
WeChat, Weibo, and Douyin spoke out in unison: Involving the situation in Ukraine, please speak rationally among the majority of netizens

Recently, the situation in Russia and Ukraine has aroused global attention, and related topics have continued to occupy the hot search list on mainland social media platforms. But at the same time, some discordant voices have appeared in the field of online public opinion.

In this regard, weChat, Weibo, Douyin three platforms for two consecutive days to speak out, to deal with irrational remarks seriously, and call on the majority of users to leave rational messages.

On February 25, the "WeChat 110" public account released the "Initiative on Rationally Publishing Information on International Hot Events".

The public claims that recently, the changes in the international situation have aroused widespread concern from all walks of life. At a time when the international situation is touching people's hearts, the WeChat platform has also found that individual users have taken the opportunity to publish bad information related to international hot events, such as fabricating false information such as "going to Ukraine to participate in the war can get credits", as well as publishing vulgar and ridiculous content such as "Ukrainian beautiful women come to China", provoking public sentiment and causing a great negative impact on cyberspace.

Peace is not easy to come by, we need to respect and cherish life, wechat platform hereby calls on the majority of netizens, while paying attention to international hotspots, maintain an objective and rational attitude, reasonably participate in discussions and release views, and jointly safeguard a clear cyberspace.

WeChat, Weibo, and Douyin spoke out in unison: Involving the situation in Ukraine, please speak rationally among the majority of netizens

On the same day, @ Weibo administrator released a message saying that the station found that a very small number of netizens posted inappropriate and unfriendly remarks such as "the Russo-Ukrainian war is protracted, and Ukrainian beauties came to China" with vicious ridicule and advocating antagonism, and the station resolutely dealt with this.

According to the "Weibo Community Convention" and other relevant provisions, the site handled 542 pieces of content such as malicious ridicule and propaganda confrontation, and 74 accounts were dealt with as deducted from credit history to 30 days of silence, depending on the degree.

WeChat, Weibo, and Douyin spoke out in unison: Involving the situation in Ukraine, please speak rationally among the majority of netizens

At 21:00, the @Weibo administrator once again released a message saying that in recent days, the international situation has aroused the attention of netizens. According to the user's report and in the investigation, the station found that a very small number of netizens published bad remarks such as attacking insults, promoting hatred, and leading to the rhythm of war under the microblog of foreign embassies, and the station resolutely opposed it and resolutely dealt with it.

According to the "Weibo Community Convention" and other relevant provisions, the site handled 622 pieces of content such as attack insults and confrontations, and took 7 days of silence to close the accounts according to the degree of 105 illegal accounts.

Weibo said that in today's international world, each of our words and deeds represents the image of the country to a certain extent, and we also have the responsibility and obligation to maintain a good social environment.

WeChat, Weibo, and Douyin spoke out in unison: Involving the situation in Ukraine, please speak rationally among the majority of netizens

On the 26th, the @Weibo administrator followed up on the results of the disposal and released a message saying that the station continued to investigate and deal with inappropriate and unfriendly remarks such as "Ukrainian beauty", such as "Ukrainian beauty", advocating hatred and gender antagonism, and the overall number of violations decreased compared with the previous day.

In accordance with the "Weibo Community Convention" and other relevant provisions, the site promptly cleaned up the 242 illegal blog posts and 359 comments found, and 83 illegal accounts were dealt with as long as 7 days to permanently banned.

WeChat, Weibo, and Douyin spoke out in unison: Involving the situation in Ukraine, please speak rationally among the majority of netizens

On the 26th, the "Douyin Security Center" public account issued the "Announcement on Rationally Releasing Information Related to International Hot Spots and Refusing to Improperly Rub Hot Terriers".

Douyin said that in recent days, conflicts in international hotspot areas have aroused the attention of all parties. Many creators, including many media, publish content on the platform to report and analyze the local situation in a true, objective and timely manner. At the same time, the platform found in its daily inspection that a very small number of users used hot events to improperly rub heat and play with stems. In particular, with pain points as a laughing point, videos such as "capturing Ukrainian beauties" are released to spread inappropriate values and destroy the atmosphere of the platform.

In response to this phenomenon, the platform carried out a centralized crackdown, handling a total of 6400 illegal videos, interrupting the illegal live broadcast 1620 times, and disposing of relevant accounts.

Douyin calls on the majority of users to jointly maintain a clean and healthy community atmosphere. If similar violations are found on the platform, users can report or send details to the reporting mailbox in the station: [email protected]. For suspected illegal and criminal acts, the platform will also actively cooperate with relevant departments to crack down.

WeChat, Weibo, and Douyin spoke out in unison: Involving the situation in Ukraine, please speak rationally among the majority of netizens

Here, we call on the majority of netizens to speak rationally and jointly safeguard a clear cyberspace.

Editor: Sun Xinqi

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