu Village to live a reclusive life.

However, the Qianlong Emperor always remembered Pan Xiang. In the year he traveled to Jiangnan, he specially came to Anxiang to visit Pan Xiang. When the Qianlong Emperor visited the area around Huaishu Village, Pan Xiang knew about it, so he ordered his family to say, "When the Qianlong Emperor came, he said that there was not a single person named Pan Xiang here, only one Pan Xiang. The Qianlong Emperor visited Pan Mansion, and the family really said so, but Pan Xiang did not come out.

After Qianlong left Pan Mansion, he thought for a moment that the man named Pan Xiang must be Pan Xiang, and he also understood the reason why Pan Xiang was reluctant to take over. So the Qianlong Emperor wrote the words "Zhenwu" for Pan Xiang and sent them to Pan Mansion along with a set of official uniforms. It is said that the official uniform was stolen in the late 1950s. However, the "True Wuxi" named after the Qianlong inscription is still there, and the story of Pan Xiang is still there, and these stories are also spread farther and farther in time and space, and they are endless.

The story of Pan Xiang, a celebrity during the Qianlong period

   In recognition of his exploits, the Qing Dynasty instructed local officials to build a green brick and tile house with five rooms in the west and east of the front seat of his former residence. When the door hangs a book there is a gold plaque of "Edict Building".

After Pan Xiang told the old man to return to his hometown, he imitated the style of the "Edict Building" and built the first floor after that, and personally wrote "Enxi Ancestral Hall" as his main entrance plaque. On either side of the main entrance is a couplet.

Shanglian: "The grandchildren of chuanye are really happy, and they are proud of their books and thousands of volumes." ”

Xia Lian: "Cherish the good children of the suicide note, and respect the good children and grandchildren of the Tibetan hand Ze." ”

The Enxi Temple is actually the pan family's library. The three front rooms are library rooms, and on both sides are the ear rooms (reading rooms). It collects nearly 10,000 volumes of Zhuzi Hundred Families, Classics and History Classics, Encyclopedias, Farmers' Gardens and Medical Books and Golden Graphite.

Unfortunately, neither the Edict Building nor the Enxi Ancestral Hall escaped the floods of 1954 and the "Cultural Revolution", leaving only the Pan zi anthology, which became the treasure of the Anxiang Library.

The story of Pan Xiang, a celebrity during the Qianlong period

Pan Xiangcai was very highly educated and wrote a lot of works, which was rare for Jiu Li. Among the extant ones are the "Records of Ryukyu Admissions", "Mao Shi Guyin Reference", "Zhou Yi Zunyi", "Zhou Li Summary", "Qufu County Chronicle", "Li Zhi Ju Zhi", "Shang Shu Ke Xie Ji Zhi", "Spring and Autumn Bi Shi Sanyi", "Spring and Autumn Ying Ju Ji", "Pan Zi Complete Collection", etc., which have been listed as national historical and cultural classics. At a time when the Sino-Japanese island dispute is intensifying, it should be of great significance to seriously study Pan Xiang's "Ryukyu School Admissions" today.

The treasure of the town hall that exists in the Anxiang Library, the Panzi Anthology, is seriously damaged due to its age and needs rescue repair. Although it has been appealed by many parties, it has been stranded due to financial difficulties, which is really heart-wrenching!

It is worth mentioning that sixty years after Pan Xiang's death, daoguang thirty years ago there was a Manchu official named Tinggui Who served as an Anxiang County Order. History said that the county order was "shrewd and strong, please repair the five facial features." Yagong Ya is cautious, and the officials are afraid of the people's hearts", winning a lot of praise, "Especially praise the village sages." Yi Jin Shi Pan Xiang is the author of fifteen kinds of books such as "Zhou Yi Zun Yi Yi" and "Shang Shu Ke Xie Ji Zhi". The original edition is mutilated, and it is donated to supplement the series, brush the whole book, and distribute it widely, so as to show the study of reality."

This person was soon promoted to the prefect of Yongzhou and authored the "Poetry Manuscript of the Yellow House of the Imitation Jade Bureau". During his term of office in Yongzhou, Tinggui searched for the descendants of Liu Zongyuan, re-engraved the "Lizi Monument", republished the "Liu Wen Huigong Complete Collection Tinggui", Tinggui and Sun Tongsheng continued to repair the Yongzhou Fuzhi, because of the original eight years of Daoguang (1828), continued to be repaired in the sixth year of Tongzhi (1867), repaired in nine years, all eighteen doors, about 350,000 words. It has become an extremely valuable historical material for the study of this state history.

The story of Pan Xiang, a celebrity during the Qianlong period

A feudal minority official still attached so much importance to the construction of local culture, but how should we face these sages and the valuable cultural heritage they left behind?


(1) Li Yuan Junyan Hunan People's Publishing House, December 2008, first edition by Ying Guobin

(2) Qing'an Township Chronicle Hunan People's Publishing House, April 2007, first edition

(3) Qing Kangxi Anxiang County Chronicle Popular Literature and Art Publishing House, January 2008, first edition 

(4) Pan Xiang's hometown Han Ting, see "Anxiang This Thick Land", Popular Literature and Art Publishing House, December 2008, first edition 

(5) Interview with Pan Xiang's descendant Zhu Yuanhui See "The Old Place of Anxiang", The First Edition of international Yanhuang Culture Publishing House, November 2007

(6) Chinese folk tales integrated hunan an anxiang county data book edited by Liu Zhiwen

(7) [Tongzhi] Yongzhou Fuzhi Eighteen Volumes, The First Volume

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