
Doctors remind: These types of women are people with a high incidence of breast tumors and need to check the breasts regularly!

The same people, the same cells are dividing, why do cancer cells appear on their own?

In fact, any disease appears for a reason, and cancer is no exception. Take the world's highest incidence of breast cancer disease, the absolute probability of cancer rate in women is higher than that of men, and more than 99% of all breast cancer patients are female. The reason why breast cancer occurs involves multiple factors and aspects.

In clinical view, the following groups of people are at high risk of breast cancer:

Doctors remind: These types of women are people with a high incidence of breast tumors and need to check the breasts regularly!

1. Have a family genetic history

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that shows obvious familial aggregation and genetic predisposition, which is mainly related to the genes in the next generation. There are a large number of studies to confirm that there are two main types of genes in breast cancer, namely BRCA1 and BRCA2.

Typically, BRCA1 carriers have a lifetime incidence of breast cancer as high as 80 percent. The prevalence of BRCA2 carriers is about 50%.

If the mother has breast cancer before menopause, especially the cancerous transformation of the double breast, the risk of breast cancer in the future is 9 times that of other people. Not only that, the age at which the second generation of breast cancer patients becomes cancerous is about 10 years earlier than other groups;

Doctors remind: These types of women are people with a high incidence of breast tumors and need to check the breasts regularly!

2. Marriage and childbearing and breastfeeding

Epidemiologically-related research surveys have shown that marriage and childbearing and breastfeeding are also among the high risk factors for breast cancer. If a woman is married but not having children, or has children after the age of 30, or has never been married, she is twice as likely to develop breast cancer as other people.

If a woman breastfeeds for every 12 months, the incidence of breast cancer is reduced by about 4%. This is mainly related to breastfeeding to promote the termination of breast epithelial differentiation, reduce genetic mutations, and prolong menstrual recovery after prolonging pregnancy by breastfeeding;

Doctors remind: These types of women are people with a high incidence of breast tumors and need to check the breasts regularly!

3. Occupational and environmental factors

If women are exposed to ionizing radiation for a long time due to their work or living environment, and they do not do a good job of effective protection, they will also increase their chances of breast cancer.

Because breast tissue is quite sensitive to the carcinogenic activity of ionizing radiation, especially in younger women, the breast is in the stage of mitosis activity and is most sensitive to the carcinogenic effects of radiation in the store.

The effect of ionizing radiation has a cumulative nature, and multiple small dose exposures or a large dose of exposure will increase the likelihood of cancer;

Doctors remind: These types of women are people with a high incidence of breast tumors and need to check the breasts regularly!

4. Unhealthy eating and living habits

The incidence and mortality of breast cancer have shown a correlation with the amount of digested fat per capita. That is to say, unscientific and unhealthy high-calorie, high-fat eating habits will increase the chance of breast cancer, and the more women who are overweight, the greater the risk of breast cancer.

In addition, long-term sedentary, lack of exercise, long-term breast restraint, smoking and alcohol abuse, etc., can increase the chance of breast cancer.

Doctors remind: These types of women are people with a high incidence of breast tumors and need to check the breasts regularly!

All in all, breast cancer is the result of multiple factors that promote cell cancer, and the genetic genes are something we cannot change.

Therefore, if you want to prevent breast cancer, what you can do is to start from the day after tomorrow, such as staying away from ionizing radiation damage, conditionally using breastfeeding as much as possible, maintaining a light and healthy diet intake, regular physical exercise, and regular breast cancer screening.

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