
Leo women are natural leaders and can only change from lion to cat if they are tamed by the strong

Leo women are natural leaders and can only change from lion to cat if they are tamed by the strong

Leo women are smart, witty, creative, strong, and expect a lot from those who pursue her, who tend to respect Leo's personality traits.

You may ask yourself why Leo people are so hard to get along with, but it's not because they're hard to get along with, it's because they're the leaders of the group.

Leo women are natural leaders who love to seize every opportunity possible. These strong women will do anything with all their might — as long as they have a chance to win.

Leo women are natural leaders and can only change from lion to cat if they are tamed by the strong

They can't control their competitive attitudes, which is the strength and weakness of every Leo person. Because if they don't challenge themselves, they become depressed and bored with the world around them. When they get bored, they start venting.

Their ambitious nature sometimes manifests itself as overconfidence, conceit and over-pride, and their boldness attracts many but also disgusts them. Still, Leo people are very good friends. They will drop everything and help friends when they need them.

Leo women are natural leaders and can only change from lion to cat if they are tamed by the strong

How to date a Leo woman

Attracting Leo women is not easy. In fact, Leo people are very picky.

Leo women ignore you either because she wants to be the center of attention or because Leo has no idea you exist. But don't think she's playing tricks or games, it's not her nature, especially if you want to be her partner.

Instead, taking the time to really appreciate something about her makes her feel special. Leo likes to be the center of attention, and if your whole world revolves around her, she may have a nervous breakdown.

Always remind The Leo Lady that she is the jewel in your hand. If you're out with a friend, send her a short text message to show you care about her. Invite her to a delicious dinner or arrange a romantic date outdoors.

When it comes to dating Leo, it doesn't matter what you do, what matters is whether you have a plan or not. Leo is often attracted to romance. When you put a little effort into your date, they'll appreciate you.

Leo women are natural leaders and can only change from lion to cat if they are tamed by the strong

How to fall in love with a Leo woman

Leo is ruthless in his pursuit of love. They expect something in return for what they give, so if you're not crazy in love with Leo, she can feel it whether you like it or not.

Leo women are bound to be loved with passion. If you don't love her 100 percent, she can detect it right away. Leo women have no time or patience to be treated like queens. However, she's an expert on giving and taking, so you'll get double the attention.

All Leos respond well to every language of love. Saying some words of affirmation, doing some service, spending some precious time, and giving some extravagant gifts will make her feel valuable in your relationship. And, of course, physical contact. Leo women usually respond well to a lot of physical contact.

Leo women are natural leaders and can only change from lion to cat if they are tamed by the strong

How to attract Leo women

If the Leo girl isn't interested, she'll let you know right away. But if you hurt a Leo woman, she won't pay any more attention to you.

Every Leo person falls in love, and the love of a Leo woman is no different from the love of a Leo man. They have a big heart and a courage to move forward.

Leo women are natural leaders and can only change from lion to cat if they are tamed by the strong

6 things to know before dating a Leo woman

1. Leo women are stubborn

What you call "stubbornness" is what they call "firmness."

Leo is a fixed fire sign, which means they are proud and often a little willful. They seek stability and don't like to be opposed.

2. Leo is a bit conceited

Despite its confident appearance, it can easily hurt. Leo people love to be appreciated for their uniqueness and creativity, which means you need to comfort her from time to time.

To win her heart, you have to like her unique style, her lifestyle, and when these things are right, you have to let her know.

3. Lions like to play

Leo women are funny, observant, and like to make fun of you and make fun of you in innocuous ways. They are naughty and will often make fun of you once they feel comfortable with you.

4. They can see through your lies

Compliments will keep you away from her, but false compliments and emotional games can only take you further. Instead, take the time to really appreciate something about a Leo woman that makes her feel special. If you're not sincere, they're smart enough to see at a glance.

5. Leo women don't have time to be with cowards

Leo women are sharp, witty, funny, sociable, and usually want a man who keeps her alert. If you seem insecure and unconfident in yourself, it's a big obstacle. But at the same time, Leo women don't always want to make decisions or be responsible. They also want a man who has strong beliefs and ideas and isn't afraid to make decisions or speak their minds.

6. Leo women need their own space

Leo women are very independent and they like to be with men who are as independent as themselves. They want their partner to guide themselves, not control themselves. If you want to date a Leo woman, you have to be strong and independent or she will soon lose respect for you. But if you ignore her for too long, Leo women become alienated and angry. After all, Leo women's self-esteem is always at risk. Leo women occasionally need some alone time, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have a broad heart.

Leo women are natural leaders and can only change from lion to cat if they are tamed by the strong


Leo women are natural leaders, and only by being tamed by the strong can she change from a lion to a cat. If you have any views on this, you can leave a message in the comment area to discuss.


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