
President Zelenskiy has left Kiev. According to the CCTV news client quoted Russian Russian State Duma Chairman Volodin news, the Ukrainian president has been on February 25, local time, that is

author:Yuri does not take revenge today

President Zelenskiy has left Kiev.

According to the CCTV news client quoted Russian Russian State Duma Chairman Volodin news, the Ukrainian president has left Kiev on February 25, local time, that is, yesterday.

And on February 26, that is, today, he released a number of videos showing "people in Kiev", drinking coffee with soldiers in bunkers, and refuting their departure from Kiev and coexisting with the military and civilians, all of which were "recorded in advance".

This is because a member of the Koboldh (parliament) of Ukraine tried to find a president in Kiev and did not seem to find anyone.

At present, the Ukrainian side has not confirmed this news. #Russia-Ukraine situation ##关注俄乌局势最新进展 #

President Zelenskiy has left Kiev. According to the CCTV news client quoted Russian Russian State Duma Chairman Volodin news, the Ukrainian president has been on February 25, local time, that is
President Zelenskiy has left Kiev. According to the CCTV news client quoted Russian Russian State Duma Chairman Volodin news, the Ukrainian president has been on February 25, local time, that is
President Zelenskiy has left Kiev. According to the CCTV news client quoted Russian Russian State Duma Chairman Volodin news, the Ukrainian president has been on February 25, local time, that is

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